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thereof you bring forth seditious sects and factions, who sanction the call of the learned and blood-shedding.

No, my beloved sirs, it will not acquit you. in the day of the righteousness of God. I tell you the truth in Christ; notice the rightly baptized disciples of Christ, (Luke 22) who are baptized inwardly with spirit and fire, and externally with water, (Matt. 10) baptized according to the word of God; they know of no weapons other than patience, hope, quiet, (Isa.30) and God's word, these says Paul, are the weapons of our warfare, and are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringeth into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. (2 Cor, 10.) Our weapons are not weapons with which cities and countries are desolated; walls and gates broken down and human blood shed in torrents like water, but they are weapons with which the spiritual kingdom of the devil is destroyed, and the ungodly passions are annihilated, and the flinty hearts are broken, that have never been sprink led with the heavenly dew of the holy word. We own no other weapons besides, the Lord knows it, and should we be torn into a thousand pieces; and although as many false witnesses were to rise up against us, as there are spears of grass in the fields, and as numerous as the grains of sand of the sea shore.

Once more: Christ is our fortress; patience our defence; the word of God our sword; and our victory is a candid, firm unfeigned faith in Jesus Christ. We let those take spears and swords, who, alas, regard human blood and swine's blood alike. He that is wise let him judge what I mean. (Luke 11; Heb. 4; Eph. 6; 1 John 5.)

We do acknowledge, beloved sirs, that some of the false prophets were baptized externally in appearance, with us, with the same baptism; even as thieves, murderers, highway robbers, sorcerers and the like, were baptized with you; but they were not of us; for had they been of us, as John says, they would no doubt have continued with us.

Christ says: False prophets and false christ's will arise, and do great signs and wonders, and if it were possible, would deceive the very elect. Behold, I have told you before. (Matt. 24.)

His warning of Christ was not given to the ungodly, obdurate despisers for they are already entangled in the snares of unrighteousness, but is given to the contrite of heart and to the willing souls, so that they might learn to know the spiritual, and suffer themselves not to be led into error; for the devil, says Peter, goes about, seeking the righteous, as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. (1 Pet. 5.)

The craftiness and artifice of the devil, who assumes the appearance of an angel of light, are not known by some, there fore, have so many stumbled and erred, and were, alas, led into crooked paths by the deceivers; (Rev. 2; 2 Cor. 11) but this was not through baptism; for the elementary water can neither teach, nor pervert, but it was done through false prophets, of which, I say, we have been so faithfully warned by the Lord's own mouth.

Beloved sirs, fear God, judge rightly; the truth of God can never be changed into seduction and error, through the lies of the devil. But the word of our God shall stand forever. (Isa. 40; 1 Pet. 1.)

Should the devout angels be unjustly judged, for the sake of Lucifer's arrogance and be punished with his punishment: or should all the apostles be traitors, for Judas' sake? By no means. Every one shall bear his own burden. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son. The soul that sinneth it shall die. (Ezek. 18.)

Should we reproach the doctrine of Christ and his apostles, because the father of lies has resuscitated, in the name of Christ, the practice of circumcision as essential to salvation. the dead will not rise in the day of judgment? (1 Cor. 15.)


That Philetus and Hymenius asserted that the resurrection of the dead has already taken place? (2 Tim. 2.) That some pretended that the great day of the Lord was at hand? (2 Th. 2.) How could the apostle help it, that the Nicolatians had their wives common, as Eusebius relates?

That the Ebionites denied the deity of Christ, and taught that Christ began only to exist in Mary?

And that the Cerinthians maintained, that the world was created by angels; that Christ was. no more than a mere man, and had not yet risen, but is to rise with us in future, and that he would then reign one thousand years in the flesh, with his saints ?

All these sects arose in the days of the apostles, nevertheless the gospel of Christ, remained the true gospel, the doctrines of the apostles, the true doctrine.

The scriptures say that we are to flee and avoid such leaders of sects and heretics; and we hope to obey willingly the injunction, all the days of our lives. (Rom. 16; 2 Tim. 2 Tit. 3; 2 John 1.)

Therefore, my beloved sirs, do pass an impartial and rational judgment in this matter, as before God, who will judge you in the great day; this we ask of you for Jesus' sake; for we seek nothing else upon earth, (the Lord knows,) than the true ground of the truth, the praise of Christ, the obedience of his word, and that with a good conscience as we testify to the whole world, with our writings, word, possessions, blood, life and death.

We also write the truth in Christ and lie not, that we ac knowledge spiritually no king, neither in heaven above nor upon earth beneath, than the only, eternal and true king, spir itual David, Christ Jesus, who is Lord of lords, King of kings, (Ps. 2, 47; Isa. 33; Jer. 53; Zach. 9; Matt. 21; John 12, i Cor. 2; Heb. 7; Rev. 17, 19.)

And if there is one who will declare himself king, in the kingdom and dominion of Christ, as did John von Leyden, of Munster, he shall not go unpunished with Adonai, (1 King 1,) for the true Solomon, Christ Jesus himself, must possess the kingdom, and sit eternally upon the throne of David, (1 Sam. 7; 1 King 8; Ps. 89; Isa. 9; Luke 1.)

