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our own company in the Vermont Regiment, and a box to the Red Cross, one box to Fort Meyer, Virginia; one box to Fort Ethan Allen on the return of the Vermont Volunteers; all valued at $50 or more. We have continued to assist soldiers' families, and our own boys who have come home sick. This work cannot be credited to the Daughters of the American Revolution alone, for all the ladies in our town were interested, but a goodly share of it is to the credit of the Chapter.

Bennington Chapter (Bennington), Miss Jennie Valentine, Regent. This Chapter reports having sent to the treasurer of Chickamauga Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, $8.00 June 28, 1898, which was duly acknowledged by the Treasurer.

Green Mountain Chapter (Burlington), Miss Mary Roberts, Regent. In June last $50 was sent to the Chickamauga Chapter, for the relief of the sick and wounded soldiers, with the request that the needs of the Vermont Regiment be first considered. In July, in response to an appeal made from the National War Committee, $50 was sent to the Treasurer General at Washington. Upon the return of the First Vermont Regiment from Chickamauga Park in August, and during their encampment near Fort Ethan Allen, Vermont, delicacies, and other comforts were sent by individual Daughters to the hospital for the sick ones.

Ethan Allen Chapter (Middlebury), Katharine A. Wright, Regent.--Money sent for War Fund, Daughters of the American Revolution, $50; 250 abdominal bands sent to Mrs. Alger and by her to Camp Wycoff; value of bands, $45.50; 18 nurses' aprons sent to Camp Wycoff, value $6.50; 2 barrels of reading material to First Vermont Volunteers, Camp Thomas, Chickamauga; freight on barrels $6.50; total value $108.50. At the last meeting the Chapter voted its thanks to the sub-war committee for work done during the summer. Marquis de Lafayette Chapter (Montpelier), Mrs. Frank A. Adams, Regent.-At a meeting in July the Chapter voted to send $25 to the Treasurer of the War Fund. Through the personal efforts of Mrs. Horatio N. Taplin, Vice-President General, and a member of the Marquis de Lafayette Chapter, Montpelier, Vermont, and under her direct supervision there

was supplied to all of the soldiers' and sailors' relief organizations in Washington, the Division Hospitals at Camp Alger, Chickamauga, Mobile and Tampa, medicines, delicacies and such cleansing and refreshing remedies as were needed by the fever-stricken patients, many of them journeying northward during the hot summer in hospital trains. These supplies amounted in value to $163.29, and in addition thereto magazines and books were sent to Camp Alger, Washington Arsenal, Mobile and Tampa. From Mrs. Taplin's knowledge it is well to speak of the deep feeling of gratitude and appreciation of the grand and patriotic work of the Daughters of the American Revolution by the brave men, who were the recipients of their bounty and unselfish work.

Ox-Bow Chapter (Newbury), Louise F. Wheeler, Regent.— A most interesting and patriotic union service was held in the Congregational Church, July 31st, the object being to raise funds for the sick soldiers of Vermont. A collection amounting to $61 was taken; to this was added $12 from the Women's Christian Temperance Union of Newbury; and to that was added $35 from Captain Johnston's Company "G" Relief Fund, making $108 in the treasury of the Chapter. The Daughters concluded to personally conduct this relief work and have expended in doctors' bills, nurses, delicacies, etc., for the returned sick soldiers of Newbury, $81.85, leaving in the treasury $26.15, which the Chapter have concluded to hold for the present in case of further need.

St. John de Crevecour Chapter (St. Johnsbury), Mrs. Minnie B. Hazen, Regent.-The Chapter sent $5 to the War Committee. One box was sent to Company "D," First Vermont Volunteers, Camp Thomas, Chickamaugua, containing stationery, tobacco, buttons, one dozen handkerchiefs, one box of soap, one dozen towels, shoe lacings, common pins, safety pins, novels and magazines. This constituted the contributions as a Chapter, but in August many urged me to call all the ladies of the town together to form a Volunteer Aid Association so long as I was Regent of a patriotic organization. The membership of our Chapter was only fourteen and many were away from home, so it was thought best that so large a work should be carried on by a larger society of women that we could gather

together. Accordingly a Volunteer Aid Association was organized and I had the honor of being made president of the same. About $200 was raised and the money sent to Company "D," First Vermont Volunteers, who were at Camp Thomas, Chickamaugua. A well-filled box was sent to Company "D," at Fort Ethan Allen, Burlington, Vermont, for the use of the sick and hospital patients who had been brought from Chickamauga. The Volunteer Aid Association has also aided soldiers home on a furlough who were unable to work; also paid hospital and physicians' bills. We have also sent a box of hospital supplies, valued at $10, to Miss Jessie Hiscock, who is in a hospital in Savannah, Georgia. We rejoice that Vermont has been honored in having such noble sons, and the record of their noble achievements shall lead us to a more consecrated patriotism.

