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Other Chapters have placed tablets to mark historic sites. The General Israel Putnam Chapter, of Danvers, placed a tablet on the birthplace of the hero whose name it bears; John Adams tomb was similarly marked by the John Adams Chapter; the Sea Coast Defence Chapter reared a Liberty Pole in place of one torn down by British sailors in 1776; the Sarah Bradlee Fulton Chapter marked with a bronze tablet the site of the home of the Chapter mother; the Old South placed a tablet on the birthplace of Rev. S. T. Smith, the author of "America;" the Paul Revere Chapter honored its Chapter hero by presenting a valuable portrait of him, in oils, to the Paul Revere School; the Hannah Goddard Chapter gave to the same school a fine oil portrait of Major William Dawes, whose name is linked with that of Paul Revere in the story of the ride to Lexington. All the gifts of the Daughters of the American Revolution to this school are placed in one of the large class rooms, on the door of which is a handsome brass tablet, the gift of our State Regent.

Many of the Chapters follow the custom of decorating with flowers and wreaths the graves of revolutionary soldiers on Memorial Day, while others, notably the Lucy Knox, the Gen. Benjamin Lincoln, the Martha's Vineyard and the Sarah Bradlee Fulton, have marked these places permanently with the bronze markers of the Sons of the American Revolution. The grave of the youthful Submit Clark and her young husband has been found and will be removed by the Chapter bearing that name to a conspicuous site and suitably marked.

The work for the coming men and women is active; prizes for essays on historical subjects have been offered and appropriate works of art placed in the public schools.

The Massachusetts Regents keep in touch with the larger work through their State meetings and much interest is shown in them and in the annual State Conference, which was held this year at Fall River.

Our gracious President General, Mrs. Daniel Manning. honored us with her presence on this occasion and encouraged our efforts with kindly and well chosen words.

Let us hope the coming year may bring us many gala days

like that one, and that the prosperity and accomplishment of our Society may increase ten fold.

Respectfully submitted,


State Regent.


Madam President and Members of the Eighth Continental Congress: Another year has rolled away and again I am called upon to report the work done by the Chapters of Maine. This year has been one of strife, and our Daughters have given time and money freely for the soldiers and their families. Maine has done her part as well as she could, consequently the increasing of members and Chapters has not been great. The Daughters of Maine now number three hundred and fifty. There are ten Chapters and fourteen Chapter Regents. One Chapter, "General Knox," of Thomaston, has been organized, with a membership of thirty-two. A Regent has been appointed in Bethel. One Charter, Waterville, has been signed by me. Nearly all of the Chapters have taken up some work, either study or something of benefit to the place in which it exists. We have a State Council, which meets twice during the year, January and May. We find these meetings very helpful in many ways.

Respectfully submitted,

State Regent.


Madam President and Members of the Eighth Continental Congress: During the past year a more earnest and widespread interest in the noble aims and objects of our Society has been. manifested in various portions of the State, and this interest I have endeavored to foster.

Two Chapter Regents have been appointed; a Chapter has

been organized at Annapolis, and fittingly named the Peggy Stewart Tea Party Chapter; and one is in process of formation in Prince George County.

The work of the Baltimore Chapter, Mrs. J. Thomson Mason, Regent, has been interesting and important. At the suggestion of the State Regent, a medal was offered for the best essay on Revolutionary History, written by a pupil of the Female High Schools. The medal, a very handsome one, designed especially for the Chapter by Caldwell & Company, was awarded to Miss Lulu Smith, of the Eastern High School. So much interest was shown by the pupils, and those connected with the schools, that the Chapter decided to offer another medal, to be given on March 25th-the subject to be "Maryland Troops in the Revolutionary War."

This Chapter was most active and liberal in assisting the War Fund and Hospital Corps, having given $105 to the War Fund, and 233 garments, shirts, and pajamas to the Hospital Corps. It also recommended two trained nurses and supplied them with the necessary aprons.

Fifty dollars was sent by the Chapter to the Franco-American Memorial Committee to assist in the completion of the statues of Washington and Lafayette; also $25 to the Continental Hall, a similar sum having been given by the Chapter last year.

