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danger; that he had rejoiced when he heard it praised, and was filled with indignation when it was traduced; that his own fame was inseparably bound up in its glory, and that it could "not be supposed that at this late stage of the war he was indifferent to its interests," and pledged himself then and there anew to see all their wrongs redressed, all their rights established. As his deepening voice re-asserted his love for the army and steadfast adherence to its fortunes, eyes unaccustomed to weep overflowed with tears. Taking fire, as he proceeded, at the infamous advice to take up arms against their country, he exclaims, "My God! what can this writer have in view in recommending such measures? Can he be a friend to the country? No; he is plotting the ruin of both!

out from among the trees, were scattered the huts of the encampment, where the army, half clad, half starved, and unpaid, lay murmuring and discontented. His eye rested for a moment upon them with a sad expression; then, dismounting and handing his horse to an orderly, he entered the building, packed with an anxious, waiting audience. Every eye was turned as that tall majestic form passed through the door and moved toward the raised platform at the other end of the room. His heavy footfall on the uncarpeted floor fell clear and distinct as the blows of a hammer in the profound silence. As he stepped upon it and turned around and cast his eye over the assembly, the painful sadness of his face showed that his great heart was stirred to its profoundest depths, and sent a thrill of sympathy through the room. As his eye swept over "Let me conjure you in the name of the throng he knew every countenance of our common country, as you value your those who composed it. They had been own sacred honor, as you respect the his comrades for seven long years. Shoul- rights of humanity, as you regard the der to shoulder they had moved beside him military or national character of Ameriin the deadly conflict. He had heard ca, to express your utmost horror and detheir battle-shout on the fields of his fame testation of the man who wishes under as they bore him on to victory. Brave any specious pretense to overturn the libmen were they all, on whom he had erties of our country, and who wickedly relied, and not in vain, in the hour of attempts to open the flood-gates of civil deadly peril. A thousand proofs of their discord, and deluge our rising empire in devotion came rushing back on his mem- blood." He urged them to exhibit the ory, and their toils and suffering rose before same steadfast patriotism and devotion to him till his heart swelled over them in af- duty that had ever characterized them, fection and sorrow. He could have no aud wait patiently for the justice their words of rebuke for them-only words of country was sure to render them. He love and sympathy. Absorbed in his closed this noble address in the following feelings he forgot his spectacles as he un- impressive language: "By thus determinrolled his manuscript. Pausing he took ing and acting you will pursue the plain them from his pocket, and remarked, in a and direct road to the attainment of your tone subdued by emotion, "These eyes, wishes; you will defeat the insidious demy friends, have grown dim, and these signs of our enemies, who are compelled locks white in the service, yet I never to resort from open force to secret artidoubted the justice of my country." They fice; and you will give one more distinwere simple words, but the sad, suppress-guished proof of unexampled patriotism ed tone in which they were uttered sent a and patient virtue, rising superior to the thrill through the room, and lips quivered and eyes moistened that had never blanched in the fiercest whirlwind of battle. He began this immortal address by referring to the anonymous writer of the appeal, and denouncing his conduct and advice in unsparing language, and then with a changed voice spoke of the army, its sufferings and devotion, of his own deep abiding attachment to it, saying that he had always been its "faithful friend"; had never left it except when called away by duty, but had ever been its companion in distress and

most complicated sufferings, and you will by the dignity of your conduct afford occasion for posterity to say, when speaking of the glorious example you have exhibited to mankind: Had this day been wanting, the world had never seen the last stage of perfection to which human virtue is capable of attaining."

With a stately bow he descended the platform and walked out of the building. As he passed through the door, Knox immediately arose and moved that the thanks of the officers be tendered to the commander

[graphic][merged small]

in-chief for his address, and to "assure him that the officers reciprocated his affectionate expressions with the greatest sincerity of which the human heart is capable." Other resolutions followed, which were unanimously carried. The deed was done, the rising storm sank to rest, and the terrible crisis was past. It was no figure of speech when he said that the course advised by this anonymous writer would drench this rising empire in blood. Civil war would inevitably have followed, the divided colonies easily fallen again into the hands of England.


