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The actual situation in Chile is pitiful. There is a shortage of food and there is a speculation that they will soon establish a system of ration books such as they have in Cuba. Meanwhile, the Soviet Union is approaching Chile as well as Red China, and the Russians are engaged in building a fishing port in Valparaiso, just as they did in Havana. The fishing boats of Russia and Castro are used to transport communist agents as fifth columns to other countries for propaganda purposes as well as transport of ammunition and for acts of espionage. Sources of undisputed credit have said that the majority of the members of the Cuban Navy, including the so-called fishing fleet, are Russians with false passports and assumed names.

In addition to this, the Fidel Castro government throughout the islands supports dozens of guerrilla schools where citizens of the Western Hemisphere receive training in rural and urban subversion methods.

Other special schools are to effect changes in voice and accent, habits, and ways of living so that the students can be ultimately sent to the United States or other countries on the American continent to do the work of a fifth column. They don't look like Cubans, but sound like Latin Americans.

Unconfirmed reports state that agents from communist Cuba are sent to the United States via the Virgin Islands or Puerto Rico.

One of the principal centers of contact and subversion in the United States is said to be the delegation of the Cuban regime in the United Nations.

I would like to point out at this time that a man by the name of Jesus Jiminez Escobar, a captain of the Castro Navy, was the one who brought from Europe the flagship of Castro's merchant marine, the Sierra Maestra. This man in 1968, after he brought the flagship, was engaged in the Cuban Navy, was sent as a delegate of Cuba to the United Nations and if I recall correctly, a few months later he was expelled from the United States because he was engaged in subversive acts.

There is no doubt that Castro is exporting his system not only to the Western Hemisphere but to the other two latitudes designated by the Tricontinental Conference.

Recently a man by the name of Captain Rodriguez Peralta from the Cuban Army, who fought with Castro in the 1950's, was made prisoner in Africa fighting side by side with the Portuguese rebels.

In the recent military coup in Bolivia, the new President, Hugo Bawzer, declared that they had arrested several Cubans that were in the university. Also, the International News Services said that there were not only Cubans but Chileans and Czechs, and these Cubans probably were promoting agitation and subversion.

I also brought with me papers like Granma, in which it is ratified that the Castro regime is following an aggressive line that violates the principles of nonintervention in the internal affairs of other countries. This has been done by promising in an editorial in the Granma newspaper, which is the official paper of the Communist Party of Havana, and in a speech delivered a few days ago that the Castro government would send or would give the moral and material support to those fighting the new government of Bolivia.

This is up to now my presentation, and I want to add that just on September 28, Castro made a speech in Havana to commemorate the initiation in Cuba of the so-called Revolution Committees of the Defense, and he stated that when the "Freedom Flights" are exhausted, if the United States engaged themselves in illegal practices to promote illegal exits from Cuba he has never pinned a medal on the chest of the hijackers, but then he will promote illegal situations over here in the United States.

I have to point out at this time that in the last 1212 years more than 19,000 Cubans have fled the island in small boats, 13, 14, 15 fect in length, rafts, kayaks, innertubes, anything that floats.

Just a month ago five Cubans came in a table. They put the table upside-down, attached some sails, and they came here. These 19,000 Cubans in 1212 years have left the island, not because it has been promoted by the United States, but they were seeking freedom and they were rejecting communism.

We know that these 19,000 have come to these shores. We don't know how many thousands are lying in the bottom of the sea in the Florida Straits killed by the Castro gunboats or by the fury of the elements.

So in the future we foresee that many other Cubans will come in the rafts and in boats, and Castro cannot blame the United States for these. But, of course, we can look into the hijackings that have been stepped up after the Tricontinental Conference. The planes have been hijacked in the skies of the Western Hemisphere, and there is something very peculiar, 99 percent of them wind up in Cuba. So we believe that the intellectual overseer of all these hijackings is Fidel Castro.

(At this point Mr. Ashbrook left the hearing room.)

Mr. PEPPER. Doctor, do you find evidence that both Russian and Chinese agents are operating in Cuba?

Mr. REYES. Yes, sir. The Soviet Union little by little has been taking steps inside the island. I was a witness of a Castro takeover in 1959 when he came out of the Sierra Maestra, and this has been the process of 1212 years now. When he came out of the Sierra Maestra and entered Havana he never said that he was a communist; in fact, he came to the United States and in a program, I believe, called "Meet the Press", it was coast to coast, in the middle of 1959, and he said, "I am a democrat." A newswoman asked, "Are you a communist?" bluntly, and he said, "No, Ma'am, I'm a democrat."

