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dition to its public work, reads a selected book by proxy. A member gives at each meeting a resumé of a certain number of pages, and free and often animated discussions follow.

A plan adopted by the Ypsilanti Chapter is offered as a suggestion to others. The regular meetings are held on some historic day in each month when, in addition to a commemorative paper, a ten minute talk is given by the chairman of the committee on Local Indian and Pioneer History, and many interesting legends and data are obtained.

Outside the large cities, owing to small membership, the relief work during the late war was chiefly done through local Grand Army of the Republic and similar patriotic societies; hence, a resumé of this is necessarily impossible. That Michigan women, like their peers in the East, seized this opportunity to prove their gratitude to the brave men in field and camp by lessening their sufferings and supplying their needs is now a matter of history. It was a privilege for which they desire neither credit nor thanks. In addition, twenty-eight brave trained nurses went out to camp hospitals under the auspices of the Michigan Chapters and remained at their posts until illness or honorable discharge relieved them. One of these gave her life to her country and Detroit honors the name of Ellen Tower!

The work begun with the Volunteers is now transferred to the enlisted men of the regular army stationed in Manila, Cuba, and Porto Rico. Attention having been called to the dearth of English reading matter in these new possessions and the difficulty experienced by the officers in keeping their men healthily occupied, two tons of books and magazines have been shipped to the Eleventh and Nineteenth Regiments, United States Army, in Ponce, and to the Signal Corps at Manila. Louisa St. Clair Chapter, Detroit, Muskegon Chapter, and unorganized Daughters in Marquette, through their Regent, have already sent fifty-two subscriptions for one year for the Century, Scribner, McClure, Popular Science Monthly, Youths Companion and Black Cat to the Post Reading Rooms of the Regular regiments now stationed in Manila, Cuba and Porto Rico.

Various Chapters in Connecticut, and through the State Re

gent in Massachusetts, are joining in this work which, it is sincerely hoped, may become universal. Nothing can be more deplorable than the absence of reading matter, especially in a strange country under conditions which, at best, demand unusual patience and fortitude.

There are organized Chapters in Detroit, Grand Rapids, Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti, Flint, Lansing, St. Joseph and Muskegon, while Marquette, Cold Water, Saginaw, Traverse City and Pontiac, give promise of early organization. Regents appointed at Alpena and Lake Linden report a large foreign population and necessarily uncertain growth in membership. The Regent desires to express to the various Chapter Regents, Chapters, and individual members, her appreciation of their interest and enthusiasm. She has the precious memory of unfailing loyalty and coöperation during her four years of service.

Respectfully submitted,

State Regent.


Madam President and Members of the Eighth Continental Congress: I have the honor to present herewith my report as Regent of the State of Minnesota.

The duties of my office have been arduous, but delightful, and whatever success may have been attained has been largely due to the excellent work of my predecessor, Mrs. Eliza B. Newport, who for six successive years held the office of State Regent. While her refusal to longer serve in that capacity was deeply regretted by the Daughters of Minnesota, her election to the office of Honorary State Regent was received with special favor, and in that capacity she has given me her cordial sympathy and support, and has continued to render valuable services in promoting the welfare of our organization in Minnesota, for which I make grateful acknowledgment.

There are now ten Chapters in the State, with an aggregate membership of 564. Of the four Regents appointed by my

predecessor, one has completed an organization at Fergus Falls. Mrs. Henry F. Brown, of Mankato, was not able, on account of ill health, to prosecute her work, and Miss Nettie Severance has succeeded her and hopes soon to have a Chapter organized. At Rochester we are about to have a flourishing Chapter, and in Minneapolis there will be two new Chapters formed. While we lack the peculiar interest that arises from living on historic ground, we find throughout the State a great awakening among those who are of revolutionary ancestry, and it will not be long before Chapters will be organized in every town of importance in Minnesota. The State Regent has traveled over 3,000 miles in the exercise of her official duties, visiting seven of the Chapters by special invitation, signed the charters of four Chapters and recommendations for nine army nurses. The report of the war work of the Daughters of the American Revolution has heretofore been fully reported by her.

The annual State Conference was held in the Westminster Presbyterian Church, in Minneapolis, on the 3d of May, 1898, and proved a most delightful occasion, graced by the presence of many distinguished Daughters, the Honorary State Regent, our "own Daughter," Mrs. Nancy E. McDonald, and two great-great-granddaughters of Betsy Ross. An extended. account of this meeting has been published in the AMERICAN MONTHLY.

