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during the Revolutionary War. The house had in it many other valuable heirlooms. Mrs. Olcott read a paper giving a history of the Colonial Glebe-house or parsonage which was built in 1767. It has been the birthplace of two bishops; the late Rt. Rev. John Paddock, D. D., of Washington, and the late Rt. Rev. Benjamin Paddock, D. D., of Massachusetts. o'clock tea was served by Mrs. Olcott.


Norwich has many historical associations and relics of the colonial and revolutionary period. A winter of interest and enthusiasm is anticipated, as other homes with their valuable treasures are to be opened for the regular meetings of the Chapter.-ELLEN KILBOURNE BISHOP, Historian.

OAKLAND CHAPTER (In Red Cross Work).-Here in this historic Western domain, the land christened with prayer book service by Sir Francis Drake forty-one years before the Pilgrim Fathers landed on the Atlantic coast; here, where the setting sun as it glides through the Golden Gate, flashes back its radiance and tips the flowers with its golden splendor, was heard the call to service as it was wafted across the continent, and to the loyal hearts of the Daughters of the American Reyolution, the Red Cross became a symbol of self-sacrifice.

Our Registrar, one of the first to catch the echo from afar, knowing the Red Cross always follows in the wake of the army, in thought saw the gathering of soldiers, and realizing the aftermath of such an influx, true to her ancestral patriotism, at once took steps to organize a Red Cross Society.

A few friends met at her house on April 25th, 1898, four days after hostilities had been declared, and perfected an organization for Red Cross work.

Soon after, the Regent called a meeting of the Chapter, to ascertain if the members preferred to work independently, or in connection with the Oakland Red Cross then in process of formation. Our numbers being few, it was decided to give up individual organization and to affiliate in the general work.

Out of the small sum of $40 in the treasury, one-half was given to the work, and when Oakland Red Cross called for delegates from different organizations, the Chapter promptly responded and sent a delegate to represent them.


Two Daughters were Red Cross directors, one of whom, as secretary, kept the records of meetings held at headquarters nearly every day, and the patience shown in performing her arduous duties, indicated how truly the Red Cross spirit abided with her; the other, as chairman of the enrollment committee, in the short space of a little more than two months, reported 1,236 names on the list, representing $1,236. The enrollment papers were kept at headquarters, where another member, as chairman of headquarters, assisted by two others, was kept busy giving information on many points connected with the work, and in caring for hospital stores, and funds, so freely contributed by Oakland's liberal citizens.

Two members were ceaseless workers on the literature committee, distributing reading matter to the soldiers encamped under the shadow of Drake's Memorial Prayer Book Cross, and in addition sending over fifty large cases to Manila. The Red Cross badge committee had as chairman another member, whose position, representing several hundred dollars, was one of trial and trust. One found that duty led her into the sewing department, where every garment made meant comfort for the sick.

Our Oakland boys who enlisted for Manila had in another a friend who kept a record of their names, a work valuable for future reference.

As chairman of the ward promoting committee our Registrar's faithful service was of great profit to the cause. This was a feature originating with the Oakland Red Cross, and was of great assistance in interesting the citizens of the different wards in the work.

Two other members were engaged in the social department where the giving of Tea's netted several hundred dollars.

Hospital work called out the sympathies of another, and as she came into headquarters in her quiet, unostentatious way, with her basket of nourishing food for the sick, it was remarked, "Oh! woman, thou art always first at the sepulcher."

One month after Oakland Red Cross was in working order, a State society was formed, and one of our members, wife of a United States Army officer, was chosen to represent Oakland on the executive board, and was elected second vice-presi

dent. In addition to valuable services in this connection, she was the originator of identification medals, and distributed 10,689 to soldiers going to Manila. This was an inspired thought and one that would mitigate the sorrow of many a wife, mother, and sister. She also gave time and money for the establishment of a home for convalescent soldiers.

In addition to the personal services which fifteen out of a membership of twenty-six gave their country in His name, many individual gifts of money and hospital supplies, found their way to sick and convalescing soldiers.

Thus it will be seen that a Daughter of the American Revolution was the first to take action in forming a Red Cross Association in Oakland, and that Oakland Chapter was the first to contribute to the work. As loyal Daughters we are thankful that our hearts responded so readily and earnestly to the needs of the hour.

Our loyalty to our country is based on the sentiment expressed in the following toast, given by a pensioner in Connecticut in the early part of this century, "The rising generation: while they enjoy the blessings of liberty, may they never forget those who achieved it."-MRS. B. C. DICK, Historian.

