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Barrett, W.


On the Amounts of Water and Phosphorus contained in the Cerebral Hemispheres and Spinal Cords in General Paralysis of the Insane and in other Conditions. Archives of Neurology, 1899.

Bethe, A.

Archiv für exp. Pathologie und Pharmakologie, 1902, 48, 73.
Coriat, I. H.

A Contribution to the Chemistry of Nerve Degeneration in General
Paralysis and other Mental Disorders. Am. Jour. of Insanity,

1903, 59, No. 3.

The Chemical Findings in the Cerebro-Spinal Fluid and Central Nerv ous System in various Mental Diseases. Am. Jour. of Insanity, 1904, 59, No. 4.

The Cerebro-Spinal Fluid in Hydrocephalus. Am. Jour. of Physiology, 1903, 10, No. 3.

The Production of Cholin from Lecithin and Brain Tissue. Am. Jour. of Physiology, 1904, 12, No. 4.

Donath, J.

Die Behandlung der progressiven Paralyse. Allg. Zeitschrift für Psychiatrie, 1903, 60, H. 4.

Zeitschrift für physiol. Chemie, Oct., 1903.

Der Phosphorsäuregehalt der Cerebro-spinalflüssigkeit bei verschiedenen insbesondere Nervenkrankheiten. Zeit. für physiol. Chemie, 1904, 42, H. 1 and 2.

Die Bedeutung des Cholins in Epilepsie. Deut. Zeit. für Nervenheil kunde, 1904, 27, H. 1 and 2.

Gutinkov, S.

Zu Lehre von der chemischen Zusammensetzung des menschlichen
Gehirns. Zeit. f. Psychiatric, 1897, 53, 270-329.

Halliburton, W. D.

The Croonian Lectures on the Chemical Side of Nervous Activity.

The Coagulation Temperature of Cell-Globulin and its bearing on
Hyperpyexia. Archives of Neurology, 1903, 2.

Halliburton, W. D. and Mott, F. W.

The Physiological Action of Cholin and Neurin. Philosophical Transactions, No. 7, 1899.

Hatai, S.

The Effect of Lecithin on the Growth of the White Rat. American
Journal of Physiology, 1903, 10, No. 1.

The Effect of Partial Starvation on the Brain of the White Rat.
Jour. of Physiology, 1904, 12, No. 1.

Koch, W.

Zur Kenntniss des Lecithins, Kephalins und Cerebrins aus Nerven-
substanz. Zeit. für physiol. Chemie, 36, H. 2 and 3.
The Lecithins. Decennial Publications, University of Chicago, 1902.
Die Lecithine und ihre Bedeutung für die lebende Zelle.
Zeit. für
physiol. Chemie, 1903, 37, H. . 3.

Methods for the Quantitative Chemical Analysis of the Brain and Cord.
Am. Jour. of Physiology, 1904, 11, No. 3.

Levene, P. A.

On the nucleo-proteid of the Brain. Archives of Neurology and Psychopathology, 1899, 2, Nos. 1-2.

On the Chemistry of the Chromatin Substance of the Nerve Cell. Jour. of Medical Research, 1903, 10, No. 2.

On the Autolysis of Brain Tissue. Journal of Medical Research, 1903, 10, No. 2.


Von der Beziehungen des Tigroids zu Kern und Plasma.
Psychiatrie u. Neurologie, 1903, 12, H. 3.

Mott, F. W.

Monat. für

Note upon the Cholin Test for Active Degeneration of the Nervous
System. Archives of Neurology, 1903, 2.

Mott, F. W. and Barratt, W.

Noll, A.

Observations on the Chemistry of Nerve Degeneration. Archives of
Neurology, 1899, 1.

Ueber die quantitativen Beziehungen des Protagon Zum Nervenmark.
Zeit. für Physiol. Chemie, 1899, 27, H, 4 and 5.

Scott, F. H.

On the Structure, Microchemistry and Development of Nerve cells; with special reference to their Nuclein compounds. Trans. Canadian Inst. 1898 and 1899, 6.

Sicard, J. A.

Le Liquide Céphalo-Rachidien. Paris, 1902.

Thudichum, J. L. W.

Die chemische Konstitution des Gehirns des Menschen und der Tiere. 1901.

Wilson, M. S.

La Choline dans le Liquide Céphalo-Rachidien comme une signe de
Dégénération Nerveuse. Rev. Neurologique, April 30, 1904.

Wood, H. C. Jr.,

On the Toxic Action of the Decomposition Products of Lecithin.
Univ. of Penn. Med. Bull., May, 1902.


Burkholder, J. F. The Anatomy of the Brain. A Study of the Human Brain from the Brain of the Sheep. A Manual for Students in Medicine, Biology and Psychology. With an introduction by Professor HENRY H. DONALDSON. 175 Pages, 32 Full Page Plates. Chicago: G. P. Engelhard & Co., 1904.

This is a laboratory manual designed to for whom human material is not accessible

meet the needs of those in sufficient amount for

There are unfortunately sevsuch as the confusion in the Plate IX is defective also in

thorough demonstration purposes. It is well adapted to serve this purpose in medical schools and colleges, the text being clear, the figures good and the arrangement logical. eral misprints, some of serious nature, designations of Plates VIII and IX. that it does not show as clearly as such a dissection should show the ventricular boundaries. On the whole, however, the work is very well done and the book deserves a wide circulation. It should do much toward moderizing the instruction on the nervous system, both in medical schools and colleges. C. J. H.

