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Galveston (Tex.), commission govern-
ment, 619, 620.
Galveston Railway, taxed, 535, 537.
Garfield, James A., acquires leader-
ship, 61.

Garner, Prof. James W., views on
amendments to constitutions, 301,


George III, grants charter, 462.
Georgia, and state sovereignty, 279,
280; direct primary in, 306; gov-
ernor, 320; Republican delegates,
Germany, adopts federal constitution,
94; ambassador to, 23; bank of,
114; city managers in, 622; civil
service, 598, 603, 604; educational
system, 411; Great War in, 232;
industrial insurance, 385; judicial
education, 290, 291; legislature,
46, 79, 82; military execution in,
33; military organization, 237, 238,
241, 243; prohibits monopoly, 160.
Gerry, Elbridge, originates gerry-
mander, 48.

Gerrymander, described, 48.
Gold standard. See Finances.
Gompers, Samuel, labor leader, 292.
Goodnow, F. J., Administrative Law
in the United States, 41, 339; Politics
and Administration, 572.
Gorgas, Col. E. H., in Canal Zone,


Gould, Jay, railway owner, 148, 348.
Government, increased business of, 6;

influence of science on, 298, 299.
See also the several functions and
organs of government.
Governor of states, 314; appointing
power, 315, 316; executive, 319,
320; extradition, 324; judicial
power, 324, 326; legislative, 317,
318; military, 323, 324; political
position, 322, 323; relation to
party leader, 323; removal power,
318, 319; veto, 318.

Governors' Conference, 260, 261, 316,

329, 643; Proceedings, 316, 450.
Grand Haven (Mich.), traffic, 134.
Grand Rapids (Mich.), traffic, 134.
Grand River, navigation, 134.
Grand Trunk Railway, taxed, 535, 538.
Grange. See National Grange.
Grant, Ulysses S., relation to Senate,

Graves, Henry S., forestry service, 263.
Gray, Prof. John H., prepares report,

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Hall, James Parker, on deprivation of
property, 476; Constitutional Law,
476, 491, 516, 545.
Harlan, Justice John M., defines com-
merce, 121; on control of immigra-
tion, 189.

Harrington, C., State Rights and No-
tional Health, 439.

Harrison, Benjamin, elected, 12; on
appointments, 14; This Country of
Ours, 41.

Hart, Á. B., and McLaughlin, Andrew
C., Cyclopedia of American Govern-
ment, 41, 417.

Haskins, Frederick J., The American
Government, 41.

Hawaii, annexation, 245; army in,

238; citizenship conferred on, 253,
254; dealings with, 18, 100; gov-
ernment, 246-250; in federal court
district, 280; Governor's Annual
Report, 258; Organic Act, 258.
Hayes, Rutherford B., elected, 11.
Haynes, G. H., Direct Election of
Senators, 91.

Haynes, J. R., The Actual Workings
of the Initiative, Referendum and
Recall, 626.

Health, influenced by environment
497; protected by Police Power,
500, 503-505; state care for, 419-
432, 586.

Heisler, R. C., Federal Incorporation,

Hepburn tariff bill, 50.

Heney, Francis J., prosecuting officer,

Herrick, C. A., Commercial Education,


Highways, and state action, 442-444,
Hill, James J., criticizes Federal Trade
Commission, 181.

Hoar, George F., views on legislative

interference, 19, 20.
Hodges, George H., favors short
ballot, 624; suggests commission
government for states, 332-334,
643-651; The Distrust of State
Legislatures, 340, 643-651.
Holding companies, and anti-trust
legislation, 146–148, 176, 177, 361.
Holmes, Justice O. W., on control of
immigration, 189; on interpreta-
tion of the Constitution, 277; on
social justice, 513.

Holyoke (Mass.), arbitration in, 394.
Homestead Law, discussed, 267, 268;
policy of, 270.

Honolulu, capital of Hawaii, 246, 248.
House of Representatives, apportion-
ment of members, 47; caucus
system, 57-60; committees, 60-
69; election, 46; floor leaders,
54-57, 59, 60; impeachment in,
49, 83; officers, 71, 72; organiza-
tion, 4; originates tax bills, 48,
49, 82; popularity, 45, 46; pro-
cedure, 69-71; qualifications of
members, 46, 47; Rules Com-
mittee, 50, 52-55, 555; salary, 72;
sessions, 72-74, 582; size, 60, 72;
treaties, relation to, 25.

Houston (Tex.), as railway center, 136.
Houston, East and West Texas Rail-
way, 349.