Washington rode back to his headquarters, and received with a relieved and happy heart the congratulations of his officers. The rumors of peace that now from time to time reached the army were at length confirmed, and on the 11th of April Congress issued a procla

* It was afterward discovered that this dangerous appeal was written by Major John Armstrong, an aide-de-camp of Gates. It is but justice to say that after Washington became President, he, after hearing Armstrong's vindication of himself, acquitted him of acting from treasonable motives.

mation that hostilities had ceased, but Washington did not make it known till the 18th. In the earlier years of the war men had enlisted for a certain time, but this time often expiring at the beginning or in the middle of a campaign, it caused great confusion and often disaster, so that at length they were enlisted for the war; and Washington was troubled lest the men should construe this proclamation as ending the war, and demand their immediate discharge. Still he saw it could not be kept secret, and he issued an order on the 18th of April announcing it.

"HEAD-QUARTERS, NEWBURGH, April 18, 1783. "The commander-in-chief orders the cessation of hostilities between the United States of America and the King of Great Britain to be publicly read to-morrow at 12 o'clock at the new building, and the proclamation which will be communicated here with to be read tomorrow evening at the head of every regiment lains with the several brigades will render and corps of the army. After which the chapthanks to Almighty God for all His mercies, particularly for His overruling the wrath of men to His own glory, aud causing the rage of war to cease among the nations."

Here are more than a hundred pieces of timber, all but a few from thirty to nineteen feet long and seven inches square, for a frame on which to hang lights. This would be considered a gigantic operation at the present day even. But who in the

He then goes on to say that having accomplished such glorious results, and preserved such a noble character through all their trials, and immortalized themselves by receiving the appellation of the "Patriot Army," nothing more remains but to maintain that character to the very | Continental army could get up such a last act, and close the drama with ap- display? This is explained by the followplause, and retire from the military thea- ing order issued the next day. "Each tre with the same approbation of men commanding officer of a brigade is requestand angels which has crowned all their ed to appoint an officer to assist Colonel former virtuous actions. To secure this Gouvion in making preparations for the ilend, he says, strict discipline must be lumination. Colonel Gouvion will meet maintained until Congress shall order the officers at 12 o'clock to-morrow at the their final discharge. He promises them new building." It is seen that a French his aid and influence, but in the mean time officer familiar with such displays got up is determined that " no military neglects the affair, and as Continental money was or excesses shall go unpunished." so worthless it would take a cart-load to buy a chicken, it is fair to presume that French money paid for it. A busy scene followed. Where now are richly cultivated farms, great forests stood, which were soon filled with soldiers; and laughter and song mingled with the sound of the axe and crashing of trees-felled not for the purpose of building breast works, but for the celebration of peace. Seventeen regiments and battalions swarming the woods, some hewing the timbers and others bearing them on their shoulders to their place of destination, made an exciting scene. Their arms were left in their huts, and though many were shoeless and in rags, cold and wet were alike forgotten in the approaching day of jubilee.

After giving directions about preparations for the celebration, the proclamation concludes with the following significant sentence, which doubtless conveyed more meaning to many a poor half-starved soldier than all the high compliments that had preceded it: "An extra ration of liquor to be issued to every man to-morrow, to drink perpetual peace and independence and happiness to the United States of America."

Accompanying this proclamation for a day of jubilee, which is an excellent example of Washington's remarkable sagacity, he issued the next day the following order for another celebration, that has only recently come to light, and shows that, considering the poverty of the soldiers and citizens at that time, it must have been on a grand scale:

NEWBURGH HEAD-QUARTERS, April 19, 1783. To erect a frame for an illumination the several corps of the cantonment are to square and deliver at the new building, on Monday next, the following pieces of timber, viz.:

[blocks in formation]

Although the first formal celebration was to commence at 12 o'clock with prayer, an anthem of praise accompanied by the band, and followed by three thundering huzzas, the excited soldiers could not wait till then, but ushered in the day with firing of guns and shouts and songs till hill and valley rang again. Heath says that the effect was grand when the army with excited voices thundered forth the anthem "Independence," by Billings:

"The States, O Lord, with songs of praise Shall in Thy strength rejoice;

And, blest with Thy salvation, raise

To heaven their cheerful voice."

