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September, 1814.

AND is this-Yarrow?-This the Stream

Of which my fancy cherish'd,

So faithfully, a waking dream?

An image that hath perish'd!

O that some Minstrel's harp were near,

To utter notes of gladness,

And chase this silence from the air,

That fills my heart with sadness!

Yet why?—a silvery current flows

With uncontrolled meanderings;

Nor have these eyes by greener hills

Been soothed, in all my wanderings.

And, through her depths, Saint Mary's Lake

Is visibly delighted;

For not a feature of those hills

Is in the mirror slighted.

A blue sky bends o'er Yarrow vale,
Save where that pearly whiteness

Is round the rising sun diffused,
A tender, hazy brightness;

Mild dawn of promise! that excludes

All profitless dejection;

Though not unwilling here to admit

A pensive recollection.

Where was it that the famous Flower

Of Yarrow Vale lay bleeding?

His bed perchance was yon smooth mound

On which the herd is feeding:

And haply from this crystal pool,

Now peaceful as the morning,

The Water-wraith ascended thrice-
And gave his doleful warning.

Delicious is the Lay that sings
The haunts of happy Lovers,
The path that leads them to the
The leafy grove that covers :

And Pity sanctifies the verse


That paints, by strength of sorrow,

The unconquerable strength of love ;

Bear witness, rueful Yarrow!

But thou, that didst appear so fair

To fond imagination,

Dost rival in the light of day

Her delicate creation :

Meek loveliness is round thee spread,

A softness still and holy;

The grace of forest charms decayed,

And pastoral melancholy.

That Region left, the. Vale unfolds

Rich groves of lofty stature,

With Yarrow winding through the pomp

Of cultivated nature;

And, rising from those lofty groves,

Behold a Ruin hoary!

The shattered front of Newark's Towers,

Renowned in Border story.

Fair scenes for childhood's opening bloom,

For sportive youth to stray in;

For manhood to enjoy his strength;

And age to wear away in!

Yon Cottage seems a bower of bliss;

It promises protection

To studious ease, and generous cares,
And every chaste affection!

How sweet, on this autumnal day,
The wild wood's fruits to gather,

And on my True-love's forehead plant
A crest of blooming heather!

And what if I enwreathed my own!

"Twere no offence to reason;

The sober Hills thus deck their brows To meet the wintry season.

I see but not by sight alone,
Lov'd Yarrow, have I won thee;
A ray of Fancy still survives-
Her sunshine plays upon thee!
Thy ever-youthful waters keep

A course of lively pleasure;

And gladsome notes my lips can breathe,

Accordant to the measure.

The vapours linger round the Heights,
They melt-and soon must vanish;
One hour is theirs', nor more is mine-

Sad thought, which I would banish,

But that I know, where'er I go,

Thy genuine image, Yarrow,

Will dwell with me-to heighten joy,

And cheer my mind in sorrow,



WHAT crowd is this? what have we here! we must not

pass it by;

A Telescope upon its frame, and pointed to the sky :
Long is it as a Barber's Pole, or Mast of little Boat,

Some little Pleasure-skiff, that doth on Thames's waters float.

The Show-man chooses well his place, 'tis Leicester's busy


And he's as happy in his night, for the heavens are blue

and fair;

Calm, though impatient is the Crowd; Each is ready with

the fee,

And envies him that's looking-what an insight must

it be!

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