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Aam (awm), n. A measure of liquids. | Ab-duct', v. t. To take away unlaw A-back', ad. Backward. Ab'a-cŭs, n. A bench; a counting Ab-ďăc'tion, n. Act of taking away A-baft', adv. Towards the stern. a person by force. Ab-al'ien-ate, v. To alienate. Ab-duc'tor, n. A muscle; one guil A-ban'don, v. t. To give up entirely. ty of abduction. Tior. A-băn'doned (a-ban'dund), p. a. For- A-bear'ance (a-barʼans), n. Behav. [dons. A-be-ce-dā'ri-an, n. A teacher or A-bǎn'don-er, n. One who aban- a learner of the alphabet. A-ban'don-Ing, n. Act of forsaking. A-běd', ad. In or on bed. 4-băn’don’měnt, ”. Act of aban-A-běle', n. The white poplar. doning. Ab-er'rance, n. A deviation from right. [ting. Ab-er-ra'tion, n. The act of deviaA-bět', v. t. To encourage. A-bět'ter, n. One who abets; abettor. A-bět'tor, n. One who abets; an accomplice.

A-base', v. t. To humble.
A-base'ment, n. Act of abasing.
A-bash', v. t. To confuse.
A-bash'ment, n. Confusion.
A-bat'a-ble, a. That may be abated.
A-bate', v. t. To lessen.-i. i. To de-


A-bute'ment, n. The act of abating.
A-bat'er, n. That which abates.
Ab'a-tis, n. [Fr.] An intrenchment.
A-ba'tor, n. One who abates.
A-bat-toir, (a-bat-wor'), n. [Fr.] A
public slaughter-house.
Abb. n. Yarn for the warp. [father.
Ab'ba, n.
A Syriac word, signifying
Ab'ba-ey, n. Rights of an abbot.
Ab-ba'tial (-ba'shal), a.

to an abbey.
Ab'be, n. [Fr.] An abbot.
Ab'bess, n.


The governess of a nun

Abbey, n. A convent: -a church at

tached to a convent.

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Ab-bre'vi-āte, v. t. To abridge.
Ab-bre-vi-a'tion, n. Contraction.
Ab-bre'vi-a-tor, n. Abridger.
Ab-bre'vi-a-to-ry, a. Shortening.
Ab-bre'vi-a-tūre, ?. Abbreviation.
Ab'di-cănt, a.
Abdicating; renoun-
Ab'di-cāte, v. t. To abandon or re-
linquish. . i. To resign an office.
Ab-di-cā'tion, n. Act of abdica-


Ab'di-ca-tive, a. Abdicating.
Ab'di-to-ry, n. A place to hide goods
Ab-do'men, n. The belly.
Ab-dom'i-nal, a. Relating to the
Ab-dice', v. t. To draw from; to sep.

A-bey'ance (a-bā'ans), n. A state
of suspense.

Ab-hor', v. t. To detest; to abominate.
Ab-hor'rence, n. Act of abhorring

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Ab-ju'ra-to-ry, a. Relating to abju-
Ab-jure', v. t. To deny upon oath.
Ab-lac-ta'tion, n. Act of weaning;
-a method of grafting by approach."
Ab-lã-que-ã'tion (ab-la-kwe-a'shun),
n. Act of opening the ground about
the roots of trees.

Ab'la-tive, a. That takes away.
A'ble (ab), a. Having power or skill
A'ble-bodied (-bōd'íd), a. Strong of
Ab'lep-sy, n. Want of sight; blind-
Ab-lu'tion (ab-lu'shun), n. Act of
cleansing with water.

A'bly, ad. In an able manner. Ab-ne-ga'tion, n. Denial; renunciation. [regular. Ab-nor'mal, a. Contrary to rule; irA-board' (a-bōrd'), ad. On board. A-bōde', n. Habitation; dwelling. A-bol'ish, v. t. To annul; to repeal. A-bŏl'ish-a-ble, a. That may be abolished.


A-bŏl'ish-er, n. One who abolishes. Ab-o-li' tion (ab-o-lish'un), n. of abolishing; destruction. Ab-o-lĭ' tion-ism, n. The principles of the abolitionists.


Ab-o-li' tion-ist (ab-o-lish'un-Ist), n. One who favors abolition. A-bom'i-na-ble, a. Hateful; de[testably. Hatefully; deTo hate utterly; [tation.