Then the newswoman briefly rephrased the question and asked him, "Mr. Castro, if there is a confrontation between the East and the West, what would be your position?" He said, "I would be with the Western World always." That was in 1959.

On December 1, 1961, he openly said, "I'm a Marxist-Leninist and I will remain one until the day I die."

In the meantime, in these 2 years the Russians were pouring little by little in Cuba. In February 1960 Mikoyan put a wreath of flowers in front of the bust of Jose Marti, our liberator, and the students of the University of Havana came into that place and wrecked the flowers, and Castro sent the police to arrest the university students. The same man that said that he was going to be in the Western

World in 1962 allowed the Russians to put the missiles in Cuba, and the man that said that he was going to be with the Western World put the world on the brink of a thermonuclear war.

From there on the Russians were still in Cuba up to April 1969, which evidences that they were increasing their military strength which was coming from the island. This has been the situation since April 28, 1969, up to the point that the Russians right now have approximately 30,000 soldiers in the island.

Just about 1 or 2 weeks ago a high-ranking Soviet delegation came to Cuba, presided over by the Vice President of the Council of Ministers, Vladimir Novikoff, and he joined with the delegation headed by Carlos Rafael Rodriguez and apparently they started studying the whole situation about Cuba.

Years ago the Russians were only on the national level. According to the information I have the Russians are now in the low levels of the nation, in villages and towns taking it all over the nation. At the same time the Red Chinese have been going to Cuba in the form of North Vietnamese, in the form of the Asian allies. In fact, we have a big Chinatown in downtown Havana. Before Castro took over, this Chinatown was almost composed, all of it, by Chinese of Taiwan or descended from Taiwan. That Chinatown I have been told right now has been formed by Red Chinese.

Mr. PEPPER. Now there is no question but what Castro has complete authority and power over the people of Cuba by virtue of his own secret police and his own national guard and military forces, so the Russians do not have to help him to hold down his own population, do they, by sending troops in there under military power? So the only reason they could be there, I assume, is to be used against the United States in some way.

(At this point Mr. Ashbrook returned to the hearing room.)

Mr. REYES. I agree, Mr. Chairman, 100 percent. In fact, just recently, last month, the runway of Varadero, where the Freedom Flights were taking place, was enlarged, and also MIG planes, MIG-21's have been deployed there and they are making practices from 7 o'clock at night to almost 3 or 4 o'clock in the morning. This is the information I have. And to have MIG-21's and to have all these big, tactical weapons converged seems to me that it is not to put down an uprising inside Cuba but to use Cuba as a base for a further attack.

Mr. PEPPER. Have you heard anything about or have you any evidence about the Russians building soccer fields in Cuba?

Mr. REYES. These came about on July 27 of last year, to be exact. I have evidence, Mr. Chairman, that the Russians were engaged in unusual construction activity in the Cienfuegos Bay, one of the largest bays in Cuba in the southern part of Las Villas Province. Part of that bay was closed to the civilian navigation, and the underground began to report that something was going on there. Actually, they took over a key called Alcatraz Key, and it is there and has not been moved, two large military barracks, a soccer field. They have also a large pier built by them apparently to unload or to load heavy equipment, and they have small warehouses that could be used for missiles.

Mr. PEPPER. Do the Cubans play soccer?

Mr. REYES. No, sir. The number one sport in Cuba is baseball.

Now you see all over the nation the diamond field, never the soccer field. We like soccer, but we are not friends of soccer; the Russians are. I am glad you brought this to my attention because I want to state that along the soccer field is a logistical support for the Russians for the crew members of the submarine. One of the biggest problems of the nuclear submarine-well, actually the nuclear submarine-I have been told is that when they are under the water for a long period of time and they come to surface, one of the main problems is the crew; they need rest, relaxation, and entertainment. If the Soviet Union did not have the facility of the Cienfuegos Bay as they have now, their crew has to go back to the Soviet Union and relax and entertain. But if they have the soccer field, plus the other things that are there, because three-quarters of the Cienfuegos Bay is closed, then they can


Mr. PEPPER. What evidence do you have, Dr. Reyes, as to what the Russians have done and are doing in the building of a submarine base, some sort of an adjunct to their naval operation in Cuba?