But according to the flesh, we teach and exhort, to be obedient to the emperor, king, lords and princes, yea, to all in power, in all their transactions and civil regulations, so far as they are not contrary to the word of God. (Matt. 17, 22; Rom. 13; 1 Tim. 2; Tit. 3; 1. Pet. 2.)

We teach and confess that we know of no sword nor commotion in Christ's kingdom or church, other than the sharp sword of the spirit, God's word (as is abundantly shown in our writings,) which is sharper and more piercing than any two edged sword, and it proceeds from the mouth of the Lord,(Rev. 1, 2, 19,) whereby we make the father mutinous against the son, and the son against the father, the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother, and daughter-in-law against the mother-in-law. (Matt. 10.) But the sword of wordly policy we leave it to those, to whom is committed,

(Rom. 13; 1 Pet. 2) Let every one be careful and not take the sword, lest he shall perish with the sword. (Gen. 9; Matt. 26.)

We acknowledge, teach, and approve of no other matrimony than that one, which Christ and his apostles publicly and plainly taught in the new testament, namely, one man and one woman, (Matt. 19; Mark 10: Eph, 5.) and that they may not be divorced except in case of adultery, (Matt. 5; Mark 10.) for the two are one flesh, (Gen. 2; Mark 19; Matt. 10; Eph, 5;) and if the unbelieving depart; a sister or brother is not under bondage in that case. (1 Cor. 7.)

We acknowledge, teach and seek no kingdom other than the kingdom of Christ, which shall and are for ever, in which there are no pomp, splendor, gold, silver, meat and drink, but righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost; (Rom. 14,) for we confess with Christ, that our kingdom is not of this world, we brought nothing into this world, therefore, it is evident, we can not take any thing out of it, as the scriptures say, (James 1; 1 Tim. 6.)

We know of no murdering, much less do we teach or permit it; for we truly believe, that a murderer has neither lot nor part in the kingdom of heaven, (Rom. 1; Gal. 5; John 3; Rev. 21, 22.) O beloved sirs, how should we desire the blood of any man, since we have to die daily for man's sake? And the Lord who created us, knows, that we seek nothing, but that we might instruct, and be a pattern to, all the world, with our doctrine, life, blood, and death, that they might reflect, observe, awaken, repent and be saved, for this is the nature of pure love, to pray for persecutors, to render good for evil, to love the enemy, to heap coals of fire upon the head; and let him avenge who judges rightly. (Dent. 32; Prov 25; Heb. 10; Rom. 12; Matt 5; 1 Cor. 13.)

We know of no theft, much less do we teach or permit it, but we are ready before God and man with all our hearts, to communicate our own possessions, and all we have, however, little it may be, and in addition thereto our sweat and labor, to meet the necessities of the poor, as the Lords' spirit and word, and true brotherly love teach us, (Deut. 15; Isa. 58; Job, 4; Matt. 5; Luke 6; Rom. 12; Gal. 6; Eph. 4; Col. 3; Heb.. 13; 2 Pet. 1; 2 John 3, 4, 5:) and we well know that theft is expressly forbidden in the scriptures, (Exod. 20; Deut. 5; Rom. 13; Eph. 4; and that theft is to be punished by death.

according to the laws of the land, and with eternal death according to the word of God, if not repented of. (1 Cor. 6.)

The almighty merciful Lord will undoubtedly keep and preserve, by his paternal grace, spirit and power, inoffensive to the end of the world, all the pious and godfearing who acknowledge him, and are sincere, from all such terrible errors and ungodly abominations.

And should it be the case, that one of those be found among us, who use violence, (which is quite unknown to me) and would do that which is from the devil, my beloved sirs, know you that such an one was not of us from the beginning, and will eternally be, not of us, except he be thoroughly converted, repent sincerely and become one with the spirit, doctrine and example of Christ, as the scriptures teach. May the gracious Lord grant that they may awaken, overcome their drowsiness, learn to know their works, see their nakedness, and be extricated from the snares of the devil, by which the poor miserable people are so lamentably led captive, at his will.

Therefore, beloved lords, beware that you be not in your belief, like the abandoned and senseless in judgment, who persist without any knowledge of the matter, in their own opinion and wantonness, like irrational creatures, upbraid the good, and praise the evil, persecute and condemn what they understand not. Again, I say, be not like those blood-thirsty, raging and malicious men; but do examine the scriptures with quaking, (1 King 3), pray with Solomon, for wisdom, look to the spirit, word, doings and example of Christ and pass an impar tial righteous sentence, according to the truth, as it is enjoined upon, and commanded to all the princes and judges in the scriptures, as is heard, (Exod. 13, 23; Deut. 4, 17; 2 Chron. 19; Jer. 22; Rom. 13.)

O beloved sirs, do take heed. If our faith, doctrine, sacraments, transactions and doings are not of God, as we are every where slandered, then are we the most miserable of all men upon earth; if whilst we are to be every one's deceiver, heretic, ana-baptist, knave, footstool and prey; and have to endure the stocks, gallows, wheels, sword, fire, water and all manner of misery; and our poor souls must nevertheless be the property of the devil, and brands of hell, although in our weakness we so cordially seek the Lord, and are so sincere, as may be seen. O no! my beloved sirs, no; the spirit, doctrine and life of Christ will not deceive us; for his word is truth,

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