0 Scripture Antiquities : OR, A COMPENDIOUS SUMMARY OF THE RELIGIOUS INSTITUTIONS, OF The Hebrew Nation; COMPILED FROM THE MOST AUTHENTIC SOURCES, AND DESIGNED AS AN INTRODUCTORY HELP For the better understanding of the Sacred Scriptures. BY THE REV. JOHN JONES, Curate of Waterbeach, near Cambridge. PRINTED FOR L. B. SEELEY, 169, FLEET-STREET. 342 INTRODUCTION, THE Bible is the most important, the most ancient, and the most learned book in the world: it has Jehovah for its Author, and its end is the present and eternal happiness of manknd; every attempt, therefore, to illustrate this sacred volume, which alone contains the science of salvation, deserves the serious attention of all who wish to read so as to understand. The compiler of this small volume, when studying the sacred Scriptures, with an earnest desire to come to the knowledge of the whole truth, felt the need of a portable summary of Biblical antiquities, as a guide to his researches, and a help towards understanding important portions of the Scriptures; and he was therefore induced to consult the most eminent writers on the subject, within his reach, and from their learned and pious works, to compile this manual of Biblical Antiquities. Without an accurate knowledge of the peculiar rites, manners, and customs, of the Hebrew DIVINITY SCHOOL LIBRARY. HARVARD UNIVERSITY |