Mr. REYES. Mr. Chairman, in the last 2 years the Russians have sent six naval squadrons to the island, and most of these naval squadrons have anchored in Cienfuegos. They have their places for spy ships which have been seen there. Also they have the facilities in Alcatraz Key and they have formed a naval complex on the southern part of the island composed of Cienfuegos, the Bay of Pigs, Isle of Pines, and Cayo Largo. If you mention the word "base" to the regular people, it could be an operational base. I have to state that the operational base according to the information I have, is Cayo Largo, which is a small key on the southern part of the island about 60 miles southwest of the Cienfuegos. But what the Russians have now in Cienfuegos Bay is a facility of entertainment, checking of the machineries of the nuclear submarines, changing of the crew, because the crew can be flown from the Soviet Union to Malezas Airport, and taken by road to Alcatraz Key, and also they have a secure base in the southern part of the island.

Cienfuegos is a logistical support and facility of the Soviet Union inside the naval complex that they have. In fact, the Russian barges that were seen at the beginning of this problem on July 27, when I denounced the whole thing here in the Congress of the United States, the barges remained there and the barges are used to take out the radioactive liquid of the nuclear submarines and then take it out and disperse in the Caribbean. They use the method of dispersion in the Caribbean waters so that is what they are doing in the southern part of the island.

In the middle of December there was a naval exercise that was viewed by two Russian admirals, according to the information I have. The Russian admirals were flown to Havana from Russia. They landed in two big TU-95 airplanes and later on these two admirals were seen in Cienfuegos, and there was some kind of maneuver or exercise outside the Cienfuegos Bay with the nuclear submarine and the barges and the changing of crew. This of course is a confirmation of what we have been saying in the past, that there is a Soviet permanent squadron in the Caribbean headed by a nuclear submarine and the base is the southern part of the island in the naval complex that I have mentioned.

Mr. PEPPER. Over what period of time has this operation, this Russian buildup in Cienfuegos, taken place? How long has it been going on?

Mr. REYES. The Cienfuegos operation I can say started about May 1970, but I have pointed out, Mr. Chairman, that the military strength of the Russians has been increased tremendously, not only by that facility that I feel makes a breaking in the balancing of power on the Caribbean and gives more strength to the Russians, but also the Russians have been taking military airports in Cuba, building inside of caves. I issued the white paper in December 24 of last year pointing out province by province what the Russians had and what they have been doing. In the matter of airports, they have three underground airports, one in Havana, another one in Malezas in Las Villas Province, and another in Cacocum in Oriente Province.

As a matter of fact, they have four underground hospitals. There is a question, Why do they have that? Are they going to put down a conventional uprising in Cuba or are they using Cuba as a springboard, as a base to further attacks in the Western Hemisphere?

Mr. PEPPER. Do you find an increasing frequency of Russian naval vessels coming to Cuba, constantly enlarging activity in the vicinity of Cuba on the part of the regular Russian military and naval forces, a constantly expanding construction program, soccer fields for recreation, buildings for the housing of their personnel-in other words, do you find an increasing buildup on the part of the Russians of a military nature in Cuba with the cooperation of Fidel Castro?

Mr. REYES. Definitely, Mr. Chairman. In fact, three-quarters of the Isle of Pines has been taken in the last 2 months by Russian soldiers. Before they had only the latter part of the island, plus the Russians have to be separated from the Cuban people because the Cuban peoples don't want the Russians, they reject the Russians, and the Castro regime, the officials are feared that there could be a confrontation or a clash with the Russian military personnel or the Russians themselves, so they are isolated in different neighborhoods, separated from the Cuban people. So there is an actual Russian military buildup in Cuba.

All of the information I have mentioned before about the number of troops that has been poured in there, the presence of these high-ranking delegations in my country, all of this is a testimony that the Russians are continuously building up in an accelerated way in this case. In fact, the underground sent me a report saying that if there is a confrontation right now between the Western World and the Russians for Cuba like it happened in 1962, the Russians will back down right now, but if they continue to strengthen their army and navy forces in Cuba in the way they are doing, and we reach, let's say December 1972, apparently the underground believe they will not back down.

Just a few months ago, at the end of May and the beginning of June a nuclear Soviet submarine was seen in Cuban waters. This is the nuclear submarine called E-2, with Shaddock type missiles. They have eight of these missiles with a range of 500 miles. The submarines have 5,000 tons, 390 feet in length, and it was seen in Cuban waters, and before was not so openly seen. So this is to answer your question that the Russians are continuing the buildup in my country.

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