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home of George Walton. Mrs. Hewlett spoke of the excellent results she had seen during a recent visit to the Eastern States from such efforts of the Daughters of the American Revolution, and urged those so far removed from places of colonial and revolutionary interest to assist every effort of our eastern sisters. Every member present responded promptly, although the magnificent view from the windows of the bay over which Drake sailed and of the old mission churches founded by the old Spanish Pardes spoke eloquently of a past in which we too have a share. Miss Catlin, the Historian, then gave a short account of "The Revolution from a European standpoint," speaking of the attitude taken by the different countries and parties towards the Colonists. On the anniversary of Washington's Wedding Day, the officers of the Chapters throughout the State, with those of the Sons of the Revolution, Colonial Dames and other patriotic societies, were invited to a "Kaffee Klatsch," to join with us in honoring his every-day private life. After a hearty address of welcome from Mrs. Moody, Miss Catlin spoke briefly of the purity and integrity of his personal character, which gave him the force to lead his army to victory against such fearful odds. After music and refreshments the guests separated, with renewed enthusiasm for the work of the future.-MISS A. G. CATLIN.

DEO-ON-GO-WA CHAPTER (Batavia, New York).—On the 11th of November, 1897, the Batavia members of the National Society met with Mrs. Gardner Fuller, who had recently been appointed Regent, and organized a Daughters of the American Revolution Chapter with nineteen charter members. Mrs. North, Treasurer of the Buffalo Chapter, was present and addressed the ladies, making helpful suggestions. Mrs. Fuller appointed the following officers: First Vice-Regent, Mrs. Elizabeth W. Russell Lord; Second Vice-Regent, Mrs. Bessie Chandler Parker; Third Vice-Regent, Mrs. Una Redfield Tomlinson; Fourth Vice-Regent, Mrs. Mary McLean Maxwell; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Henrietta C. Lay; Rcording Secretary, Mrs. Clarissa C. Bradley; Registrar, Miss

H. Louise Holden; Treasurer, Mrs. Harriet Holden Wood; Historian, Mrs. Elizabeth Lord Tarbox. The name “Deo-ongo-wa" was given to the Chapter, that being the old Indian name of this place, signifying the "Great Hearing Place." The meetings of the Chapter have been held at the homes of the different members, and literary programs, varied to suit the occasion, have been carried out. The second meeting, held on Forefathers Day, was in memory of “Pilgrim Ancestors,' for of the nineteen charter members eight are Mayflower descendants. An original poem, entitled "The Pilgrim Mothers," was read. At other meetings through the year anniversaries of revolutionary battles have been celebrated. Several times papers have been read by different members giving sketches of their respective Puritan or Revolutionary ancestor. In the person of Mrs. Susannah F. Kelsey, of Caledonia, New York, our Chapter has a "Real Daughter." Her father, Lysander Richardson, of Woodstock, Vermont, at the early age of fourteen years, entered the Continental Army as waiter to his father, who was captain of a military company. In the autumn of 1777, they were summoned to resist the invasion of the British Army under Burgoyne, but the Captain being very sick at the time, young Lysander went alone, marching a distance of one hundred miles, to Stillwater, where he joined the army, remaining in service until after the surrender of Burgoyne. Several members of the Chapter went to Caledonia to present to Mrs. Kelsey the gold spoon from the National Society. The record of work done by our Chapter during the war has already been published in the AMERICAN MONTHLY. In November, 1898, the officers appointed the year before by the Regent, Mrs. Fuller, were all elected by the Chapter. The Chapter has grown from a membership of nineteen to thirty-two in its first year.-ELIZABETH LORD TARBOX, Historian.

CAMDEN CHAPTER (Camden, New York,) held its first meeting of the season at the home of Mrs. Ella Conant, the exRegent, October 21, 1898. A goodly number were present. After the opening exercises and "America" had been sung,

minutes were read and reports given of the work since our last meeting in June. We congratulate ourselves in doing some good work for the soldiers during the late war. A short program was given under the direction of Mrs. W. J. Frisbie, Regent. Mrs. Ella Conant read a most interesting paper of her own research on the "Forts of New York and Prison Ships of the Revolutionary Times." Mrs. E. C. Case read with fine effect a patriotic poem. One pleasant feature was a piano solo, finely executed, by Miss Alice Conant. Mrs. Edic read an article on our "National and Patriotic Hymns and Songs." Afternoon chocolate was served with light refreshments. After spending a delightful afternoon the members adjourned until November 14th, to meet at Mrs. B. D. Stone's.-MRS. E. EDIC.

