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Bryan, William J., Democratic candi- | Canton (Ohio), McKinley's home, 559.
date, 556, 557, 559, 572; secretary Capital, growth, 4.
of state, 81.

Bryce, James, views on the Constitu-
tion, 277; on the gerrymander, 48;
on governmental ability of Anglo-
Saxons, 575; on the presidency,
40; on senatorial term, 78; The
American Commonwealth, 40, 41,
48, 74, 451, 491, 590.
Buchanan, James, and secession, 41.
Bucks Stove case, 149.

Budget system, in Europe, 109; in
states, 448-450.

Buffalo (N. Y.), railway terminus, 534.
Bureau of Corporations, 165-167, 172,
173, 270, 604; Annual Reports, 184.
Bureau of Research in Municipal
Public Utilities, 361.

Burke, Francis, delegate to nominating
convention, 553, 554.
Burr, Aaron, candidate for president, 11.
Business, a nationalizing force, 3;
associations and the executive, 588,
589; associations and public opin-
ion, 575, 576; expansion of, 4, 165;
relation to government, 6, 7, 65,
119, 120, 342-365, 467-529; repre-
sented by parties, 552, 567.
Butler, Nicholas Murray, views on
governor's accountability, 317.


Cabinet, freedom of choice for, 15;
influence on legislation, 17, 18, 21;
procedure, 37-39; relation to press,


Cabolt, A. T., The State and its Part in
the Tuberculosis Movement, 439.
Calhoun, John C., senator, 85.
California, civil service in, 501; elec-
tion machinery, 304, 306, 554;
forest reserves, 262; irrigation,
271; Japanese policy, 26; labor
laws, 372; manufactures in, 146;
obligation of contracts, 465-467;
railway, 530; recall, 616; taxation,
446; Timber and Stone Act, 268;
trial, 474; Utilities Commission,
359; valuation in, 357; woman
suffrage, 304; Session Laws, 640.
Calvert, Thomas H., Regulation of
Commerce, 121, 138, 201, 217.
Canada, adopts federal constitution,
94; ballots in, 654; labor arbitra-
tion, 394, 395; reciprocity treaty
with, 84, 85.

Cannon, Joseph, Speaker of the
House, 49; revolt against, 52.

Carey Act of 1895, reclamation law,

271, 272.

Carranza, Venustiano, president of
Mexico, 28.

Cash payment of wages, 391. See also

Caucus, in House of Representatives,
57-60, 69; in Senate, 86.
Census Bureau, permanency, 18.
Central America, relations, 22, 29, 50;
institutions, 515.

Central Pacific Railway, lawsuit, 530.
Centralization, tendencies, 3-5, 450.
Champion, C. F., prosecuted, 192.
Charities and Corrections, supervised
by States, 433-439, 586.
Charleston (S. C.), bond taxation, 521,


Charters. See Incorporation.
Chase, Samuel, impeached, 83.
Checks and balances, theory, 5, 7, 8, 20.
Chemistry, Bureau of, relation to
Pure Food law, 194, 196-199; Re-
ports, 194, 200.

Chicago (Ill.), arbitration at, 392;
Board of Trade, 145; Civic Federa-
tion Bulletin, 626; civil service,
602, 603; fertilizer company, 502;
grain elevators, 468; grain inspec-
tion, 525; local public service, 359;
packing companies, 143; political
headquarters, 552; strike, 33; traffic
regulations, 204; voters' league, 311;
white slavery, 188; University Press,
618, 626.

Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Rail-
way, 513.

Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul
Railway, 283.

Chief Justice, presides at impeach-
ment, 83; salarv, 279. See also
Supreme Court.

Child labor, gro vth of, 6; federal
regulation, 199, 200, 371, 372;
state regulation, 479, 586; national
association for, 576, 580.
Childs, R. S., secretary, 650; The
Short Ballot Cities, 620, 626; "The
Short Ballot," 622, 651-658.
China, citizens protected, 479, 480;
immigration from, 569; relations
with, 21, 22, 29, 186; treaty, 26.
Christie Grain and Stock Company,
lawsuit, 145, 146.

Cincinnati (Ohio), rebating system in,

131; University, 404, 411, 412.
Cities, bonds and funds not taxed,
96, 97; civil service in, 593, 594,

601-603; growth of, 6, 298; rail-
way discrimination against, 125,
126; reduction in size of council,
60; reference bureau, 403, 576;
relation to Rivers and Harbors
Bills, 65.

Citizenship, defined by Supreme Court,

Citizens' League. See National Citi-
zen's League.

