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was symbolic of the heartfelt love and loyalty of every member of the Mary Washington Colonial Chapter to their first, and all hope, their only Regent, Mary Van Buren Vanderpoel. At the time of the reception Miss Vanderpoel was presented by the Chaplain, the Rev. Charles R. Treat, in the name of the Chapter, with the star of the Mary Washington Association, which makes her a life member.-JULIA HUBBELL TREAT, Historian.

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VIRGIRIA IN CONVENTION WITH GREAT BRIDGE AND FORT NELSON CHAPTERS.-The second annual State convention of the Daughters of the American Revolution was held in Norfolk the evening of December 7th at half-past 10 o'clock. It met in the hall of the Pickett-Buchanan Camp of Confederate Veterans and its deliberations were held under the torn and tattered flag of the stars and bars that will ever bring tender memories of heroic deeds and noble aspirations to every Virginia Daughter, mingled with the brighter and fresher colors of the Stars and Stripes that represent our present duties and our future hopes. So "the old order changeth giving place to the new, and God fulfils himself in many ways.' And carefully and thoughtfully in the spirit of their patriotic sires of 1776, of 1812 and of 1861 did the Virginia Daughters consider the welfare of our Order and the continuance of the noble work of the Society during the past summer. The convention was entertained by the Great Bridge Chapter, of Norfolk, and the Fort Nelson Chapter, of Portsmouth. Representatives from the twelve Chapters in Virginia were welcomed and entertained at the homes. of the members of the Chapter in the true spirit of hospitality of the Old Dominion. Among the other guests of the occasion were Mrs. Daniel Manning, President General; Mrs. A. D. Brockett, Vice-President General in Charge of the Formation of Chapters; Miss Desha, one of the founders of the Order; Mrs. Eleanor Washington Howard, Vice-President of Virginia, and Mrs. Horatio Taplin, Vice-President of VerThe State Regent, Mrs. Hugh Nelson Page, presided, and Mrs. Charles Reid Nash and Mrs. Philip Edward

Yeatman, Regents of the entertaining Chapters, sat beside her. The session was opened with the collect from the Prayer Book: "Direct us, O Lord, in all our doings," followed by the Lord's Prayer. Mrs. Page Page said a few words in regard to the business before the body and introduced Mrs. Nash and Mrs. Yeatman, who in turn expressed to their guests the welcome of their Chapters. Mrs. H. H. S. Handy, of the Great Bridge Chapter, was elected secretary of the convention. Reports from the Regents of the various Chapters were called for, their work in Virginia being to a great extent historical in its character and during the summer great activity had been shown in assisting the Hospital Corps Daughters of the American Revolution, and the needy families of volunteers. The Great Bridge was the first Chapter in the National Society Daughters of the American Revotion that engaged in this patriotic work in the Spanish-American War.

Mrs. Tuttle, of Albemarle Chapter, was re-appointed librarian of the committee for the interchange of historical papers between the Chapters and was appointed to the office of Custodian of Historical Papers. The convention adjourned and visited the Norfolk navy yard, where a delightful afternoon tea was given by Mrs. Albert W. Stahl. That evening the delegates were entertained at an oyster roast at Columbia Park.

The second day's session was opened at the same hour. After the routine of business the question of furnishing the Lodge House at Fredericksburg was discussed. This house has been erected by the Mary Ball Washington Monument Association for the home of the custodian. It has been suggested that each State should take a room to furnish as has been so beautifully accomplished at Mount Vernon. This plan has been enthusiastically agreed upon by several States, but no definite steps have been taken. The Virginia convention decided to become pioneers in the movement and to furnish the parlor at the Lodge House. A committee of five to look into the matter was created. After some other business and some very interesting remarks from Mrs. Brockett and Miss Desha, the convention rose to receive the President Gen