Huerta, Victorino, recognition of, 28.
Hughes, Justice Charles, governor of
New York, 317, 318; on federal
control of commerce, 135; on police
power, 514; on Pure Food and
Drugs Act, 195; on state taxation,
Humphreys, W. H., impeached, 83.
Hunt, Gov. George W. P., favors short
ballot, 624.

Hunter, Prof. W. B., on industrial
education, 412, 413, 417.

held for murder, 474.


Idaho, direct primary in, 306; forest
reserves, 262, 264; mothers' pen-
sions, 439; recall, 616; reclama-
tion, 271, 272; woman suffrage,
304; Session Laws, 645.
Illinois, borders on Mississippi, 148;
civil service in, 601-603; commis-
sion government, 359; constitu-
tional amendment, 301; delegates,
553; direct primary in, 306; edu-
cation, 401, 405; Food Commis-

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sioner, 424; grants charter, 502;
governor, 315, 319; legislature, 327,
649; railway law, 209, 210; rate
regulation, 468; state budget, 448;
steel company, 524, 525; taxation,
525, 540, 543, 544; woman's suffrage
in, 304.

Immigration, restriction of, 51, 187,
188, 586.

Immigration Commissioner, 188, 189.
Immigration Committee, in House of
Representatives, 66.

Impeachment, formulated by House of
Representatives, 49, 83; list of
trials, 83; tried by Senate, 83.
Implied powers of Congress, 254-257.
Imports, federal taxation of, 104, 106;
receipts from, 105, 106; states may
not tax, 102.

Income tax, federal, 18, 19, 104;
amended, 98-100, 462; collected,
107, 108; held unconstitutional, 97,
98, 283; revised, 98-100, 167.
Income tax, state, 446-448.
Incorporation, charters, 342; federal
and state powers, 181-183, 342, 343,
542; state laws for, 362-365.
Independents, in politics, 569.
Indiana, ballot system, 309; candi-
dates from, 559; constitutional
amendment, 301; executive, 315;
health conservation, 427, 428; radi-
cal senators from, 91; Tax Board,
533; Session Laws, 645.

Indians, admitted to citizenship, 253;
treatment of, 586.

Indirect election. See President and

Industrial education. See Vocational

Industrial Education Association, Pro-
ceedings, 417.

Inheritance tax, in several states, 446,


Initiative, for legislation, 610-612, 643.
Injunction, executive use of, 33, 34;
in trust cases, 143, 174, 175; method
of granting, 291; regulation of, 292-


Inland waters, protection of, 420-422,

Inland waterways, improvement of,
40, 260.

Inland Waterways Commission, 260.
Insular Affairs Bureau, Reports, 258.
Insular Affairs Committee, in House of
Representatives, 66.

Insurance, investigation, 564, 566;

regulated by States, 343-345, 469,
490; workmen's liability, 383-387.

Interior department, auditor, 108; president, 285; Manual of Rules,
Land Office, 267, 268; Reclamation



Jersey City (N. J.), commission gov-
ernment, 620.

John, King of England, signs Magna
Charta, 471.

Bureau, 272, 604; Reports, 273;| Jerome, William T., prosecuting officer,
Secretary, 38, 272; Reports, 273.
Interlocking directorates and anti-
trust legislation, 176, 177.
Internal Revenue, collection organ-
ized, 107, 108, 167; commissioner,
99, 106, 107; receipts, 105, 107.
Internal Waters. See Inland Waters.
International Harvester Company,
lawsuit, 481.

Interpretation of Constitution. See

Interstate and Foreign Commerce
Committee, in House, 65.
Interstate Commerce. See Commerce.
Interstate Commerce Commission, 125,
128, 129, 135, 144, 161, 162, 282,
348; and Panama Canal Zone, 253;
complaints received, 130; organiza-
tion, 126, 127; prosecutions, 131,
280; rate regulation, 131, 132, 136-
138, 257, 476; Cases in the Federal
Courts, 138.

Interstate Commerce Committee in
Senate, 86; Hearings, 184.
Inventions, influence of, 4.

Investor, protected by government,

119, 120.

Iowa, candidates from, 559; charities
system, 434, 435; direct primary
in, 306; initiative, 611, 612; pro-
hibitory law, 212, 214; radical
senators from, 91; Railway Com-
mission, 283; railway liability, 513,
514; Applied History Series, 626;
Board of Control, Report, 440.
Irrigation, federal care for, 254, 271,
272, 586.

