"In the Morning Will I Order My T HERE is nothing as important when making ready for the day, as an early morning period of physical stillness, wherein to make sure that the Truth, and the Truth only, controls our consciousness. However, that the consciousness may be clear enough to perceive the Truth, we must let go of thoughts and sensations of the material world, must relax—be still (Ps. 46:10) and know that all that truly exists is Good, and determine to know nothing else. This will free from all obstruction the "mind of the flesh" and bring it into harmony with the Mind of the Spirit with life indeed. (Rom. 8:6.) We must also be humble, (Ps. 37:11) willing to be taught, (Prov. I3:l8) to receive, and then when joy has been let into the heart, (Neh. 8:10) and gratitude is felt, we are in a condition to receive the blessing—to know the Truth, and we can be assured that Love will guide us throughout the day, that success will ultimately crown every endeavor, for all things will work together for good (Rom. 8:28). We will learn, too, that by thus daily seeking the kingdom of God, not only will all things be standing will rapidly increase because Truth will be more and more revealed. It will be well to make further preparation for the day by reading verses grouped under the various titles which bear upon our needs, selecting a command to obey and a promise upon which to lean. If we desire the Truth, we will find it here—the Truth which is the remedy for every inharmonious condition. We may not see why, perhaps we cannot, we comprehend so little of spiritual matters; and as practically all of the operations of existence are upon the spiritual plane, it is not wise to refuse to receive assistance because we cannot understand how, nor why it comes. A child may not know why 4x4 is 16, but he learns the fact and uses it, he understands later. We are commanded to become as little children. Contents Who through glad tidings, light and instruction, shows man the way to life in abundance. Man, who must make every effort to manifest this likeness if he would be happy upon earth and do Love must be the atmosphere in which we live. Joy is the result of spiritual understanding. It should It is to pay just debts, and to put one's mind in what should be its perpetual attitude that of meekness, Fear, besides being an insult to the all-powerful God Lay hold of Divine laws and learn how to use them. God knows our needs and will supply them. But by He That Is Greatest Among You Shall Be YOUR "The greatest" is the one who has the clearest under- Forgive And Ye Shall Be FORGIVEN Forgiveness cannot do its work upon a mind that is Promtses 43 49 64 Be Of Good Cheer, Thy Sins Be FORGIVEN THEE 69 I Will Help Thee 77 With God nothing is impossible. Behold, I Will Heal Thee 87 Godlikeness is revealed in perfection. Ill health is For Thine Is The POWER None other power than His must we recognize. THE LORD SHALL GUIDE THEE CONTINUALLY ..... Hence there need be no uncertainty, confusion, nor ΙΟΙ 104 He who has allied himself with the One Power can All Things Are Yours 112 When the truth concerning supply is once understood, Peace Be UNTO YOU The Peace which passeth all understanding can be ours us. HAPPY SHALT THOU BE When once assured of the unalterable plan of God to The Lord Will Lighten My DARKNESS Darkness is known only to mortal consciousness. 112 120 125 131 |