Civic Associations, influence public
opinion, 585-587. See also Na-
tional Civic Federation.
Civil Rights. See Citizenship.
Civil Service, appointments in, 595;
civil pensions, 605-607; forbids
contributions to party, 564; history
of, 580, 581, 586, 592-606; Illinois
system, 602, 603; New York sys-
tem, 601, 602; number of positions,
14; obstacles to, 593; promotions
in, 596; service records, 597. See
also Removals.

Civil Service Commission, 45, 595,
597, 599, 600, 606; Annual Re-
ports, 41, 607.

Civil Service Committee, in Senate,


Civil Service Reform League, 580, 581.
Claims Committee in House, 66.
Claims Court of, described, 280, 284.
Clark, Champ, Democratic leader, 57,
556, 557; Speaker of House, 49.
Clark, L. D., The Law of the Employ-
ment of Labor, 396.
Class legislation and
Amendment, 478-480.
Clay, Henry, as leader in Congress,
20; introduces Missouri Com-
promise, 570; senator, 78, 85.
Clayton Act, 173, 184, 579; and
holding companies, 176; interlock-
ing directorates, 176; labor com-
bines and injunctions, 177, 293, 396;
legalizes boycott, 150, 151; liability
of directors, 175; relation to patents,
155, 156, 161; status of injured
competitor, 173; trade relations,

Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago and
St. Louis Railroad, lawsuit, 209-
210, 485, 533-

Cleveland, Dr. F. A., heads committee
on finance, 109; Organized Democ-
racy, 590.

Cleveland, Grover, candidate for presi-
dent, 12; governor, 317; hinders
declaration of war, 27, 28; influence
on legislation, 37; relation to Sen-
ate, 85; suppresses strikes, 33;

[ocr errors]

treaties, 84; views on negro citizen-
ship, 461; views on Venezuelan
boundary dispute, 27.

Cleveland (Ohio), Leader, cited, 556.
Coinage, power of, 110-112.
Coinage Committee in House, 66.
Cold storage, regulated, 426.
Collier, William M., Bankruptcy, 229.
Colorado, civil service in, 601; direct
primary, 306; forest reserves, 262;
mining, 539; radical senators from,
91; recall, 616; reclamation in,
271, 272; Utilities Commission,
359; woman suffrage in, 304.
Columbia University, and legislative
reference_bureau, 331; Studies in
History, Economics, etc., 451.
Combines. See Corporations.
Commerce, definition of, 120; does
it include manufacturing, 121; inter-
state not taxed by states, 102, 523,
527-545; regulation of, 119-140,
187-217, 586. See also Business
and Interstate Commerce Commis-

Commerce Committee, of Senate, 86.
Commerce Court, instituted and abol-
ished, 127; composition, 280.
Commerce Department, 18, 165; sec-
retary, 38, 166, 189, 194.
Commercial law, growth, 6.
Commission Government for states,
332-334; for cities, 619-621.
Committee system, in House of Repre-
sentatives, 52-54, 59, 69, 73;
Conference, 66-68, 70; in Senate,
86, 87; in state legislatures, 327,

Company Store orders, 391.
Competition, state regulation, 361-
365; limited by public service
commissions, 355-

Comptroller of Currency, 19, 112, 113,
Concentration of power, in Congress,
4; in national government, 3, 6–9;
in Presidency, 4, 5. See also

Confederate officers, disabilities re-
moved, 78.
Congress, admits new states, 250-252;
amount of business, 6, 31, 32;
anti-trust legislation, 141-184;
bankruptcy legislation, 226-229;
concentration of power in, 4;
control of territories, 245-250; dele-
gation of powers, 257, 258; foreign
affairs, 27, 28; growth of powers,
4, 94; implied powers, 254-257;
naturalization legislation, 253-257;

power of taxation, 94-115; regu-
lation of commerce, 118-140, 187-
217, 586; relation to cabinet, 39;
relation to executive, 10, 16-18, 31,
32; war power, 231-243. See also
House of Representatives and Sen-


Congressional Directory, 89.
Congressional districts, 47, 48.
Congressional Record, leave to print
in, 71.

Connecticut, civil service in, 601;
franchise, 303; Highway Commis-
sioner Report, 450; highway legis-
lation, 442-444; Session Laws, 645.
Conservation of resources, laws for,
18; policy, 260-272; National
Commission Reports, 271, 273; Na-
tional Congress, 576.
Conservatism, of Senate, 75; of
business regulation, 119.
Constitution, changes in, 21, 277, 453,
456, 490, 491; compromises, 47,
78; construction, 94; defined, 9,
491; executive provisions, 30, 35;
general welfare clauses, 102, 103;
interpretations by judiciary, 275-
279, 282-287; militia provision,
239; naturalization, 253; supreme
law of the land, 251, 282, 286, 454;
text, 629-641; unwritten, 455. See
also Amendments.