And from plain and hill-top, field and for-
est, there rose strong and great against
the sky,

"And all the Continent shall ring,
Down with this earthly king;

No king but God."

When night came the piles of combustible materials that had been heaped on the summits of Berean Mountains and


Storm King to signal the advance of the enemy were lighted up, not to herald the approach of the

foe, but blazed from their lofty tops like great altar fires to the God of peace. In June furloughs were granted, and the army dwindled away.

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Still a

portion was left to guard the stores and remove them when peace should be established. Besides, there were a great many invalids; many had no homes to go to; many were in rags and not fit to be seen on the highways; and others who had no means of getting away, and could travel only as beggars, preferred to remain behind and wait for their long-promised pay. But at length the treaty of peace was concluded, and the army must be disbanded. This was the last and most touching act in the whole drama. The joy of the celebration was now forgotten in the sadness of parting and the gloomy prospect before them. On the morning of the 3d of November the few remaining troops assembled for the last time, and here

"In their ragged regimentals

Stood the old Continentals,"

prospect of a miserable subsistence in the future."

Major North, another witness of the painful scene, says: "The inmates of the same tent for seven long years grasped each other's hands in silent agony; to go they knew not whither; all recollection of the art to thrive by civil service lost, or to the youthful never known; their hard-earned military knowledge worse than useless, and to be cast out into the world by them long since forgotten; to go in silence and alone, and poor and helpless. It was too hard. Oh, on that sad day how many hearts were wrung! I saw it all, nor will the scene be ever blotted from my view."

The brave, kind-hearted Steuben looked on the scene with pitying eyes. Seeing Colonel Cochrane, a brave, gallant officer, standing apart and leaning on his sword,

"For myself," replied the officer, "I can stand it; but," pointing to a mere hovel near by, he added, "my wife and daughters are in that wretched tavern. I have nowhere to carry them, nor even money to remove them."

"Come, come," said the baron; "I will pay my respects to Mrs. Cochrane and your daughters;" and leaving him standing alone, he strode away to the tavern, where he found the ladies sunk in despondency. The sight was too much for the brave old veteran, and emptying his purse on the table, he hastened away to escape their tears and their blessings.

to hear the farewell address of their great while his face expressed the deepest sadleader. Never more would they beholdness, he approached him and said, “Cheer him in their midst, never again see him up; better times are coming." ride along their firm-set lines, the light of battle in his eye, and words of encouragement on his lips. Years of common suffering and common danger had endeared him to them, and in the sorrow of that final parting the joys of peace were remembered no more. When the reading was finished, the band struck up the tune of "Roslyn Castle," which was always played when they bore a dead comrade to his grave, and as the mournful strains lingered on the air they broke ranks for the last time, and the last of the glorious Revolutionary army disappeared from sight forever, but yet to live in the memory and affection of the country they saved, and be Some left by water in sloops, and some again summoned in imagination from their on foot, and soon the last tent was struck, graves in these centennial years to receive and the flag that had swung for more than the plaudits of their descendants. The a year and a half from this old building scene that followed was heart-rending. was taken down, the last morning and Many a gallant officer whose sword had evening gun had been fired, and silence flashed along the line in the smoke of bat- and solitude fell on the place. tle must now give it up, and penniless beg his way as a pauper to his long-abandoned and impoverished home.

Says Dr. Thatcher, who was present: "Painful was the parting; no description can be adequate to the tragic exhibition. Both officers and soldiers, long unaccustomed to the affairs of private life, were turned loose upon the world. Never can the day be forgotten when friends and companions for seven years in joy and sorrow were torn asunder without the hope of ever meeting again, and with the

The brave men, scattered over the country they had saved, were impoverished, and smarting under the sense of injustice on the part of the government, and would have been left in doubt and uncertainty as to their future course but for the farewell address of Washington. These his last parting words to them became a law of action, a chart by which to guide their conduct, and through its silent, unseen influence the dangerous, turbulent element, that at one time threatened to be too strong even for Washington, became tranquil, un

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