CAPTAIN JONATHAN OLIPHANT CHAPTER (Trenton, New Jersey) gave a luncheon at the Princeton Inn, November 4th, 1897. The entire arrangements were in charge of the Trenton members, and most excellently did they acquit themselves as hostesses and entertainers. At the station the guests and members from a distance were met by Mrs. Hughes Oliphant, Mrs. S. D. Oliphant, Jr., and Mrs. Duerr, who escorted the visitors. through the college grounds, pausing here and there to inspect the many beautiful buildings and other points of interest. Arriving at the picturesque Princeton Inn, they were received and welcomed by the Regent, Mrs. S. Duncan Oliphant, and other members. A brief business session followed, after which came the reception to the invited guests. Among these were: Mrs. Josephine W. Swann, Mrs. Cameron and Mrs. Chamberlain, of Princeton; Mrs. Edward H. Wright, of Newark; Mrs. S. Meredith Dickinson and Miss Mary Dickinson, of Trenton; and Mrs. Richard C. Drum, of Washington, District of Columbia. The luncheon, a most delightful and appetizing one, which was thoroughly enjoyed by all, was served in one of the large parlors. The tables were profusely decorated with flowers, ribbons of the national colors, and the Oliphant plaid. After the luncheon and while still seated at the table, the company were entertained by the reading of a very interesting old manuscript, by Mrs. Hughes Oliphant. The manuscript

was written by her great-great-grandfather, Colonel George Morgan, whose home stood upon the site now occupied by the residence of the President of Princeton College, and was entitled "Early recollections of my life." It was a most quaintly apropos paper carrying us back to the early days of Princeton and its surrounding, and was listened to with intense interest throughout, emphasizing as it did, the great contrasts between the Princeton of to-day and then. A brief history of the Captain Jonathan Oliphant Chapter, as published in the October number of the AMERICAN MONTHLY MAGAZINE, at the request of the Regent, was then read by the Historian, showing the Chapter's progress since its formation.

An invitation to visit Washington's headquarters at Rocky Hill, having been extended to the Chapter by Mrs. Josephine W. Swann, Regent of the Princeton Chapter, the afternoon being fine, most of the company availed themselves of the invitation and entering the carriages which were in waiting, were driven briskly over the seven miles of beautiful hilly wooded country intervening. Many interesting old mansions and buildings of the early colonial and revolutionary periods were passed on the way, and viewed with delighted interest. Arriving at Rocky Hill, the visitors alighted, and under the gracious guidance of Mrs. Swann, were soon inspecting the quaint old mansion and its contents. Filled with old-time relics of every description, it is indeed a marvelous house. The amount of work done by the Princeton Chapter, and Mrs. Swann in especial, under whose fostering care the place has been restored, the relics collected and placed, must have been very great. We can but admire their ardor and patriotism, and wish that we might have the opportunity at some future time to make a more extended visit and be able to give a better description of it. I think as I look back on our hurried visit that the one thing which impressed me most of all, and possibly because the time was too limited to take in all the details, was the outside of the building, its odd outline, its queer little front door and brass knocker. And its situation! Standing on an eminence the house commands a magnificent view of the surrounding country for miles around. Seen from

the upper back piazza on this charming afternoon no more beautiful landscape could be imagined. Leaving this attractive place with regret, we drove back to the Princeton station, just in time to make our train, and thus ended a most delightful day. The following spring in May, 1898, the Chapter held its semi-annual meeting at the home of the Regent, in Trenton. The meeting was a purely business one, at which the revision of the Constitution and By-Laws and other plans for the good of the Chapter were discussed.

The Captain Jonathan Oliphant Chapter was entertained at luncheon Thursday, December 1st, 1898, by Mrs. Robert Morris Van Arsdale, who is a member of the Chapter, at her home in West Seventy First street, New York City. Among the invited guests and members present were: Mrs. S. Duncan Oliphant, Mrs. Hughes Oliphant and Mrs. Nelson B. Oliphant, of Trenton; Mrs. Howard Ivins, Mrs. Thomas J. Falkinburg, Mrs. Samuel C. Allison and Miss Lida Oliphant Falkinburg, of Jersey City; Mrs. John Mahan, of Detroit, Michigan; Mrs. Gustavus D. Julien, of Hoboken; Mrs. Merit Abbott and Mrs. Harry Oliver Duerr, of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania; Mrs. David Oliphant Haynes, Mrs. Frederick Haynes, Mrs. Elijah F. Cook and Miss Helen Cook, of New York. The luncheon table, which was a marvel of elegance and good taste, was decorated with choice cut flowers and ribbons of the national colors, the red, white and blue color scheme being carried out in every detail. The whole effect was very artistic and beautiful. Mrs. Van Arsdale who understands so well how to make her guests feel welcome, and whose name among her friends is a synonym for charming hospitality, entertained us delightfully, and we shall long remember with pleasure the day spent at her beautiful home. Previous to the luncheon, a brief business and commemorative meeting was held in the library, the Regent, Mrs. S. Duncan Oliphant, presiding. The meeting was opened with prayer, and brief addresses were made by the Regent and others. Interesting papers were read by Mrs. Hughes Oliphant and Mrs. Harry Oliver Duerr, and the Historian gave a sketch of the Chapter's progress since its last meeting, in which reference was made

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