Heber Allen Chapter (Poultney), Mrs. F. B. Barrett, Regent. Reports 36 flannel abdominal bands sent to Mrs. Alger for distribution; and to the Treasurer of the War Fund to purchase night shirts, $6.60. We did not do as much as we intended, being prevented by sickness.

Ascutney Chapter (Windsor), Mrs. Helen E. Davis, Regent.-$8 to War Fund.

Bellevue Chapter (St. Albans), Mrs. E. C. Smith, Regent.$12 to War Fund.

Ann Story Chapter (Rutland).-$7 to War Fund, and three boxes to Camp Thomas, Chickamauga, in July.

Ormsby Chapter (Manchester).-$30 to War Fund.

Bronson Chapter (Arlington), Mrs E. Delberth Stone, Regent. Mrs. Jesse Burdette, $5. The members of this Chapter were so scattered that they worked with other Chapters in the towns where they resided.

Respectfully submitted,


State Regent of Vermont.

FANNY LEDYARD CHAPTER (Mystic, Connecticut).—As has been their custom this Chapter celebrated the 6th of September by visiting Fort Griswold, where a very interesting program was rendered around the monument that marks the place where

the gallant Colonel William Ledyard fell one hundred and seventeen years ago.

Mrs. Addie P. Batty, Regent, opened the exercises by a paper on the historical aspect of the battle of 1781, when so many of our ancestors laid down their lives for the freedom we now enjoy. It was a fine address, from which we take a few extracts: "No sooner were the terrible alarm guns heard than the startled citizens, leaping from their beds, made haste to send away their families and their portable and most valuable goods. Throngs of women and children were sent into the fields and woods, some without food and others with a piece of bread or a biscuit in their hands, women laden with bags and pillow-cases, often driving a cow before them, with an infant in their arms, or perhaps on horse-back with a bed under them and various utensils dangling at the side; boys with stockings strung like wallets over their shoulders containing money, valuable papers, and the heirlooms in the shape of spoons of the family; such were the scenes on all the roads leading into the country on that memorable morning of September 6, 1781. Many of these groups wandered all day in the woods, and at night found shelter in the scattered farm houses and barns. Such was the confusion of the scene that families in many cases were separated upon different roads, and children eight or ten years of age were sent off alone into the country, their parents lingering to bury or conceal some of their effects, yet no one was lost, no one was hurt.





'After the massacre those that could stand were paraded and ordered to the landing, while those that could not were put in one of the ammunition wagons and taken to the brow of the hill, which was very steep and at least one hundred rods in descent, from whence it was permitted to run down by itself, but was arrested in its course by an apple tree. Being near the house of Ebenezer Avery, one of their number, they were taken into it and such a night of distress and anguish was scarcely ever passed by mortal. Nothing but groans and sighs were heard. But with the morning light came 'ministering angels,' to their relief.

"The first was Miss Fanny Ledyard, of Southold, Long Is

land, for whom this Chapter was named, then on a visit to her uncle, Colonel William Ledyard, the murdered commander, who with a kindly hand gave to the suffering ones warm chocolate, wine, and other refreshments.

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"History will repeat itself. When the echoes of the war with Spain grow fainter and the historian sits calmly down to write the events of the last four months he will find it necessary to devote one long chapter of his volume to the heroism of woman; he will have to tell not only of the women who risked their lives by going to the front, but of those who performed an equally valuable service after the soldiers had returned home, and were suffering and dying in unhealthy camps.

"There is coursing through the veins of the women of to-day that same devotion to country that actuated those who lived in revolutionary times."

"America" was then sung. An original poem, by Miss Ann A. Murphy, our first Historian, was read by Mrs. H. C. Deni


On consecrated ground again we stand,

Historic spot! Home of the loyal, free,

These heights they scaled to plant our standard there,
Proud emblem of our country's liberty.

Courage undaunted, fearless, bold and brave!
Their lives they sacrificed in freedom's name,

And left a heritage, a priceless boon,

For generations then unborn to claim.

That same old flag that shielded then the oppressed,
Now floats the harbinger of joy to-day;

'Neath Cuban skies, where tyrants long have ruled
But God's own hand has crushed the oppressor's sway.

Emblazoned high on history's glowing page,

Thy name recorded on the roll of fame;

No richer legacy than that we hold

Is held by any nation, clime or name.

Bright flowers of autumn 'round this shaft we lay,
And on this spot where gallant Ledyard fell;
We bless the ground where 'tis our lot to place
These emblems of their glorious deeds to tell.

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