Constitutional Convention, and
slavery, 47; motives, 5, 46, 76,
453; occasion for, 101; state
sovereignty in, 78.

Constitutional protections, 453-491;
and 14th Amendment, 498-530.
Constitutional safeguards against taxa-
tion, 519-545.

Consular service, described, 24.
Consumer, protected by government,
119. See also Pure Food Laws.
Contract, freedom of, 470, 471.
Contracts, obligation of, 462-465,
499, 501, 503, 509, 510, 512, 514.

Cooke, F. H., The Commerce Clause of
the Federal Constitution, 138.
Cooley, Thomas M., Constitutional
Limitations on Powers of the States,
491, 545; Principles of Constitu-
tional Law, 282.

relation to police power, 500-515;
taxation, federal, 95, 99-101, 161,
167; state, 446, 447. See also

Correspondence Schools, state regula-
tion of, 216, 217.

Corrupt Practices Act, for elections,

Corwin, Edward S., Doctrine of Judi-
cial Review, 491.

Cotton, J. P., The Constitutional
Decisions of John Marshall, 295.
Counterfeiting, detection of, 110.
Courts. See Judiciary.
Crampton, Dr. C. W., on physical
advancement, 416.

Crawford County (Pa.), first direct
primary, 305.

Credit. See National Credit Men's

Criminal law, evaded, 336, 337.
Crisp, Charles F., Speaker of House, 49.
Croly, Herbert, Progressive Democracy,
9; The Promise of American Life,

Cuba, during Spanish-American War,
232, 233, 237; reciprocity treaty,
84; relations with, 18, 28, 36, 234-
236, 245.

Cummins, Albert G., governor of
Iowa, 317; views on executive in-
fluence, 20, 21.

Currency law, 113; forced through
Congress, 19, 20; reform of, 581,
582; Currency Reform, 590. See
also Coinage, Comptroller, and
Legal Tender.

Customs, collection, 106, 107;


organized, 107. See also Imports.
Customs Appeals Courts, described,


Customs Court, created, 107.

Dairying, in Wisconsin, 404.
Dallas (Tex.), as railway center, 136.
Danbury (Conn.), hatters' case, 150.
"Daniel Ball," steamer, 134.
Danish West Indies, treaty for, 24, 84.
Dartmouth College case, and obliga-
tion of contracts, 462-465; and
police power, 499, 500, 501, 503.
Dawson, Miles M., proposes national
workmen's insurance, 385, 386.
Dayton (Ohio), city manager, 621.
Dealey, J. Q., "Tendencies in State
Constitutions," 302.

Corner, illegal under Anti-trust law,
153, 154.
Corporations, as persons, 478, 489,
490; charters protected, 462-467,
499; Commissioner, 166; contribu-
tions to party funds, 552, 564, 567;
regulation of, 18, 19, 120-138, 140- Debs, Eugene V., imprisoned, 34.
162, 164-184, 476-478, 570, 586; | Degge, debarred from mails, 222.

Delaware, equal representation in
Senate, 77; incorporation in, 342,
478; size of Senate, 327.
Delegation of powers, by Congress,
257, 258.

Democratic party, closed caucus, 59;
conventions, 553, 556, 557; electors,
12, 13; history, 11, 571, 572;
league of clubs, 568; organization
in House, 56, 57, 62, 69; platform,
558; position on Federal regula-
tion, 171; position on tariff, 63,
67, 569; relation to labor, 579, 580.
Demurrage, descrimination in, 124.
Dennison, William D., governor of
Ohio, 325.

Denver (Colo.), commission govern-

ment, 620.

Dependencies, control of, 245-250; |
courts for, 281; legislation for, 31,
61; protection of, 238; status, 100,
101; Government of, 258.

Devine, Edward T., The Principles of
Relief, 440.

Dewey, Davis R., Financial History
of the United States, 115.

Dick, A. B., claims patent, 155, 158,


Dingley tariff bill, 50, 67.

Diplomatic service, 23, 24, 596, 604.
Direct Legislation. See Initiative, Re-
call and Referendum.

Direct Primaries, for elections in
states, 305-307, 561; for president,
554, 555.

Discriminatory laws, decisions on,

District attorney, importance of office,
336, 337.

District courts of United States, 280,

District of Columbia, government,
249; restraint of trade in, 141.
Division of Powers. See Checks and

Dodd, W. F., The Amendment of State
Constitutions, 302.

Dolley, J. M., Kansas bank commis-
sioner, 345, 346.

Double taxation, avoidance of, 104;
arrangement for, 543.
Douglas, Stephen A., in committee
on territories, 61.

