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State Regents about various things, and they would say "Have you written to Mrs. Ritchie?" I would say "There is no need to write to her; it is a constitutional point and Mrs. Ritchie is always constitutional, always legal, and always takes the right side;" and I consider the loss of Mrs. Ritchie to this Society irreparable, and the greatest loss we have ever sustained.

Mrs. THOM. Maryland would like to add her tribute.

Mrs. SHIELDS. It is hardly necessary to add one word, I simply wanted to pay my last tribute, as the earliest Recording Secretary General. Of all the States in the Union, Maryland was the last one to give trouble to the Recording Secretary General.

Mrs. MASON. I would like to say that Mrs. Ritchie's name was always an inspiration to us.

Miss PERRINE. I would also like to second the motion. PRESIDENT GENERAL. All in favor will rise. It is not necessary to put the negative; the motion is carried unanimously. Dr. MCGEE. I move to adjourn.

Mrs. MCLEAN. Before you put that motion, I would like to say one word. It is not necessary for me to say that I thank you, because I know how it was with my mother; and further, that I am here to-day, because I endeavored to learn from her the same courage which taught me the honor and integrity that I learned from her.

PRESIDENT GENERAL. There is a motion to adjourn, but before we adjourn―(interrupted.)

Mrs. CRESAP. I think I am the only representative of Maryland here, and while I feel very unable to meet the occasion, I would like to express the deep appreciation-(interrupted.)

PRESIDENT GENERAL. The Chair is obliged to rule this out of order. The question is on the motion to adjourn, but b:fore we adjourn there are several notices that have been sent. up to the chair to-day, and it is desirable to hear them.

(Reader makes announcements.)

PRESIDENT GENERAL. It is moved and seconded that we now adjourn. All in favor will please say "aye;" opposed, "no." Carried. (5.03 p. m.)

Monday evening session, February 20, 1899.

At 8.12 the Congress was called to order.

PRESIDENT GENERAL. The report of the Auditing Committee will be read by the Chairman, Mrs. Frye.

Mrs. Frye read the report, as follows:


WASHINGTON, D. C., February 20, 1899.

Chairman Auditing Committee, D. A. R.

Dear Madam: I have the honor to report the results of an examination of the accounts of the Treasurer General, Daughters of the American Revolution, for the period ending February 10, 1898, and beg to say that I find the same in good condition and correctly kept and all disbursements made by check on properly approved vouchers. The cash balance on hand of $3,716.55 is deposited with the Washington Loan and Trust Co., $353, and the Metropolitan National Bank, $3.363.55.

As follows you will find a statement of the sundry accounts, as shown by the books of the Treasurer General, showing total receipts and expenditures, on account of each:

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I find in the vault of the American Security and Trust Company, securities aggregating $37,000, represented by 35 U. S. bonds of $1,000 each, par value, and 3 bonds of the American Security and Trust Company, one of $1,000 and two of $500 each, par value.

In conclusion, if I may be permitted the expression of an opinion founded upon repeated examinations of the books of your Society, your Committee and the Society are to be congratulated on the care exhibited and efficiency shown in the office of the Treasurer General by the present incumbent, as well as faithfulness of the accountant. Respectfully submitted,








PRESIDENT GENERAL. You have heard the report of the Auditing Committee.

Mrs. BALLINGER. I move that we accept the report of the Auditing Committee.


I second that motion.

It is moved and seconded that we accept the report of the Auditing Committee. All in favor will please say "aye;" opposed, "no." It is accepted. The Vice-President General in Charge of Organization, Mrs. Brockett, will make her report.


Madam President and Ladies of the Eighth Continental Congress: It is with great pleasure I present to you this, my second report as Vice-President General in Charge of Organization of Chapters.

While in some respects the work may not be as large as in other years, it is not surprising, when one realizes that every Daughter of the American Revolution in the year ending has had more than organizing Chapters and soliciting members to think of.

This being the first year my office has had clerical assistance, many details, before arising in this office have been neglected, but it is

gratifying to me to say that I come to you with no recommendations. As far as the office work is concerned everything is nearly perfect; among various things I have done is to card-catalogue the Chapters and Chapter Regents.

Speaking of the catalogues that have been under my charge for the last three years, they are as near perfect as one could expect.

The last Congress gave the issuing of Charters into the hands of the Vice-President General in Charge of Organization, and this work has progressed very satisfactorily.

As you know the Assistant Historian and I have issued the Directory which was quite a task, but the work was cheerfully done by us both, and while of course errors have crept in, we tried to have it as nearly correct as possible.

In the account following you will notice one item, "Regents resigned," which would seem a good many resignations of Regents, but some of these had been in office since ninety-five and ninety-six, and having accomplished nothing, they resigned; thereby allowing the State Regents to make other appointments.

Through the energies of one of our ablest State Regents, Mrs. Kinney, of Connecticut [Great applause], we have appointed Chapter Regents in London, England, and Ottawa, Canada. Letters received from both since their appointments bring very encouraging news. Following is an itemized account of the work done in my office:

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MEMBER. I move that this report be accepted.


PRESIDENT GENERAL. It is moved and seconded that this report be accepted. All in favor will say "aye;" opposed, "no." It is accepted.

PRESIDENT GENERAL. We will listen to the report of the Recording Secretary General, Mrs. Akers.


President General and Members of the Eighth Continental Congress, Daughters of the American Revolution: While the action of the Seventh

Continental Congress in transferring the issuing of Charters to the department of the Vice-President General in Charge of Organization has to that extent relieved this office of a responsibility, such as might lead to the conclusion that the duties were materially lightened, yet the year just passed has been unprecedented in the history of our Society, eventful, busy, and ever to be remembered by our organization. in the archives of which have been placed records of immortal deeds, patriotism and loyalty in the hour of a nation's peril and a nation's struggle. Since the day of the call to arms against our Spanish foe to the signing of the Protocol of Peace, the Daughters of the American Revolution, have by their untiring effort and energy proven themselves scarcely second in heroism to the soldier at the very front.

So far as has been within the province of my office to observe, the past year has been one of material progress to our Association, and it is with peculiar pride that I have marked and participated as far as possible in this advancement. During the year I have issued 60 Charters for new Chapters, which are distributed as follows:

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A Chapter is now being formed in England and one in Canada. It is particularly gratifying to recall the last two localities, as it demonstrates the fact that the influence of our Society is fast becoming international. I have signed commissions for 55 Regents. There has been an addition in the membership of 4,471, and to each of the new members I have issued the authorized certificate. Five hundred and sixty-eight letters have been received in my office. A large propor

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