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Clarke Chapter, of this city. Mr. Capen's response "To the Daughters," was in his happiest vein. Mrs. De Motte then gave the toast "Our Sister Regents," to which Mrs. Dickinson, of the Chicago Chapter, responded in a witty and charming speech. After a few remarks by Mrs. A. E. Stevenson, appropriately closing the exercises, the rest of the evening was spent in social converse, and in greetings to the visiting delegates. May 3d, 1898, at 10 o'clock a. m., the hour set for the opening of the Conference, found Cooper Hall well filled with members of the local Chapter, visiting delegates and interested citizens. The meeting was called to order promptly at 10 o'clock by Mrs. H. C. De Motte, Regent of Letitia Green Stevenson Chapter, with Mesdames Manning, Jewett, Shepard and Stevenson occupying seats on the platform. After the opening song, "America," by the audience standing, Mrs. De Motte made the welcoming address, after which Mrs. Shepard took the chair as presiding officer of the Illinois Conference of the Daughters of the American Revolution, and gave an address to the regents and delegates present, telling them of the work of the National Board, urging them to uphold its work in every particular. She also called attention to the Continental Hall fund, and asked the ladies to bear it in mind. After a vocal solo by Mrs. O. J. Skinner, the reports of Regents were called for. Twenty-one Chapters reported through their Regent or an accredited delegate, there being fifteen Regents, one Vice-Regent, five delegates and five alternates present. During the noon hour lunch was served by the Letitia Green Stevenson Chapter, which was greatly enjoyed by all, as an occasion for meeting the National and State officers present, and making acquaintance with the delegates of various Chapters. After lunch, the afternoon session opened at I p. m. The Conference voted that an annual assessment of ten cents per member, to be paid into the State Treasurer at the time of the payment of annual dues, be collected from each Chapter in the State, for the purpose of paying the expenses of the State Regent at the Annual Conference. The Regent of the Evanston Chapter was appointed treasurer of this fund for one year, by vote of the Conference. It was also decided by vote that the annual State Conference

be held at the call of the State Regent. The resolution of the National Board at the April meeting addressed to the President of the United States expressing the desire and willingness of the National Society to aid in the national crisis of the war with Spain, by doing anything within their power in assistance in the great and responsible work to which it was committed, was read to the Conference and it was voted to endorse the action of the National Board, and that the Secretary so notify that body. Mrs. Manning here spoke of the work which the Daughters might do in this juncture, and especially of the Floating Hospital pledge of the New York Daughters. By request, Mrs. J. R. Kimball, Regent of Fort Armstrong Chapter, Rock Island, Illinois, sang, "I Love You, Dear." The vocalist was accompanied upon the piano by Mrs. Frank Capen and the number was heartily encored, and gracefully responded to. Mr. Arthur Bassett then favored the audience with a song, "The Two Grenadiers." Mr. Bassett was accompanied by Mrs. Benoni Green, and was compelled to respond to an encore. Mrs. Daniel Manning, President General of the National Society, gave a fine address upon the National Society, its object and its aims. Miss Evelyn Mayes, pianiste, delighted the audience with her rendition of Chopin's "Fantasia Impromptu," after which Mrs. A. E. Stevenson gave a short address. Mrs. Willis Harwood, accompanied by a violin obligato by Mr. Shepherd, gave the solo "The Spring Song," in her inimitable manner, and was obliged to respond to an encore. Mrs. B. S. Green accompanied Mrs. Harwood and Mr. Shepherd upon the piano. Mrs. John N. Jewett, of Chicago, Vice-President General, National Society, then gave an address upon the National Board of Management, telling in a happy manner of some of the difficulties and problems of that much tried organization. A piano solo, Mendelssohn's Wedding March, completed the special program, after which business was resumed. Votes of thanks to the Letitia Green Stevenson Chapter for its "generous hospitality," and to the National Officers for their presence, were moved and carried. A resolution of love and sympathy to our honorable State Regent, Mrs. G. D. Kerfoot, who was too ill to be present, was presented and Secretary instructed to send a telegram em

