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25. Not exceeding one chief clerk in each mint or assay office, who is authorized by law to act for the superintendent or assayer in charge during his absence or disability.

26. One private secretary or confidential clerk to the superintendent, one cashier, one deposit weigh clerk, one assistant coiner, one assistant melter and refiner, and one assistant assayer in each mint or assay office.

Provided, That appointments to the positions named in this rule in clauses 13, 14, 15, 16, 22, and 23 shall be subject to an examination, to be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury, equivalent to the examination held by the Commission for positions of like grade Such examinations shall be conducted by the Commission in accordance with its regulations: Provided, That examinations may be waived by the Secretary of the Treasury for appointments in the Alaska customs service and internal-revenue service in Alaska.

War Department.

27. Not exceeding one clerk to each army paymaster in actual service.

Department of Justice.

28. Wardens, chaplains, and physicians in the United States penitentiaries or prisons.

29. Not to exceed one private secretary or confidential clerk to each United States district attorney.

30. Examiners.

Post-Office Department.

31. The Assistant Attorney-General for the Post-Office Department.

32. Not exceeding one private secretary or confidential clerk to the Assistant Attorney-General.

33. Not exceeding one private secretary or confidential clerk to the postmaster, if authorized by the Postmaster-General, at each post-office where the receipts of the last preceding fiscal year amounted to as much as $350,000.

34. One assistant postmaster or the chief assistant to the postmaster, of whatever designation, at each post-office.

35. Not exceeding one auditor at the post-office in New York City.

36. Not exceeding one finance clerk, if authorized by law and regularly and actually assigned to act as auditor, at each post-office where the receipts for the last preceding fiscal year amounted to as much as $350,000.

37. Not exceeding one cashier or finance clerk at each first-class post-office.

38. Not exceeding one cashier or one finance clerk at each post-office where the receipts for the last preceding fiscal year amounted to as much as $500,000. 39. Not exceeding one cashier and two finance clerks at each post-office where the receipts for the last preceding fiscal year amounted to as much as $1,000,000.

40. Not exceeding one cashier and three finance clerks at each post-office where the receipts for the last preceding fiscal year amounted to as much as $2,000,000.

41. Not exceeding one clerk, who shall be a regular physician, at each first-class post-office, when authorized by the Postmaster-General, to examine applications for sick leave, and also to act as a general utility clerk.

Department of the Interior.

42. The superintendent of the Hot Springs Reservation.

43. One special land inspector.

44. Inspectors of coal mines in the Territories.

45. Special agents employed, as necessity for their employment may arise, for the purpose of protecting public lands.

46. The inspectors of surveyors-general and district land offices.

47. Superintendents of irrigation in the Indian service.

48. Superintendents of logging in the Indian service.

49. Five special Indian agents, as authorized by law.

50. Special agents for the allotment of land in severalty to the Indians, as the necessity for their employment may arise.

51. Special commissioners to negotiate with Indians, as the necessity for their employment may arise.

52. Engineers to make surveys of reservation boundary lines and surveys at Indian agencies, as the necessity for their employment may arise.

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53. Examiners of Indian timber lands, as the necessity for their employment • may arise.

54. One financial clerk at each Indian agency to act as agent during the absence or disability of the agent.

55. All positions in the Alaska school service.

56. Not exceeding five special pension examiners to investigate fraudulent and other pension claims of a criminal nature.

57. One clerk at each pension agency to act for the agent during his absence or disability.

Department of Agriculture.

58. Agents and experts who are temporarily appointed and employed in making investigations and furnishing information for the Department, as provided by law or under the direction of the head of the Department, which agents and experts shall be borne on the rolls as such and be actually engaged in the duties for which they are appointed, and whose payment has been authorized by law.

59. One statistical agent in each State and Territory where authorized by law.

Smithsonian Institution.