SANTA YSABEL CHAPTER (San Jose, California).-The Chapter was formed two years ago with thirteen charter members; since then nine have been added, and a number will enter as soon as their papers have been verified. The Chapter was organized through the efforts of Mrs. Pedro Merlin Lusson and Mrs. S. Franklin Lieb. Both of these ladies are of distinguished ancestry, being Colonial Dames and descendants of Virginia patriots. Mrs. Samuel Franklin Leib has been Regent, and through her patriotic influence has done much to instill love of country in the hearts of the members.

Since its organization the Chapter has had many charming social affairs, the gracious Regent, Mrs. Leib, generally being the hostess.

On December 16, 1896, Mrs. Leib gave the first Colonial Tea in commemoration of the Boston Tea Party. It was the first affair of the kind ever given in San Jose, and a pleasing feature of the occasion was the display of

many old pieces of silver belonging originally to Lord Stirling. On December 10th of this year Mrs. Lieb gave another Colonial Tea, which was even more beautiful than the first one. This Tea was given to introduce the new officers of the Chapter. At the annual meeting in November Mrs. Lieb was unanimously reëlected Chapter Regent, and Mrs. Pedro Merlin Lusson reëlected Registrar. The other officers were from the new members. Mrs. David Starr Jordan, wife of the President of the Leland Stanford "Jr." University, was elected Vice-Regent. Mrs. Leigh Richmond Smith, Historian; Mrs. Paul Page Austin, Corresponding Secretary; Mrs. J. Q. A. . Ballou, Recording Secretary; and Mrs. Gustave, Treasurer.

Mrs. Leib's elegant home, on the lovely Alemeda, is delightfully adapted for large social affairs, and on this beautiful Saturday afternoon it was elaborately decorated for the occasion. The hall, receiving rooms, dining and tea rooms were decorated in ferns, ropes of smilax, foliage plants, lovely roses, and yellow chrysanthemums. The flowers were all picked from Mrs. Lieb's garden. In this sunny climate flowers are ever blooming.

Mrs. Lieb is a graceful and accomplished hostess, and is always ably assisted by her daughters, the Misses Elva and Lida Lieb. The colonial costumes of many of the Daughters added picturesqueness to the occasion.

As true, loyal Daughters we have not been idle during this recent war. Our Regent, Mrs. Lieb, on the 19th of May, called a meeting to decide upon some work to assist our beloved country in her hour of trial. It was decided to make comfort bags for our soldier boys at once; so Mrs. Lieb hospitably invited the Daughters and their friends to meet at her home on the afternoon of the 24th of May. The afternoon will ever be a pleasant memory to those who were present. Fifty-six comfort bags were made and filled with scissors, pencils, pipes, tobacco, Testaments, needles, pins, . cushions, tapes, buttons, court plaster and other conveniences. Miss Voltz charmed and inspired all with her sweet voice as she sang the "Star Spangled Banner," the company joining in the chorus.

Our Chapter having adjourned for the summer, many of the Daughters became members of the Red Cross Society, and worked there for the soldiers. They also gave many needful articles for the soldiers. Mrs. Lieb is vice-president of the San Jose branch of the Red Cross Society, and did much to advance it. One beautiful act of hers deserves particular mention. She received into her home many of the convalescent soldiers, who under her kind care were mentally and physically refreshed. For our winter's work we are studying early colonial history in Virginia.

We know that we are in our infancy; but we look forward to growth; and we hope to always be able to rejoice that we are descendants of those noble men and women whose splendid courage radiate those dark revolutionary days of history, and thus made this Republic possible.-H. LOUISE SMITH, Historian.

TUSCARORA CHAPTER (Binghamton, New York).-Two delightful social events have within a short time been enjoyed by Tuscarora Chapter, one held on Chapter Day, October 12th, to celebrate the third anniversary of its organization, the other a Colonial Tea and Loan Exhibition.

The celebration of Chapter Day took the form of a reception to the members, and was given at the home of Mrs. May La Monte Ely, who graciously opened her lovely house for the occasion. The house was beautifully and artistically draped with flags, and filled with glowing autumn leaves, relieved by palms and ferns. An orchestra played throughout the afternoon, interspersing more classical music with the national airs. All the rooms were beautiful with flags and flowers, the dining room being perhaps the prettiest of all, entirely in red, white and blue, no flags being used in its adornment, and those colors were used on the tables with charming effect. Mrs. Ely and Mrs. Kate M. Bartlett, the Regent, assisted by a number of the Daughters, received the guests, who thronged the rooms during the afternoon. A number of Daughters from out of town were present, and many beautiful gowns were


This celebration of Chapter Day was so thoroughly en

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