Developments in East European Politics

Front Cover
Stephen White, Judy Batt, Paul G. Lewis
Duke University Press, 1993 - 304 pages
Formerly a part of the Soviet empire, the countries of Central and Eastern Europe are now in the process of a complex transition from authoritarianism to more open systems based on political democracy and the market. Developments in East European Politics takes as its starting point the dramatic developments of the late 1980s and early 1990s and the factors that have helped to shape the region as a whole, focusing in detail on the changing politics of Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria and the successor republics in the former Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia. At the core of the book is a set of comparative chapters considering developments in voting behaviour, the emerging party systems, political leadership and participation, economic reform and social policy in Eastern Europe. The volume concludes with an assessment of the political science of post-communist Eastern Europe, a consideration of its place in the wider world and a presentation of selected voices of the people of Eastern Europe themselves. Written by leading specialists from both sides of the Atlantic, this introductory but authoritative text provides an up-to-date and unrivalled guide to the forces that are reshaping half a continent.

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About the author (1993)

Stephen White is the James Bryce Professor of Politics, a Senior Research Associate of the School of Central and East European Studies at Glasgow University, and a Visiting Professor at the Institute of Applied Politics in Moscow. White graduated from Trinity College Dublin with degrees in history and political science, and then completed a PhD in Soviet studies at Glasgow - including an exchange year at Moscow State University - and a DPhil in politics at Wolfson College Oxford. He was elected a Fellow of the British Academy in 2010. Stephen White is the author of numerous articles and books on Soviet and Russian politics.

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