Douma, demands right of taxation, 48,

Drawbacks, in tariff laws, 107.
Dreyfus Affaire, in France, 243.
Due Process of law, interpreted, 471-

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East St. Louis (Ill.), and terminals,
148, 149.
Education, in the Philippine Islands,
249; technical, 6, 399-417, 586.
See also National Education As-

Education Bureau, Bulletins, 417.
Education Commissioner, Reports, 417.
Edward I, Parliament of, 77.
Efficiency, demand for, 8, 9. See also

Efficiency and Economy, special com-
mission for, 109, 448, 597; Reports,

Election Committee, in House of
Representatives, 66.

Elections, Senate indirect, 77, 79–
81; state laws for, 302-312; of
1800, 11; of 1876, 11, 12; of 1908,
13; of 1912, 13.

Electoral Commission, of 1876, 11, 12.
Electors, for president, 10-13; system
criticized, 11, 12.

Electric lights, patent rights, 154, 155.
Eliot, Charles W., favors short ballot,

Ely, Richard T., Monopolies and
Trusts, 162; Taxation in American
States and Cities, 450.

Employers' Associations, 579, 580.
Employers' Liability. See Workmen's

Enforcement of laws, 30, 33, 34.
England, ambassador to, 23; bank of,
114; Bill of Rights, 48, 457; cabi-
net, 38, 39, 68; civil service in,
603, 604; hostilities with, 27, 232;
House of Lords, 82, 91; labor
legislation, 387, 390; labor mem-
bers in Parliament, 72; monopolies,
160; precedents in, 5, 45, 48, 70,
77, 79, 109, 234, 310, 400, 454, 457,
468, 471, 473, 585, 654; Reform
Bill, 585; struggle over right of
taxation, 94, 95, 109.

Equal protection of the law, safeguard

against class legislation, 478-480.
Equity, on direct legislation, 612, 626.
Erdman Act, on labor arbitration,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Federal Reserve Board, duties, 113-

Federal Safety Acts, constitutionality,
510, 511.

Federal Trade Commission, proposed,
162; inaugurated, 167-171; powers,
171-173; revision proposed, 178-
183; Act, 184.
Federalist, cited, 45.

Field, Justice David D., on state

authority over commerce, 204, 205;
on public health protection, 504,

Fielder, James F., governor of New
Jersey, 318.

Finance Committee, of Senate, 67,
86, 577.

Finances, federal, 105, 106, 109;
free silver, 569; gold standard,
112, 570; of party organizations,
552, 563-567; state, 444-450. See
also Banks, Currency, and Legal
Finch, James A. (ed.), Federal Anti-
Trust Decisions, 162.
Finley, John H. and Sanderson, John
F., The American Executive, 41,

317, 339.

Fires, factory, 371; loss by forest,
261; prevention of, 263, 264.
Fish, Carl Russell, The Civil Service
and the Patronage, 41, 607.
Fisher, George S., views on growth of
constitution, 454; Evolution of Con-
stitution of United States, 454, 491.
Fiske, John, on early moot, 609;
American Political Ideas, 609.
Fitchburg (Mass.), industrial educa-
tion in, 408, 411, 412, 417..
Florida, direct primary in, 306;
swamp lands, 270.

Floor leader, of House of Representa-
tives, 54-57, 59, 60.

Folk, Joseph W., prosecuting officer,

Food and Drugs Act, 194-199; Re-
port and Regulations, 200. See also
Pure Food Laws.

Food Inspection, 422-424, 586.
Foraker, Joseph B., legislates for
Porto Rico, 101.

Ford, Henry J., on party finance, 563,
564, 566; Rise and Growth of
American Politics, 563, 566, 572;
The Cost of Government, 91.
Foreign Affairs, president's relation
to, 21-30; Senate control of, 24.
Foreign Affairs Committee in House,


Foreign Relations Committee in Sen-
ate, 84, 86.

Forest Reserves, created, 18, 261, 262,
268, 586.

Forester, Annual Report, 264, 273.
Forestry Bureau, services, 260, 262-
265, 604.

Forests, status of, 261.
Fowler, Charles W., currency bill, 19.
France, ambassador to, 23; army or-
ganization, 237, 243; bank of, 114;
civil service in, 603, 604; executive
powers, 33; legislature, 46; wars
with England, 27; with Germany,
232. See also Dreyfus Affaire.
Franchise, limitations on, 461; regu-
lated by States, 302-304.
Franchises. See Corporations.
Frederick the Great, cited, 515.
Freedom of Contract. See Contract
and Liberty.

Free Silver, movement for, 569.
Freight rates. See Railways.
Freund, Dr. Ernest, on sailors' protec-
tion, 512; The Police Power, 512, 516.
suit against, 470, 471.
Fuller, Chief Justice Melville, on
Wilson Act, 213.

Fulton, Robert, monopoly grant, 203.

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