Sir William Keith has taken it up at its earliest period, and continued it to the year 1725. He is agreeable enough in style, and passes over events of little importance. Of course he is short, and would be preferred by a foreigner. During the regal government, some contest arose on the exaction of an illegal fee by governor Dinwiddie, and doubtless there were others on other occasions not at present recol. lected. It is supposed, that these are not sufficiently interesting to a foreigner to merit a detail. The petition of the council and burgesses of Virginia to the king, their memorial to the lords and remonstrance to the commons in the year 1764, began the present contest, and these having proved ineffectual to prevent the passage of the stamp-act, the resolutions of the house of burgesses of 1765 were passed, declaring the independence of the the people of Virginia on the parliament of Great-Britain, in matters of taxation. From that time till the declaration of Independence by Congress in 1776, their journals are filled with assertions of the public rights. The pamphlets published in this state on the controverted question, were: 1766, An Inquiry into the rights of the British Colonies, by Richard Bland. 1769, The Monitor's Letters, Dr. Arthur Lee. 1774, A summary View of the rights of Brit ish America*. By the author of these notes. 1774, Considerations, &c. by Robert Carter Nicholas. Since the declaration of independence this state has had no controversy with any other, except with that of Pennsylvania, on their cotnmon boundary. Some papers on this subje& passed between the executive and legislative bodies of the two states, the result of which was a happy accommodation of their rights. pa. To this account of our historians, memorials, and pamphlets, it may not be unuseful to add a chronological catalogue of American state-papers, as far as I have been able to collect their titles. It is far from being either complete or correct. Where the title alone, and not the per itself, has come under my observation, I cannot answer for the exactness of the date. Sometimes I have not been able to find any. date at all, and sometimes have not been satisfied that such a paper exists. An extensive collection of papers of this description has been for some time in a course of preparation by a gentleman* fully equal to the task, and from whom, therefore, we may hope ere long to receive it. In the mean time accept this as the result of my labours, and as closing the tedious detail which you have so undesignedly drawn upon yourself. 11. H. 7. Pro Johanne Caboto et filiis suis su- 1496. Mar. 5. per terra incognita investiganda. 12. Ry. 595. 3. Hakl. 4. 2. Mem. Am. 409. * Mr. Hazzard. 1498, Feb. 3. Billa signata anno 13. Henrici septimi. S. Hakluyt's voiages 5. 13. H. 7. 1502, Dec. 19. De potestatibus ad terras incognitas 18. H. 7. 1540, O&. 17. 1684, 2. E. 6. 20. El. investigandum. 13. Rymer. 37. Commission de Francois I a Jacques Catier pour l'establissement du Canada. L'Escarbot. 397. 2. Mem. Am. 416. An act against the exaction of money, or any other thing, by any officer for license to traffique into Iseland and New-foundland, made in An. 2. Edwardi sexti. 3 Hakl. 131. 1578, June 11. The letters patent granted by her Majestie to Sir Humphrey Gil. bert, knight, for the inhabiting and planting of our people in America. 3 Hakl. 135. 1583, Feb. 6. Letters patent of Queen Elizabeth to Adrian Gilbert and others, to discover the northwest passage to China. 3. Hakl. 96. 26 El. 1584, Ma: 25. The letters-patent granted by the Queen's majestie to M. Walter Raleigh, now knight, for the discovering and planting of new lands and countries, to continue the space of six years and no more. 3. Hakl. 243. Mar. 7, 31.El. An assignment by Sir Walter Ra- peo Lettres de Lieutenant General de l' 1603, Nov. 8. Acadie & pays circonvoisins pour le Sieur de Monts. L'Escarbot. 417. 1606, Apr. 10. Letters-patent to Sir Thomas Gates, 4. Jac. 1. 4. Jac. 1. An ordinance and constitution en- 1607, Mar. 9. larging the council of the two colonies in Virginia and America, and augmenting their authority, M. S. The second charter to the treasurer 1609, May 23. and company for Virginia, erect- 7 Jac. 1. ing them into a body politick, Stith. Ap. 2. Letters-patent to the E. of North 1610, Apr. 16. Jac. 1. ampton, granting part of the island of Newfoundland. 1. Harris. 861. A third charter to the treasurer and 1611, Mar. 12. company for Virginia, Stith. Ap.3. A commission to Sir Walter Ra- 1617, Jac, 1. leigh Qu.? 9 Jac. 1. Commissio specialis concernens le 1620, Apr. 76 garbling herbæ Nocotianæ. 17. 18 Jac. 1. Rym, 190. A proclamation for restraint of the 1620, June 29, disordered trading of tobocco. 17. 18 Jac. 1. Rym. 233, A grant of New-England to the 1620, Nov, 3. council of Plymouth. Jac. I. An ordinance and constitution of the 1621, July 24 treasurer, council and company Jac. I. in England, for a council of statel 1621, Sep: 10. 20 Jac. 1. 1622, Nov. 6. 20 Jac. 1. 1623, May 9. 21 Jac. 1. 1623. and general assembly in Virginia. Stith. Ap. 4. A grant of Nova Scotia to Sir Wil- A proclamation prohibiting interio- De commissione speciali Willelmo 1624, July 15. De commissione Henrico viceomiti 22 Jac. 1. 1624, Aug. 26. 22 Jac. 1. 1624, Sep. 29. 22 Jac. I. 1624, Nov. 9. 22 Jac. 1. 1625, Mar. 2. 22 Jac. I. Mandevil! & aliis. 17. Rym.609. De commissione speciali concernenti gubernationem in Virginia. 17. Rym. 618, A proclamation concerning tobacco. 17. Rym. 621. De concessione demiss, Edwardo Ditchfield et aliis. 17. Rym. 633. A proclamation for the utter prohibiting the importation and use of all tobacco which is not of the proper growth of the colony of Virginia and the Somer islands, or one of them. 17. Rvm. 668. 1625, Mar. 4. De commissione directa Georgio 1 Car. 1. 1625, Apr. 9. Yardeley militi et aliis. 18. Rym. 311. Proclamatio de herba Nicotiana. 18. I Car 1. 1 |