A-bom'i-na-bly, ad.
A-bom'i-nāte, v. t.
to abhor.
A-bom-i-nā'tion, n. Hatred; detes-
Ab-o-rig'i-nal, a. Original; primi-
tive.-n. An original inhabitant.
Ab-o-rig'i-nēs (äb-o-rij'e-nez), n. pl.
[L] The earliest inhabitants of a

A-bor'tion, n. Miscarriage. [ture.
A-bor'tive, a. Unsuccessful'; imma-
A-bor'tive-ly, ad. Untimely,
A-bor'tive-ness, n. State of being

A-bound', v. i. To be in great plenty.
A-bout', prep.
Round; encircling;
near; concerning; relating to.-ad.
Circularly; nearly.
A-bove' (a-buv'), prep. In a higher
place; more than.-ad. Overhead; in a
higher place.

A-bove -board (a-bŭv'bōrd), ad. Upon deck or board; in open sight. Ab-ra-ca-dăb'ra, n. A Syrian deity. A-brāde', v. t. To rub off. A-bra'sion (a-brā’zhun), n. Act of rubbing off.

A-breast' (abrěst'), ad. Side by side. A-bridge', v. t. To make shorter in words; to contract;-to deprive of. A-bridg'er, n. One who abridges. A-bridgment, n. Contraction of a work into a smaller compass; epitome. A-brōach', v. t. To set abroach.-ad. In a posture for flowing out. A-broad' (a-brâwd'), ad. Without confinement; at large; from home. Ab'ro-gāte, v. t. To repeal; to abolish. Ab-ro-ga'tion, n. Act of abrogating. Ab-rupt', a. Broken; unconnected. Ab-rup'tion, n. Violent separation. Ab-ruptly, ad. Hastily; suddenly. Ab-rupt'ness, n. State of being abrupt. [with pus. Ab'scess (ab'sës), n. A tumor filled Ab-scind' (ab-sind), v. t. To cut off. Ab-scis'sion (ab-sish'un), n. Act of cutting off.

Ab-scond', v. i. To hide one's self. Ab-scond'er, n. One who absconds. Ab'sence, n. State of being absent.

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Ab-sõlve' (ab-zölv'), v. t. To free from.
Ab-sõlv'er, n. One who absolves.
Ab-sorb', v. t. To swallow up.
Ab-sorb'a-ble, a. That may be ab-

Ab-sorb'ent, n. Medicine that dries
up.-a. Tending to absorb.
Ab-sorpt',p. Swallowed up; absorbed.
Ab-sorp'tion, n. Act of absorbing;
Ab-sorp'tive, a. Having power to ab-
Ab-stāín', v. i. To keep from.
Ab-ste'mi-oŭs, a. Abstinent; tem-

Ab-ste'mi-oŭs-ly. ad. Temperately. Ab-stē'mi-oŭs-něss, n. Abstinence. Ab-sterge', v. t. To cleanse by wiping; to wipe.

Act of cleansing. Having the quality

Ab-ster'gent, a. Having a cleansing quality. Ab-ster'sion, n. Ab-stérʼsive, a. of cleansing. Ab'sti-něnce, n. necessary food. Ab'sti-něnt, a. Using abstinence. Ab'sti-něnt-ly, ad. In an abstinent [rate.


Forbearance of

Ab-stract', v.t. To take from; to sepaAb'strict, a. Separate; disjoined; refined.-n. A concise abridgment. Ab-străct'ed, p. a. Separated; disjoined.

Ab-stract'er, n. One who abstracts. Ab-străc'tion, n. Act of abstracting, state of being abstracted: separation. Ab-stråc'tive, a. Having the power of abstracting. [ner. Ab'stract-ly, ad. In an abstract manAb'stråct-ness, n. State of being abstract. Ab-struse'. a.

Difficult to be understood; obscure; not plain. ̧ Ab-struse/ly, ad. Obscurely; not plainly.

Ab-struse'ness, n.


Difficulty; ob

Contrary to manifest

truth; unreasonable; inconsistent

Ab-sürd', a.

Ab-surd'i-ty, n. The quality of being | Ac-cèpt/a-bly, ad. In an acceptable


Ab-surd/ly, ad. In an absurd manner. Ab-surd'ness, n. The quality of being absurd.

A-bŭn'dance, n. Great plenty; exuberance.

A-bŭn'dant, a. Plentiful; ample. A-bun'dant-ly, ad. Plentifully; copiously.

Abuse (a-büz'), v. t. To make an ill use of:-to violate; to defile. A-buse (a-büs'), n. Ill use ;-unjust censure; rude reproach. A-bū'sive, a. Containing abuse; insolent; rude. [ner A-bu'sive-ly, ad. In an abusive manA-bu'sive-něss, n. The quality of being abusive.