Historical meetings and receptions have been held regularly. The Chapter has 132 members, twenty having been added during the past year; five transfers, three resignations, and four deaths-among the most recent, that of Mrs. Jervis Spencer, a former Chapter Regent and Treasurer. Her death was deeply regretted by the Chapter.

The Maryland Line Chapter, Baltimore, Miss Elizabeth Pennington, Regent, has twenty-nine members, seven added during the year, one by transfer; one resignation and one transfer to the National Society.

Regular meetings have been held by the Chapter, at several of which interesting papers have been contributed by the Historical Committee, who expect to cover the history, not only of Maryland and her great men during the Revolution, but also eventually those of other States.

On the 19th of April, Chapter Day, the anniversary of the battle of Lexington, the Chapter gave a handsome reception at the home of Miss Elizabeth Chew Williams, one of its members, who kindly offered her house for the occasion. The rooms were draped with the superb flags of the Society of the Colonial Wars, lent by them for that purpose. Representatives of all the patriotic societies were present.

A contribution was sent by the Chapter to the FrancoAmerican Memorial Committee for the statues of Washington and Lafayette.

The Frederick Chapter, Frederick, Miss Eleanor Murdoch Johnson, Regent, has sustained a serious loss in the death of their beloved Regent, Mrs. John S. Ritchie, who died October 20, 1898. To her untiring energy the Chapter owes its being. Her zeal and patriotic ardor did much for the advancement of the Chapter and the National Society.

Regular meetings have been held, and the anniversaries of the battles of Lexington and Bunker Hill celebrated.

The Chapter has twenty-seven members, five of whom were added during the year.

The Peggy Stewart Tea Party Chapter, Annapolis, Miss Alice Lloyd Buchanan, Regent, organized in December with thirteen members, three have been added since, which argues well for the future strength and usefulness of this Chapter. Respectfully submitted,


State Regent.


Madam President and Members of the Eighth Continental Congress: The report of one State Regent must resemble those of all, for the work being exclusively that of organization only personal and local methods differ.

In the West, as there are no historic spots or graves, raison d'etre of such a society for purely genealogical reasons appeals to a limited number; therefore, organization is uncertain and growth in membership slow. Michigan has an unusual num

ber of earnest women whose general culture and familiarity with the great educational and social problems of the last end of the century has led them into Club life, and when the idea of forming a Chapter is presented to them, it simply means another Club of necessarily restricted membership; therefore, the appeal must be made from an ethical standpoint. The deep interest felt by Michigan women in the present deplorable public school system supplies the motive, and Chapters are taking up this great question as their special work.

In organizing a Chapter, the plan followed most successfully by the present State Regent is to ask some capable, representative woman in town or village to secure, if eligible, membership in the National Society with a view to her appointment as local Regent. These preliminaries settled, a meeting is called through the local press inviting all who are interested in starting a Chapter to confer with the State Regent, when the object and aims of the Society are fully stated. The results in each instance have been satisfactory, although the formation of a Chapter is frequently delayed because of the lack of suitable reference libraries. The methods employed and the work accomplished by the Chapters vary with the environment; but some mention of these may be of helpful interest.

Algonquin Chapter, St. Joseph, gave a musical fete, an attractive feature of which was a minuet danced by tiny children dressed in Colonial costume. The money thus raised was given to two public school children for the best papers on selected subjects in Colonial history.

Lansing Chapter raised money for the Prison Ships Monument Fund from the proceeds of a lecture delivered by Colonel Beecher.

Louisa St. Clair Chapter, of Detroit, engaged Mr. Wm. Webster Ellsworth to give his lecture "From Lexington to Yorktown" to twenty-five hundred public school children, with the result that not only were their examinations successfully passed, but the children were also made to understand. the conditions which led up to the Revolution, and were further given a thrilling object-lesson in their individual obligation to the heroes of that war.

Sophie de Marsac Campau Chapter, of Grand Rapids, in ad

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