The St. Paul Chapter, of which Mrs. J. B. Beals is Regent, is the oldest and largest in the State, numbering 168 members, seventeen having been added during the year. Mrs. Edwin S. Chittenden, one of the charter members, died April 6, 1898. On June 17th, a large and enthusiastic meeting of the Chapter and its friends was held at the Crocus Hill Club House, at which the State Regent was a guest, and addressed the meeting; prominent clergymen of the city and the President of the Sons of the Revolution were also present and spoke on patriotic themes.

The Minneapolis Chapter held eleven meetings during the year. Their Regent was, early in her second term, elected State Regent, and the Vice-Regent, Mrs. Watson W. Rich, soon thereafter removed to Shanghai, China. Mrs. Henry A.

Norton was then elected Regent, which office she has filled in a most able and acceptable manner. Many of the members of this Chapter are descendants of the heroes of Fort Griswold, and in accordance with the custom of the Chapter, a meeting was held on the 6th of last September, at the home of its venerable Chaplain, Mrs. Charlotte O. Van Cleve, at which a tiny seedling tree from Fort Griswold was planted, and historic earth from many a far-away spot famed in history, deposited about its roots. This Chapter exhibited great interest in the soldiers of the late war with Spain, and contributed generously to their comfort and encouragement. The two possessions most prized by this Chapter are a complete set of the AMERICAN MONTHLY, handsomely bound, and its charter, framed in wood procured from Mt. Vernon. This Chapter has now sixty-seven members, and is the only one in the State that has an "own Daughter," a resident member, Mrs. Nancy E. McDonald, whose beautiful face and sweet presence is always a benediction.

The Colonial Chapter, of Minneapolis, numbers 121 members, thirteen having been received during the year. This Chapter is a most united and enthusiastic one. Its members were among the first to take up the work of aiding our soldiers and gave the money that would have been used for refreshments at their meetings to purchase supplies for the hospitals. The work of sewing, packing boxes, and contributing money was participated in by every member of the Chapter. The contributions ranged from $1 to $25 each, and the committee meetings presented an animated scene of industry and enthusiasm. When the bodies of the gallant Major M. C. Wilkinson and his five brave soldiers were brought from Leach Lake to Fort Snelling, the Colonial Chapter placed a beautiful spray of roses on each of the caskets, as a tribute to the dead heroes, victims of the savage Red Men of the Forest. Over $100 were privately contributed to patriotic work, $20 from the Chapter funds, $10 to the Lafayette monument fund, $10 to the Washington monument fund, and $25 to the Continental Hall fund. Mrs. Charles M. Loring, the present efficient Regent, is assisting the State Regent in the organization of a young ladies Chapter in Minneapolis.

The Nathan Hale Chapter, of St. Paul, of which Mrs. Hascal R. Brill is Regent, held ten regular meetings during the year. The Chapter adhered with pleasure and profit to its prescribed work, literary, social, and memorial. The membership is fifty-one. The fund for the purpose of erecting a monument to the patriot for whom the Chapter is named, now amounts to $374.15. The Nathan Hale Chapter has responded to the call of the National Society for aid in the war work of the Daughters of the American Revolution, and by sewing for the nurses during the summer. Several valuable souvenirs have been presented to the Chapter, one especially prized being a piece of the old school-house in which Nathan Hale taught before his country's call to martyrdom.

Greysolon-du L'Hut Chapter, of Duluth, was organized October 19, 1895. It has been interested from its organization in the study of American History. A series of papers on the life of Washington have been prepared, read and preserved for future reference and use.. For several years past the Chapter has united with the Sons of the American Revolution in celebrating Independence Day in an appropriate and dignified manner, holding joint services in the beautiful Assembly Hall of the High School Building. For four successive years the day has been observed in this manner, once upon the Sabbath, and on each occasion with increased interest and large audiences. Addresses were delivered by distinguished orators, patriotic music rendered, and with elaborate and appropriate decorations the occasions have reached a measure of importance and dignity much to be desired. The example of this Chapter might well be followed by the Daughters everywhere. Mrs. Coman Ames, the present Regent, is the worthy leader of this patriotic band, now numbering twenty-seven members.

The Secretary of the Daughters of Liberty Chapter, Duluth, reports that the Chapter has been somewhat disorganized during the past year, owing to the absence of members from the the city, and the failure of the Regent to call meetings. But one meeting was called during the year and that by the Board of Management to meet the State Regent. This Chapter was organized two years ago by Mrs. D. B. Smith, the present

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