A-but', v. i. To end at; to border upon. A-but'ment, n. That which borders upon:-a mass of masonry at the end of a bridge.

A-but'tal, n. The butting or boundary of land.

A-bysm' (a-bizm'), n. Same as abyss. A-byss', n. A depth without bottom; a gulf.

A-ca'ci-a (a-ká'she-a), n. [L.] A shrub. Ae-a-děm❜ic, a. Relating to an academy.-n. A member of an academy. Ae-a-děm'i-cal, a. Relating to an academy.

Ac-a-de-mI'cian (ǎk-a-de-mish'an), n. A member of an academy. A-căd'e-my, n. A seminary of learning. Ac-a-na'ceous (-shus), a. Having prickles.

A can'thus, n. [L.] A spiny plant. A-căt-a-lec'tie, n. A verse which has the complete number of syllables, without excess. A-cat-a-lěp'tic,a. Incomprehensible. A-can'line, a. Having no stem or A-cân'lous, stalk; stemless. Ac-cède (ak-sēd'), v. i. To comply with; to assent. [quicken. Ac-cèl'er-ate, v. t. To hasten; to Ac-cèl-er-ā'tion, n. Act of hastening. Ac-cel'er-a-tive, a. Increasing velocity. [flamed. Ac-cen'di-ble, a. That may be inAc'cent, n. Modulation of the voice in speaking; a mark to direct the modulation of the voice. Ac-cent', v. t. To note the accent. Ac-cent’u-al (ak-sënt’yu-al),a. Rhythmical relating to accent. Ac-cent'u-ātē, v. t. To place the [the accent. Ae-cent-u-ā'tion, n. Act of placing Ac-cèpt', v. t. To take as offered; to receive.

accent on.

Ae-cept-a-bil'i-ty,n. Acceptableness Ac-cept'a-ble, a. Likely to be accepted; welcome. Ac-cept'a-ble-něss, n. The quality of being acceptable.

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Ac-cèpt'ance, n. Reception; acceptation.-The subscribing of a bill or draft.

Ac-cep-tā'tion, n. Reception; -the received meaning of a word. Ac-cept'er, n. One that accepts. Ac-cèss' or Ac'cèss, n. Approach; admission-addition; increase. Ac'ces-sa-ry, a. Contributing to a crime.-n. An accomplice. Ac-cès-si-bll'i-ty, n." State of being [proached. Ac-cès'si-ble, a. That may be apAc-cés'sion (ak-sesh'un), n. Act of coming to; approach-enlargement; augmentation.


Ac-cés'sion-al, a. Additional; added. Ac-ces-sō'ri-al, a. Relating to an accessory.

Ac'ces-so-ry, n. Same as accessary. Ac'ci-děnce, n. A book containing the first rudiments of grammar. Ac'ci-děnt, n. A property of a being not essential to it :-casualty. Ac-ci-dèn'tal, a. Having the quality of an accident :-casual. Acci-děn'tal-ly, ad. Casually; by


Ac-claim', v.t. To give applause; to

applaud.-n. Applause: acclamation. Ac-cla-ma'tion, n. Shout of applause Ac-clăm'a-to-ry, a. Pertaining to acclamation.

Ac-cli'māte, v. t. To inure to a climate; to acclimatize. Ac-cli-mā'tion, n. Act of acclimating Ac-cli'ma-tize, v. t. To acclimate. Ac-cliv'i-ty, n. Steepness reckoned upwards.

Ac-cli'vous, a. Rising with a slope. Ac-com'mo-dāte, v. t. To supply with-to adjust; to make suitable. Ac-com/mo-dāt-ing, p. a. Disposed to oblige.

Ac-com-mo-dā'tion, n. Provision of conveniences:-fitness; reconciliation.

Ac-còm-mo-da'tion-Bill, n. A bill of exchange given as an accommodation, instead of money. Ae-com'pa-ni-er, n. One who accompanies. Ac-com'pa-ni-měnt (ak-kŭm'pa-nement), n. That which attends a thing or person. Ac-com'pa-nist, n. One who performs an accompanying part. Ac-com'pa-ny (ak küm'pa-ne), v. t. To attend; to associate with. Ac-com'plice, n. An associate or one concerned in a crime. Ac-com'plish, v. t. To complete; to execute-to adorn or furnish. Ac-com'plished(ak-kom'plisht), p.a. Finished; elegant; polite; refined. Ac-com'plish-měnt, n. Comple tion-ornament of mind or body.

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