Smith, G. Elliot. Studies in the Morphology of the Human Brain with special Reference to that of the Egyptians. No. I. The Occipital Region. Records of the Egyptian Gov't. School of Medicine, Vol. 2, pp. 125-170, 2 plates and 47 text-figures. Cairo, 1904.

The ultimate purpose of this series of studies the author states to be anthropological. And he adds, "The aim of these preliminary morphological studies is to enable us to discriminate between important and valueless features, between the kind of information that is worth collecting and that which it would be a mere waste of time to seek." This, then, is the motive underlying the present elaborate comparative study of the occipital region: to learn the relative value of the data upon which our conclusions are to be based." In reaching his conclusions regarding the homologies in this region (for which the original memoir must be consulted) the author studied more than 600 hemispheres of various Primates of every genus and about 2000 human hemispheres. The importance of the paper, however, lies not so much in the fixing of particular homologies as in the sifting out of the essential landmarks from the unimportant variations. C. J. H.

Sterzi, G. Die Blutgefässe des Rückenmarks. Untersuchungen über ihre vergleichende Anatomie und Entwickelungsgeschichte. Anatom. Hefte (Merkel u. Bonnet), I Abt., 24, 1904, pp. 364, 4 plates and 37 text-figures. This is an important contribution to a field which has been but little cultivated-the comparative anatomy of the blood supply of the spinal cord. The work is divided into two parts, anatomical and embryological. In the first, representative types of the several animal classes are successively described and in the second the development. of typical species is followed. Each section is followed by a summary and a brief general review closes each part. The general conclusions are that the blood vessels of the spinal cord divide in such a manner as to bring about more effective nutrition of the nervous matter the higher we ascend in the animal series, and that the ontogenetic stages traced out represent stages in the phylogenies of their species.

C. J. H.

Prince, Morton. The Course of the Sensory Fibers in the Spinal Cord and Some Points in Spinal Localization Based on a Case of Section of the Cord. Journ. Nerv. Ment. Dis., 32, 81-100.

A stab wound in the neck severed both dorsal funicles completely and the lateral funicles on one side more deeply than on the other. Tactile sensation was preserved on one side, showing clearly that such sensation is not transmitted exclusively by the dorsal funicles. A study of the hemianaesthesia shows that tactile sensation is transmitted by the lateral funicles of the opposite side. The case is important as presenting an unusually clearly defined lesion with excellent opportunities for careful study. The paper is accompanied by a digest of the literature.

C. J H. Cushing, Harvey. The Sensory Distribution of the Fifth Cranial Nerve. Bull. Johns Hopkins Hospital, 15, 213-232, 1904.

An exhaustive and fully illustrated study based chiefly on clinical examination of patients previously operated upon for complete extirpation of the Gasserian ganglion and of the cervical nerves. The cutaneous distribution is mapped more accurately than has hitherto been done and also the mucous membrane field within the mouth. In the latter field the observations show complete anaesthesia to all forms of sensation, including such irritants as ammonia fumes, on the whole of the operated side, with two exceptions. (1) The area at the base of the tongue supplied by the glossopharyngeus retains not only its sense of taste, but also general sensation unimpaired. (2) The second exception is the preservation of sensation in the field supplied by the chorda tympani of the facialis. The sensation of taste is not affected

in the slightest degree in any of these cases, and, while ordinary tactile, thermal and pain sensations are abolished, there remains in this second field a sensibility to a moving contact which leads the author to suspect the existence of fibers of general sensation in the chorda tympani. This peculiar sensation was found to be totally absent, as well as gustatory sensation, in a case in which the operation had involved the facial as well as the trigeminus nerve.

The clinical data are controlled by a discussion of the adult anatomy, the comparative anatomy and the embryological relations, the results of which clear up several vexed questions of peripheral nerve distribution, as well as strengthen to the point of demonstration some of the homologies proposed by recent students of nerve components in the lowliest vertebrates..

C. J. H.

Pinkus, Felix. Ueber ein dem menschlichen Haar benachbartes Sinnesorgan. Verhl. Ges. Deutscher Naturf. u. Aerzte. 75 Versam., Cassel. Zweiter Teil II, Hefte, Med. Abt., pp. 344-346, 1904.

Dr. PINKUS describes the hair and its accessory structures and considers that in position and structure these parts are analogous to the scales of reptiles. The human hair preserves the triple-hair structure characteristic of all mammals though the schema is often reduced to a single hair. A rudimentary scale lies immediately in front of the hair, while the sensory organ under consideration occupies a position behind (i. e. in the acute angle of) the hair. Histologically this knob-like body consists of a broad cutico-papilla with thickened epidermis. This structure, the under surface of whose epithelium is composed of pallisade-like cells, is highly innervated. The theoretical conclusions, which seem perhaps considerably to overbalance the meagre descriptive portions, are as follows: "We have to do, therefore, with an organ of great antiquity the fundamental form of which is perhaps preserved to us in the form of a genuine epithelial sensory ridge, in Hatteria punctata presumably the oldest reptile." Our author agrees with KEIBEL that the hair is "homologous with a specially modified part of a scale."

C. L. H.

Goldstein, Kurt. Zur Frage der Existenzberechtigung der sogenannten Bo

genfurchen des embryonalen menschlichen Gehirnes, nebst einigen weiter. en Bemerkungen zur Entwickelung des Balkens und der Capsula interna. Anat. Anz., 24, 579-595, 1904.

The author finds no cerebral fissures in the human embryo of 34 to 4 months. The so-called Fissura prima (vordere Bogenfurche of HIS) is not a true fissure, but it might properly be called a "sulcus olfactorius" or "fovea olfactoria." Contrary to the idea of His, also,

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