Irrigation Committee, in House of
Representatives, 61, 66.

Italy, ambassador to, 23; imports
from, 197; in Great War, 232.
Ives v. South Buffalo Railway Com-
pany, 380.


Jackson, Andrew, appointee, 473;
spoils system, 592, 598; struggle
with Senate, 85; suppressed nulli-
fication, 570.

Japan, ambassador to, 23; declaration

of war with Russia, 231, 232; mili-
tary organization, 237; subjects
excluded from United States, 26,

Jefferson, Thomas, candidate for presi-
dent, 11; founder of party, 567;

Johns Hopkins University Studies, 91.
Johnson, Andrew, and Reconstruc-

tion, 31; impeachment trial, 49,
83; presidential tour, 40; struggle
with Senate, 85, 598.
Johnson, E. R., and Huebner, G. G.,

Railway Rates and Traffic, 138, 365.
Johnson, Hiram W., governor, 317.
Johnson, Julia, pension for, 470.
Johnson's Cancer Cure, prosecuted,
195, 196.

Jones, C. L., Readings on Parties and
Elections, 312, 572.

Jones, S. P., on utilities commissions,

Journalists, in consular service, 24;
relation to presidency, 39.
Judicial Committee of Senate, 86,
295, 580.

Judiciary, delays of, 337; relation to

executive, 34; to legislation, 284-
287; to national powers, 278, 279.
Judiciary, federal, 275; criticism, 288;
jurisdiction, 281, 282; organization,
279, 280; practical operation, 287;
removal to, 475; simpler procedure,
289. See also Supreme Court.
Judiciary, state, 335-339.
Judson, F. N., Interstate Commerce,
138, 162, 184, 217; Regulation of
Commerce, 201; The Law of Taxa-
tion, 115, 545.

Justice, department of, 38; Reform in
Administration of, 295.


Kales, A. M., Unpopular Government
in the United States, 618, 626.
Kansas, Blue Sky Law, 345, 346;
charities system, 434, 435; direct
primary in, 306; governor, 316,
332, 643; initiative and referendum,
643; insurance regulation, 469;
legislative reference library, 650;
Bulletin, 340; legislature, 646-648,
650; prohibition in, 213, 507;
radical senators from, 91; recall
in, 615, 616; refinery, 128; tax
regulation, 519, 536; woman suf-
frage in, 304; Session Laws, 645-

Kansas City (Mo.), Live Stock Ex- | Liberty, definitions of, 496-499; dep-

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Labor Department, 38; Bulletin, 396.
La Crosse (Wis.), university extension
in, 403.

La Follette, Robert M., governor, 317.
Lake Shore and Michigan Southern

Railway, lawsuit, 209, 485.
Land, for school purposes, 405; frauds
detected by Secret Service, 110;
reserves of, 265, 266. See also
Homestead Laws.

Land Office, 267, 268; Commissioner's
Reports, 273.

Latta (S. C.), railway station, 210, 211.
Lawrence (Mass.), strike at, 390, 393.
Lawyers Coöperative Association, 365.
Leave to print, as a Congressional
expedient, 71.

Lee, Gen. Henry, suppresses Whiskey
Rebellion, 33.
Legal tender, law for, 111. See also
Legislation, methods of influencing,
582-584; president influences, 16-

Legislative reference departments, 329-

Legislatures. See House of Repre-

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rivation of, 471.

Libraries, extension of, 586.
Lincoln, Abraham, a strong president,
41; anecdote of, 3; declares martial
law, 455; saved the Union, 298,

Lincoln (Neb.), Bryan's home, 559.
Liquors, adulteration of, 193, 197;
dispensary system, 96, 97; local
option, 610; prohibition of, 105,
212-216, 462, 507; sales regulated,
95, 485, 586; taxation of, 104, 105,
107, 108, 446.

Literacy test, for immigrants, 51.
Living wage, laws for, 388-391.
Lobby, in state legislatures, 332, 583;
beneficent efforts, 583, 584.
Local government, and finance, 445,
449; and party organization, 561,
562; and school supervision, 402;
supervision by state authority, 450.
Local option, form of referendum, 610.
Long and short haul, as railway dis-
crimination, 128-130, 354.

Los Angeles (Cal.), electricity in, 269,
466; gas company, 466, 467.
Lotteries, suppression of, 192, 193,


Louisiana, direct primary in, 306;
franchise requirements, 303; lum-
bering in, 261; negro discrimination,
461, 488, 489; Railway Commis-
sion, 136; slaughter house cases
in, 486, 487; swamp lands, 270.
Louisiana province, purchased, 266,

Lowell, A. L., Public Opinion and

Popular Government, 626.