60. The Assistant Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, in charge of the United States National Museum.


The following-mentioned positions or employees are not subject to any of the provisions of the rules, except sections 1, 2, and 3 of Rule II:

(a) A number of positions with salaries not exceeding $300 per annum, the duties of which permit the employees to engage in other regular business or occupation. (b) Any person in the military or naval service of the United States who is detailed for the performance of civil duties.

(c) Any person employed in a foreign country under the State Department or who is temporarily employed in a confidential capacity in a foreign country under any executive department or other office.

(d) Any position the duties of which are of a quasi-military or quasi-naval character, and for the performance of which duties a person is enlisted for a term of years, or positions in the Revenue-Cutter Service where the persons enlist for the season of navigation only.

(e) Any local physician employed temporarily as acting assistant surgeon in the Marine-Hospital Service.

(f) Any person employed in the Marine-Hospital Service as quarantine attendant at the Gulf, South Atlantic, Tortugas, Reedy Island, and Angel Island quarantines; and any person temporarily employed as quarantine attendant on quarantine vessels or in camps or stations established for quarantine purposes during epidemics of contagious diseases in the United States or beyond the seas.

(g) Any person in the Quartermaster's Department at large of the United States Army employed as train master, chief packer, foreman packer, pack master, master baler, foreman of laborers, superintendent of stables, or forage master. Appointments to these positions shall be made hereafter on registration tests of fitness prescribed in regulations to be issued by the Secretary of War and approved by the President.

(h) Any person in the Medical Department at large of the United States Army employed as chief packer, packer, or assistant packer. Appointments to these positions shall be made hereafter on registration tests of fitness prescribed in regulations to be issued by the Secretary of War and approved by the President.

(i) Any person in the Ordnance Department at large of the United States Army employed as foreman, assistant foreman, forage master, weigher, skilled laborer, guard, or on piecework. Appointments to these positions shall be made hereafter on registration tests of fitness prescribed in regulations to be issued by the Secretary of War and approved by the President.

(j) Any person in the Engineer Department at large of the United States Army employed as subinspector, overseer, suboverseer, superintendent, master lock manager, deputy lock manager, assistant superintendent of canal, chief deputy inspector, deputy inspector, rodman, stadiaman, chainman, foreman, timekeeper, lock master, assistant lock master, custodian, storekeeper, fort keeper, torpedo keeper, assistant torpedo keeper, light keeper, board master, subforeman, master laborer, gauge reader, steward, dam tender, assistant dam tender, helper, carpenter's helper,

machinist's helper, quarry master, blacksmith's helper, climber, barge master, recorder of vessels, track man, gardener, assistant gardener, or weigher. Appointments to these positions shall be made hereafter on registration tests of fitness prescribed in regulations to be issued by the Secretary of War and approved by the President.

(k) Any person in the national military parks at Gettysburg, Shiloh, Chickamauga, Chattanooga, Vicksburg, and Antietam employed as commissioner, assistant in historical work, agent for purchases of land, historian, secretary, rodman, chainman, assistant superintendent, chief guardian, guardian, guard, inspector, carpenter, steam engineer, or painter. Appointments to these positions shall be made hereafter on registration tests of fitness prescribed in regulations to be issued by the Secretary of War and approved by the President.

(7) Any person employed as office or field deputy in the office of a United States


(m) All persons at navy-yards, naval stations, and at private shipbuilding and manufacturing establishments where work is done by contract for the Navy Department, employed as special mechanics and civilian assistant inspectors of work and materials (including ordnance, armor, armor plate, marine engines, hulls, buildings, dredging, etc.). Appointments to these positions shall be made hereafter on tests of fitness prescribed in paragraphs 74 to 83, inclusive, of Navy-yard Order No. 23, revised. Pending the result of such examinations the Secretary of the Navy may appoint to the above positions qualified persons for a period not to exceed thirty days.

(n) All physicians employed as pension examining surgeons, whether organized in boards or working individually under the direction of the Commissioner of Pensions. This paragraph shall not include medical examiners in the Pension Office.

