Mills. Literature, etc., of Great Britain | Pope. Works. Mitford. Recollections of a Literary Life. Queer Discourses. ature. Morgan, Lady. Works. More. Works. More. Colloquies on the Progress of So- ciety. Mosaics. Müller. History of Sanscrit Literature. Mure. History of Grecian Literature. cient Greece. Nichols. Literary Anecdotes. Nicolas. Refutation of Palgrave. Noctes Ambrosianæ. Notable Things on Various Subjects. Observer (The). Oldham. At Greystones. Other People's Windows. Overbury. Works. Owen. Views of Society. Oxoniana. Palgrave. Refutation of. Pamphlets, bound in Several Volumes. Pegge. Anecdotes of Old Times. Pembroke. Arcadia. Penn. Works. Penny. Think and Act, Men and Women. Persius. The Academicians of 1823. Reed. British Poets. Lectures on English Literature. Reed. Lectures on English Poets. Ripley and Taylor. Cyclopedia of Liter- Ritson. Works. Rousseau. Miscellaneous Works. Sabine. On Duels and Duelling. Petheram. Anglo-Saxon Literature in Simms. Egeria; Voices of Thought. etc. New York. Timbs. English Eccentrics and Eccen- World (The). EPISTOLARY CORRESPONDENCE, LETTERS, ORATIONS, SPEECHES, ETC. Aurifaber. Colloquia of Martin Luther. Beecher. Addresses and Speeches. Addresses of Professors of Columbia Col- Aubrey. Letters. lege. Addresses. A Collection of. Aeschines. Orations. See Demosthenes. | Beethoven. Letters and Correspondence. Blake. Letters to a Western Cousin. Ellis. Original Letters, Illustrative of Evelyn., Diary and Correspondence. Bright. Speeches. Everett. Orations and Speeches. Broadhurst. Funeral Orations, from the Fairfax Correspondence. Bryant. Letters of a Traveller in Spain. Frederick, King of Prussia. Letters be- Burke. Correspondence. tween himself and Voltaire. Burke's Speeches. Frederick, King of Prussia. Letters be- Byron. Letters and Journal, by Moore. tween himself and Jordan. Campbell. Speeches. Canning. Speeches. Caroline, Queen. Correspondence of. tosh. Speeches. Chatham. Correspondence. Cicero. Orations. Clay. Speeches. Clay. Memorial Addresses on. Cortes. Dispatches of. Cromwell. Letters and Speeches, by Car- lyle. Cromwell. Letters and Speeches of. Curran. Speeches. D'Aguesseau. Letters. Dallas. Letters from London. Frederick, King of Prussia. Letters be- tween himself and D'Alembert. Frederick, King of Prussia. Letters be- Giddings. Speeches in Congress. Examination of Letters from Mary, Queen of Scots, to James, Goodrich. British Eloquence. Grattan. Speeches. Hardwicke. Athenian Letters. Hazlitt. Eloquence of the British Senate. Henry, P. Speeches. Dangerous Connections. Series of Let- Howe. Letters and Speeches. ters. Davis, H. W. Speeches. Demosthenes' Orations. Dennis. Letters. Dix. Speeches and Occasional Addresses. Downing, Major. Friend. Letters to an Dying Speeches of Prisoners. Huskisson. Speeches and Addresses. Hyacinthe, Father. Discourses. James. Vernon Letters. Johnson. Life, Speeches, and Addresses. Jones. The Cymry of '76. old Junius's Letters. Election, The General. Series of Letters. King, W. R. Memorial Addresses on. Leland's Demosthenes. Lepsius. Letters from Egypt, etc. Letters from Albion. Letters on Patriotism. Lincoln and Douglas. Debates of. Lincoln. Obituary Addresses on. Love Letters between a Nobleman and his Sparks. Correspondence of the American Murray. Letters from the United States, Turkish Spy. Letters of. CLASS VI. JOURNALS, GAZETTES, MAGAZINES, NEWSPAPERS, PERIODICALS, REVIEWS, ETC. [See NEWSPAPERS, in the CATALOGUE.] All the Year Round. American Journal of Science. American Museum, 1787-1792. American Quarterly Review, 1827-1837. American Register, 1803-1807. American Literary Gazette. Sheil. Speeches. Sheridan. Speeches. Sketch of Old England. Revolution. Speeches. A Collection of. Speeches and Addresses. Collection of. Sumner. Speeches, etc. Talbot. Correspondence of King Wil- liam. Thoresby. Letters, Addressed to. Up-Country Letters. Vernon Letters. Walpole. Correspondence with Mason. Walpole. Letters to Sir H. Mann. Walpole. Letters to the Countess Ossory. Walpole. Letters of. Warden. Letters written on Napoleon. Washington. Correspondence. Webster. Private Correspondence. West. Letters to a Young Lady. William Third. Letters, Illustrative of his Reign. Willis. Rural Letters. Wilkes. Speeches. Windham. Speeches. Wirt. Letters of the British Spy. Wollstonscraft. Letters written in Swe- den, Norway, etc. Zurich Letters. Analectic Magazine. Annual Monitor, 1813-1832. Annual Register. Anti-Jacobin Review, 1798-1805. Architectural Magazine and Journal, 1834- 1838. Art Union Journal, 1847-1853. Atlantic Monthly, 1858-1871. Literary Bulletin. San Francisco. 1856-1869. cember 20, 1854. North British Review. cember 3, 1848. Parthenon (The). Barnard's American Journal of Education, London Quarterly Review. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, 1817- Mining and Smelting Magazine, 1862-1869. 1859. Blake. Mining Magazine. Mechanic's Magazine, 1823-1857. California, Alta. January 4, 1849, to De- North American Review, 1815-1869. California Star. January 9, 1847, to De- Notes and Queries. Californian (The). August 15, 1846, to Placer Herald (Newspaper), 1855-1867. Harper's New Monthly Magazine, 1850- San Francisco Bulletin, October 8, 1855, Hone. Year-Book of Men, Manners, etc. Southern Quarterly Review. |