bodying the resolution to Mrs. Kerfoot at once. Mrs. Dickinson read a letter from the Chicago Art Association, relative to the placing of patriots' pictures in the school rooms of the State, and offering reduced rates on the same, and urging the adoption of a plan for so decorating our school rooms. It was voted that the Secretary be intrusted to write a letter of love, sympathy and cheer to the soldiers called out in defense of their country and now in camp at Springfield. Mrs. Stevenson invited all Daughters present to call upon the National and State Officers, her guests, between the hours of 8 and 10 o'clock p. m. Just before Mrs. Shepard's closing remarks the song "Columbia, the Gem of the Ocean,” was given, by special request, by Mrs. Annette R. Kimball, of Rock Island, the entire large audience present joining in the chorus with patriotic fervor. Mrs. Emily B. Welch, of Letitia Green Stevenson Chapter, acted as accompanist. Mrs. Shepard closed the conference with words of praise for all its participants, and to the local Chapter and the public, who so generously did whatever was in their power for the success of these meetings, and then asked to adjourn, and the Illinois State Conference of the Daughters of the American Revolution for 1898 was ended. A delightful feature of the evening was an informal reception at the home of Mrs. A. E. Stevenson, for the members of the National Board, who were her guests. A large number of the visiting delegates, with their hosts, the members of the local Chapter, availed themselves of this opportunity of meeting these ladies who stand at the head of our organization. Mrs. Stevenson also received the Daughters in an informal way on the morning of Wednesday, May 4th, from 10 to 12 o'clock, in honor of her guests. Both occasions were greatly enjoyed by those present. During the days of the Conference the members of the local Chapter displayed the Stars and Stripes from their homes in honor of the occasion.

At the June meeting of the Chapter, it was voted to purchase and present a flag to Troop B, of the First Illinois. Cavalry, then in camp at Chickamauga. This troop is composed of Bloomington boys. Accordingly, a committee was appointed to secure the necessary funds, most of which was

given at the mecting, fifty dollars being secured. Mrs. M. T. Scott was commissioned to purchase the flag in Chicago and made the selection of a beautiful one, which, on June 20, 1898, was formally presented to Captain Hills, representing Troop B. The Daughters met at the north door of the court house. at 7.30 p. m. A large and enthusiastic crowd witnessed the proceedings. Mrs. H. C. De Motte, Regent, took her place on the court house steps, where the flag was delivered to her for presentation. In a few minutes, Captain Hills and staff appeared and were greeted with cheers and applause, as had been "Old Glory" on its appearance. Mrs. De Motte, in a few well chosen words, presented the flag, which Captain Hills accepted in a brief speech of thanks, promising that the flag should be honored and cherished by his entire command. For what seemed to be good and sufficient reason, Letitia Green Stevenson Chapter took no active part in the work of the National Organization of the Daughters of the American Revolution during the war, but it was considered best to join the Army and Navy League of McLean County as individual members. Mrs. A. E. Stevenson, as president of that organization, and other members of the Chapter as officers or as working members, have a proud record, and while their work will not be recorded in the annals of the Chapter, it was work that told for good in the cause of patriotism and love of country. In addition to the gift of the flag, the Chapter collected and sent to the soldiers in camp a large quantity of reading


During this year we have adhered to a printed program, prepared by a committee appointed for the purpose, and our meetings have grown in interest and in point of attendance. A scrap-book is kept containing clippings and articles of interest to the Chapter.

The AMERICAN MONTHLY and the "Spirit of '76" are placed upon the tables of the Public Library by the Chapter, and files of these magazines are kept at the same place. The Chapter also keeps a copy of Saffell's "Record" on the library shelves. Individual members have very kindly presented the Historian with considerable genealogical matter in the shape of clippings, but with a request that it be kept on file at the library,

for the benefit of all. The Chapter has had several additions during the year and now numbers eighty-one members, among which are three "Real Daughters": Mrs. Lydia Partridge Clayes, Mrs. Elizabeth Fletcher Lennon, Mrs. Elizabeth Bush. Mrs. Clayes has been a member for some time, and has been in possession of the souvenir spoon given by the National Society ever since her joining the Chapter.

A feature of our June meeting was the presence of Mrs. Lennon with us, and the presentation to her of the souvenir spoon with appropriate exercises. By reason of the infirmities of advanced age, she being ninety-six years old, Mrs. Bush was unable to be present, and a committee of ladies was delegated to visit her and present the spoon to her, Mrs. J. B. Taylor being the chairman of the committee. This committee reported at a later meeting, having fulfilled the pleasant duty and received the thanks of the recipient.-CAROLINE F. J. KIMBALL, Historian.

PAUL JONES CHAPTER (Boston).-Tuesday evening, December. 13th, celebrated the charter presentation of Massachusetts' Naval Chapter, the Paul Jones, named in honor of the first naval hero of the American Revolution. It is due to the patriotism and devotion to the National Society, as shown by her former efforts, that Miss Marion Howard Brazier was enabled to bring this Chapter into existence on June 14th, "Flag Day," a report of which has already appeared in this publication. Miss Brazier, while serving as Regent of Bunker Hill Chapter (which she founded) and at the request of the late State Regent, Mrs. T. M. Brown, presented her resignation in order to assume the regency of the new Chapter. At the unanimous request of her Chapter, however, she decided to remain until her year expired, but not, however, to give up her idea of the Naval Chapter. At her suggestion, Miss C. Mabel Beaman withdrew from Bunker Hill and was appointed Regent of Paul Jones. Owing to the death of Mrs. Brown and the non-election of her successor until fall, the charter was not officially presented until December 13th, when Mrs. George F. Fuller was guest of honor and made her first

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