(0) Indians employed in the Indian service at large, except those employed as superintendents, teachers, teachers of industries, kindergartners, and physicians. (p) Temporary clerks employed in United States local land offices to reduce testimony to writing in contest cases, not paid from Government funds.

(9) Temporary clerks employed in the offices of surveyors-general, and paid from the funds deposited by individuals for surveying public lands.


Among the most important provisions of the civil-service rules are those directed against removal for political or religious reasons. The order of the President, promulgated July 27, 1897, as section 8 of Rule II, is one of these. It forbids removal from any position subject to competitive examination except for just cause and upon written charges filed with the appointing officer and of which the accused shall have a copy and an opportunity to make defense.


The Public Printer has charge of all business relating to the public printing and binding. He appoints the officers and employees of the Government Printing Office, and purchases all necessary machinery and material.

The Chief Clerk has general supervision of the clerks and clerical work of the office. He conducts the correspondence relating to public business, and performs such other duties as may be assigned to him by the Public Printer.

The Foreman of Printing has charge of all matter which is to be printed. His department consists of the following divisions: The Document, Job, Specification, Press, Folding, Stereotype, and Congressional Record rooms, as well as the various branch offices.

The Foreman of Binding has charge of the Bindery, in which division all work requiring binding, ruling, or marbling is executed. The binderies of the branch offices are under his supervision.

The Superintendent of Documents has general supervision of the distribution of all public documents, excepting those printed for the use of the two Houses of Congress and the Executive Departments. He is required to prepare a comprehensive index of public documents and consolidated index of Congressional documents, and is authorized to sell at cost any public document in his charge, the distribution of which is not specifically directed.


(Northwest corner of Sixth and B streets SW.)

The United States Commission of Fish and Fisheries was established by joint resolution of Congress approved February 9, 1871. It is placed in charge of a Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries, who is required to be a person of scientific and practical acquaintance with the fish and fisheries of the sea, coast, and inland waters. Reports are made annually to Congress.

The scope of the work of the Commission covers (1) the propagation of useful food fishes, including lobsters, oysters, and other shellfish, and their distribution to suitable waters; (2) the inquiry into the causes of decrease of food fishes in the lakes, rivers, and coast waters of the United States, the study of the waters of the coast and interior in the interest of fish culture, and the investigation of the fishing grounds of the Atlantic, Gulf, and Pacific coasts, with the view of determining their food resources and the development of the commercial fisheries; (3) the collection and compilation of the statistics of the fisheries and the study of their methods and relations.

In the prosecution of its work the Commission has 34 stations, situated in different parts of the country, 5 fish-distributing cars, 2 steam vessels, and I sailing vessel.

(Organized September 4, 1890.)

That uniform usage in regard to geographic nomenclature and orthography shall obtain throughout the Executive Departments of the Government, and particularly upon maps and charts issued by the various Departments and Bureaus, this Board is constituted. To it shall be referred all unsettled questions concerning geographic names which arise in the Departments, and the decisions of the Board are to be accepted by the Departments as the standard authority in such matters.


The Bureau of the American Republics was established under the recommendation of the International American Conference in 1890 for the prompt collection and distribution of commercial information concerning the American Republics. It publishes translations of the tariffs of the countries of Latin America reduced to the United States equivalents; also handbooks of these countries, a monthly bulletin containing the latest information respecting their resources, commerce, and general features, and The Commercial Directory of the American Republics, an international publication. Replies are also furnished to inquiries in relation to the commercial and other affairs of the countries, and items of news giving recent laws of general interest, development of railways, agriculture, mines, manufactures, shipping, etc., are given to the press. The Bureau is sustained by contributions from the several American Republics in proportion to their population.


(Bliss Building, 35 B street NW.)