Lowell (Mass.), manufacturing at, 503.
Lowrie, S. G., suggestions on state
budget, 451.
Luxemburg, invasion of, 232.


McAdoo, William G., secretary of
treasury, 32, 115.

McCarthy, Dr. Charles A., institutes
legislative reference work, 330, 331;
on university and state, 405, 406;
The Wisconsin Idea, 405, 417.
McConachie, L. C., Congressional Com-
mittees, 60, 74.

McGeehee, Lucius P., Due Process of
Law, 491, 516.

sentatives, Senate, and State legis-McGovern, Gov. Francis J., on Wis-

Liability of directors of corporations,


consin income tax, 446, 447.

McKenna, Justice Joseph, on business
regulation, 469, 470, 481, 482.

of Representatives, 132.
Merriam, C. E., Nominating Elections,

Message, president's annual, 35, 36.
Metal Trades. See National Metal
Trades Association.

Mackenzie-King, Canadian Commis- | Merchant Marine Committee, of House
sioner of Labor, 394.
"McKenzie," steamboat, 260.
McKinley, William, advocates treaties,
84; appointments, 24, 246; gold
standard adopted, 112, 570; hinders
declaration of war, 27; influence on
legislation, 18; nominated, 559;
Southern tour, 40; tariff bill, when
in House, 50; tariff message, 36.
Macy, R. H. & Company, suit against,


Magazines and postage rates, 225.
Magna Charta, in England, 48, 471,

Maine, direct primary in, 306; elec-
tion system, 316; railway in, 535;
Session Laws, 645.
Manchuria, trade with, 29.
Mann White Slave Traffic Act, of

1910, 189-192, 200; text, 190, 191.
Manufactures, and anti-trust legisla-
tion, 143, 146; not a part of com-
merce, 121, 143; rise of, 30, 95;
taxation of, 103. See also National

Marshall, Chief Justice John, decision
on state tax of United States bank,
102, 278; definition of commerce,
120, 121, 277; enlarges federal
power, 278, 279, 285, 286; on ob-
ligation of contracts, 462, 464, 465;
on powers of Congress, 255-257,


Maryland and United States bank,
102, 255; bond taxation in, 522;
direct primary in, 554; Public
Service Commission, 351, 352; Tax
Commission, Report, 450.
Massachusetts, arbitration law, 392-
395; ballot, 309; civil service,
601, 602; congressman, 51; dele-
gates, 557; direct primary, 306, 554;
educational system, 400-402, 408,
410, 413; finances, 445, 520; gerry-
mander in, 48; governor, 316;
health regulations, 420, 421, 424,
425, 427; highway legislation, 442;
labor laws, 371, 503; legislative
bills, 645; oleomargarine law, 207,
208; supreme court, 284; taxation,
541, 542; wage commission, 387-
391; workmen's compensation, 383;
Session Laws, 645.

Meat inspection, laws for, 193, 194,

Meece, G. W., consignee, 215.
Mellen, C. S., railway president, 348.
Memphis (Tenn.), commerce, 526,
527; shipments to, 524, 525.

Mexico, adopts federal constitution,
94; ambassador to, 23; relations
with, 22, 27, 28, 29.

Meyer, E. C., Nominating Systems,
305, 306, 312.

Michigan, commerce in, 134; direct
primary, 306, 554; mothers' pen-
sions, 439; recall, 616; Republican
delegate, 553; swamp lands in,
270; Law Review, 339; Session
Laws, 645.

Miles Medical Company, lawsuit, 158,

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Mills, Gen. A. L., Report, 243.
Milwaukee (Wis.), gas rates in, 359;
Socialist member from, 72; tax
investigation in, 447; university
extension, 403.
Mimeograph Case and Sherman Act,
155, 156.

Minerals, conservation of, 265, 266.
Minimum wage, in United States,
387; for women, 389.
Minneapolis (Minn.), voters' league,

Minnesota, charities system, 434, 438,
439; direct primary in, 306; forest
reserves in, 262; radical senators
from, 91; railway rate cases, 135,
136, 282, 347; recall, 616; referen-
dum, 611; Senate's size, 327;
swamp lands, 270; taxation, 537-
Mint, director of, 19.
Mississippi, gerrymander in, 48; lot-
tery, 501; railway, 206; Republican
delegates, 553; swamp lands in,

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