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ter to respond to the written call of Mrs. Rice over three years ago asking for members in this locality, was an unexpected incident of the day.

Mrs. Simpson, Regent of Frances Dighton Williams Chapter, came over from Bangor to attend the occasion.

All were pleased to meet Mrs. White and it is hoped renewed interest will prove an impetus to the work of our grand Society in this locality.-NORA G. RICE, Regent.

JANE MCCREA CHAPTER (Fort Edward, New York).—The first meeting of this Chapter since its organization in January was held on Washington's Birthday at the residence of the Regent, Mrs. Joseph E. King, in Fort Edward. That the Chapter begins its work in a spirit worthy of its historic surroundings was evidenced by the interest and enthusiasm of those present. Nearly all of the members attended the meeting, and there were also present guests from the Ethan Allen and Green Mountain Chapters of Vermont.

The parlors were patriotically draped with the national colors, and the program of the afternoon was most interesting. The singing of the "Star-Spangled Banner," with Mrs. Underwood as soloist, was a feature of the occasion. Miss Cheesman, as pianist, and Mrs. J. Earl Cheesman as vocalist, contributed largely to the success of the entertainment. Mrs. Cheesman also delighted the audience by reading some humerous patriotic selections.

The Constitution drafted by the committee was read by Mrs. George Underwood and approved by the Chapter. A sketch of Washington's life by the Historian concluded the literary program. Refreshments were served and subjects of interest discussed.

It was decided to hold but four regular meetings yearly. The next will occur May 10th, the anniversary of the surrender of Fort Ticonderoga. The others will be on July 27th, the anniversary of the murder of Jane McCrea by the Indians, and on October 17th, commemorating Burgoyne's surrender at Saratoga.

The Chapter proposes to mark the scene of Jane McCrea's

death and other historic spots in this locality, also to make pilgrimages to local scenes of revolutionary events.

The membership already includes several from Sandy Hill, and a representative from Argyle, and as residents of any village in this section may become members if eligible and acceptable, there is no doubt that the Jane McCrea Chapter will prove to be a powerful organization.-GRACE KELLOGG PARIS, Historian.

MINNEAPOLIS CHAPTER.-At the request of our Regent, I have prepared, as Historian, an account of a very delightful open meeting held by our Chapter. Of the many complimentary and eloquent tributes paid to the Daughters of the American Revolution both at home and at large, it is only possible to give a hint. It was enthusiastic, patriotic and social, so that we all came away with a certain sense of elation, pride and humility, that such nice things were said of us, that they were true, and that such responsibility was imposed upon us to be further worthy the high duties we have undertaken. Will you kindly find some place for it in the Magazine is the request of the Historian.

A charming reception was given January 11th at the home of Judge and Mrs. Ell Torrance by the Chapter. The decorations were of a patriotic nature and the doorways and arches were draped with flags and bunting. Easter lilies, white carnations and palms vied with the red, white and blue. A number of colonial treasures were scattered through the rooms. An ancient spinning wheel, old chairs in colonial decorations in blue and white divided interest with complete bound edition of the Daughters of the American Revolution Magazine. The Chapter flag occupied a conspicuous place and the charter framed in wood brought from Mt. Vernon hung beside pictures of George and Martha Washington. Lilies of the valley brightened the library, where frappe was served. The guests received by Mrs. Torrance, State Regent, and former Regent of the Minneapolis Chapter; Mrs. C. M. Loring, Regent of Colonial Chapter; Mrs. H. A. Norton, Regent Minneapolis Chapter; Mrs. Robert Stratton, Vice-Regent; Mrs. E. J. M. Newcomb, Registrar; Miss Emma Rogers, Recording Secre

tary; Miss Jean Blaisdell, Corresponding Secretary; Mrs. F. C. Burrows, Treasurer; Mrs. C. W. Keys, Chaplain; Mrs. C. O. Van Cleve, Honorary Chaplain, and Mrs. G. L. Powers, Historian.

After singing "America" Mrs. Torrance gave an address of welcome. Mr. George H. Dagget, of the Sons of the American Revolution, made an address and Mrs. W. B. Leach gave an interesting account of the work of the Daughters of the American Revolution during the recent war. Judge Torrance, recently elected president of the Sons of the American Revolution, gave a short talk, followed by an eloquent address by W. C. White, of St. Paul. Mrs. L. G. Powers read a paper concerning the work of the Minneapolis Chapter since its organization. Several musical numbers were rendered by the Sappho ladies' quartet. Refreshments were served in the dining-room, where the decorations were blue and white, the colors of the Society.

The lights were shaded in blue, a large basket of white carnations and ferns adorning the center of the table, blue and white tapers in silver candelabra were at either end, blue and white china was used. Presiding in the dining-room were Messrs. O. H. Shepley, Douglas Fisk, F. C. Ball, and C. A. Dodge, assisted by a group of young women, all in colonial costume with powdered hair. The guests were one hundred and fifty and included officers and members of local Chapters and other invited guests.-MRS. L. G. PoWERS, Historian.

GREAT BRIDGE CHAPTER.-The Great Bridge Chapter, of Norfolk, Virginia, boasts a Real Daughter among its members in the person of Elizabeth Berry Bottimore, whose father served in the Revolutionary War. Her father was Matthew Floyd, of Northampton County, Virginia, a soldier, a patriot, a minister of the gospel, a land holder, a man of gentle means and generous impulses. When the clarion notes of the Declaration of Independence rang through the land Matthew Floyd was a little lad of thirteen years, too young to go with the first company of the Northampton gentlemen, who flocked to Washington's standard, and his little heart throbbed and burned with indignation over his few years and boyish stature, and doubt

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less his alarm was great lest the war of independence should be over before he was allowed to strike one stroke in the good cause. Three years later when Captain Richard Savage raised a company in the county the lad of sixteen enlisted and bore his part as a true man and brave soldier.

Those who knew him in later life remember him as a quiet and dignified gentleman wearing his clothes and small queue, dispensing the hospitality of his home, befriending the poor and afflicted, exhorting his flock from his pulpit, a soldier of the Cross save when he brought forth pearls of reminiscences from the store house of his experiences-a gentle, kindly figure among the landmarks of Northampton County. He was thrice. married, but by his first two wives he had no children. In 1824 he married Elizabeth Custis Glenn, by whom he had two children, Elizabeth Esther Berry, the subject of this sketch, and Sarah Custes. * * * Elizabeth's young life was spent on her father's plantation and was quiet and uneventful. Her sweet manners and lovely disposition combined with her graces of person endeared her to all who knew her. At sixteen she married Thomas Bottimore, of Norfolk, Virginia, and with him she lived a happy wife for forty-four years. In 1895 her husband died and since then she has lived in an honored seclusion beloved and venerated by her descendants and esteemed by the members of the Presbyterain Church, of which she has been a devoted member for many years. She is the mother of three children, Mrs. J. Frank West, of Roanoke, Virginia; Elizabeth, who died in infancy, and Mrs. Sallie Floyd Taylor, of Norfolk, Virginia.

THE SANTA YSABEL CHAPTER, of San Jose, California, with their Chapter Regent, Mrs. Samuel Franklin Leib, met at the residence of Mrs. Leigh Richmond Smith, who is the Historian of the Chapter, on Thursday afternoon, January 12th. There was an interesting program. Mrs. Leigh Richmond Smith read a paper, which she had written on January events of the Revolutionary War. Miss Mary Walter recited in a perfect manner Buchanan Reid's poem, "The Rising of 1776." Mrs. Frank Vincent Wright and Miss Eugenia Mabury sang most charmingly several patriotic songs. Professor Leigh Rich

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