eral, Mrs. Daniel Manning, who was the guest of the State Regent, Mrs. Page. She was received with great enthusiasm by the convention, who were happy to have her with them at that time. She responded to the ovation with a few graceful and unstudied words that deepened the charming impression she had already made. Shortly after this the convention adjourned sine die and the rest of the visit of the delegates was devoted to social pleasures. A reception was given that evening at the home of Captain William Eyre Taylor, which was very delightful. The old colonial dwelling was beautified with flags and growing plants and the designs "1776" and "D. A. R." in 1ed, white and blue electric lights decorated the doorway. Supper was served throughout the evening and the subdued music of the Naval Post Band delighted all ears. half-past ten the minuet was danced and perhaps it was not the first by many times in those ancestral halls that dainty, powdered dames arched their pretty red-heeled feet and coquetted over their fans and courtly gallants bowed so reverently over tiny finger tips. The old portraits on the wall smiled grim approval to the revival of the scenes in which they used to shine. The next day Mrs. Robert Bruce Corke entertained the convention by a water party to the Norfolk navy yard, Newport News, Old Point and Hampton and the cool salt breezes and broad waters of Hampton Roads were considered by many the most enjoyable feature of the occasion. A dainty luncheon was served by the hostess before the party landed and visited the Soldiers' Home, Normal School and other points of interest there. At three o'clock a repast was served at the Hotel Chamberlin and was the final festivity. It was the 9th of December, the anniversary of the battle of Great Bridge and is always celebrated by the Chapter. The toast mistress was Mrs. James Foley Maupin and the following toasts were drunk:

First. Our Guests.

"Our welcome must appear in other ways than wars,
So we'll address ourselves to entertain them royally."

Response, Mrs. Albert W. Stahl, U. S. N.


Second: Our President General. We welcome her to Virginia with the assurance that among the sisterhood of States there are no more loyal Daughters than those of the Old Dominion. Response, Mrs. Daniel Manning, of New York, President General, Daughters of the American Revolution. Third: Battle of the Great Bridge.

"There once the embattled farmer stood,

And fired the shot heard round the world."


We also commemorate the anniversary of the Great Bridge Chapter of Norfolk, whose patriotic work in 1898 inspired the hearts and hands of every Daughter of the State of Virginia. Response by Miss Carr.

Fourth. Daughters of the American Revolution in the Spanlish-American War.

They shall stand in the great history of our land,

A noble type of good heroic womanhood." -Longfellow. Response by Miss Patterson, of Richmond.

Fifth. The Hospital Nurse. "Beautiful in charity, tender in sympathy and small reward of gold, and none of fame, she did her duty." Response by Miss Desha, of Washington. Sixth. Our wars and our heroes:

"In freedom's cause our sires became
Heroes of our mortal fame;

Now where humanity's cause inspires
Sons wield the swords of their sires."

Response, Mrs. Purcell, of Richmond.
Seventh. Patriotism of American women:

"When greater perils men environ,
Then women show a front of iron;
And gentle in their manners, they
Do great things in a quiet way."

Response by Mrs. W. W. Harper.


Eighth. Our last reunion: "It was a time which to think of cheers the heart like wine." Response by Mrs. James G. Penn, of Danville.

By the Washington steamer Mrs. Manning and many of the other guests departed and that night the others left, taking

with them and leaving behind them memories of work well done, social occasions enjoyed, pleasant acquaintances made, with hopes that warm friendships and energetic work for the good of the order will be the outcome of the Second Virginia Convention.-ANNA MARIA DANDRIDGE YEATMAN.

HUNTINGTON CHAPTER (Huntington, Indiana).—The November meeting of Huntington Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, was held with Mrs. N. Sessions and Miss Rose Foreman, at the hospitable home on North Jefferson street, and a limited number of invited guests were present, and the costumes, exercises, decorations, etc., were in the nature of a Thanksgiving festival.

The decorations were unique and beautiful. Jack-o'-lanterns on the veranda gave notice of the festivities within. The reception hall and parlor were decorated with red, white and yellow ears of corn, while the doors were ornamented with stalks of corn with the ears in their husks. Suspended in the archway separating the parlors was a beautiful portiere of grains of corn; and a large candalabra made of corn exclusively, with a dozen burning candles, was a novel and ingenious production. The bay window of the rear parlor was handsomely decorated with autumn leaves in colors, bittersweet and kaffir corn. Pop-corn, red-berries, and green leaves upon the chandelier were another evidence of artistic handiwork upon the part of the hostesses, and the crowning piece was the legend "1621-D. A. R.-1898" in large letters manufactured from pop-corn. An American flag, nicely draped, also hung upon the wall. Description of the decorations is impossible, and it is faint praise to say that they were appropriate, beautiful and wonderful.

The Daughters were dressed in the typical costumes of Puritan times. Miss Chopson received at the door, and Mrs. Sessions and Miss Foreman in the hall.

Mrs. W. W. Hawley, Regent of the Chapter, presided. Roll call was followed by apt quotations as the names of each of the members were read. Mrs. E. L. Griffith read an interesting

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