This Commission was established by act of Congress approved June 18, 1898. It is composed of nineteen members-five Senators appointed by the President of the Senate, five Representatives appointed by the Speaker of the House, and nine civilians appointed by the President of the United States. The duties of the Commission are to investigate questions pertaining to immigration, labor, agriculture, manufacturing, and general business, and to report to Congress and suggest such legislation as deemed best upon these subjects. It shall also furnish such information and suggest such laws as may be made a basis for uniform legislation by the various States.


(In Capitol Building.)

MELVILLE WESTON FULLER, Chief Justice of the United States, was born in Augusta, Me., February 11, 1833; was graduated from Bowdoin College in 1853; studied law, attended a course of lectures at Harvard Law School, and was admitted to the bar in 1855; formed a law partnership in Augusta, Me., and was an associate editor of a Democratic paper called The Age; in 1856 became president of the common council, and served as city solicitor; removed to Chicago, Ill., in 1856, where he practiced law until appointed Chief Justice; in 1862 was a member of the State constitutional convention; was a member of the State legislature from 1863 to 1865; was a delegate to the Democratic national conventions of 1864, 1872, 1876, and 1880; the degree of LL. D. was conferred upon him by the Northwestern University and by Bowdoin College in 1888, and by Harvard in 1890; was appointed Chief Justice April 30, 1888, confirmed July 20, 1888, and took the oath of office October 8, same year. JOHN MARSHALL HARLAN, Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court, was born in Boyle County, Ky., June 1, 1833; was graduated from Center College, Kentucky, in 1850; studied law at Transylvania University; practiced his profession at Frankfort; was elected county judge in 1858; was elector on the Bell and Everett ticket; removed to Louisville and formed a law partnership with Hon. W. F. Bullock; in 1861 raised the Tenth Kentucky Infantry Regiment and served in Gen. George H. Thomas's division; owing to the death of his father in the spring of 1863, although his name was before the Senate for confirmation as a brigadier-general, he felt compelled to resign; was elected attorney-general by the Union party in 1863 and filled the office until 1867, when he returned to active practice in Louisville; was the Republican nominee for governor in 1871; his name was presented by the Republican convention of his State in 1875 for the Vice-Presidency; was chairman of the delegation from his State to the national Republican convention in 1876; declined a diplomatic position as a substitute for the Attorney-Generalship, to which, before he reached Washington, President Hayes intended to assign him; served as a member of the Louisiana commission; was commissioned an Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court November 29, 1877, and took his seat December 10, same year.

HORACE GRAY, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, was born in Boston, Mass., March 24, 1828; was graduated from Harvard College in the class of 1845 and from the Harvard Law School in 1849; was admitted to the bar in 1851; was appointed reporter of the supreme judicial court of Massachusetts in 1854 and held the position until 1861; was appointed associate justice of the supreme judicial court of Massachusetts August 23, 1864, and chief justice of that court September 5, 1873; was commissioned an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States by President Arthur December 19, 1881.

DAVID JOSIAH BREWER, Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court, was born in Smyrna, Asia Minor, June 20, 1837; is the son of Rev. Josiah Brewer and Emilia A. Field, sister of David Dudley, Cyrus W., and Justice Stephen J. Field; his father was an early missionary to Turkey; was graduated from Yale College in 1856 and from the Albany Law School in 1858; established himself in his profession at Leavenworth, Kans., in 1859, where he resided until he removed to Washington to enter upon his present duties; in 1861 was appointed United States commissioner; from 1862 to 1865 was judge of the probate and criminal courts of Leavenworth County; from 1865 to 1869 was judge of the district court; from 1869 to 1870 was county attorney of Leavenworth; in 1870 was elected a justice of the supreme court of his State, and reelected in 1876 and 1882; in 1884 was appointed judge of the circuit court of the United States for the Eighth district; was appointed to his present position, to succeed Justice Stanley Matthews, deceased, in December, 1889, and was commissioned December 18, 1889.

HENRY BILLINGS BROWN, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, was born in South Lee, Mass., March 2, 1836; was graduated from Yale College in 1856; studied law for some time in a private office; attended lectures

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