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do such a thing, which is not necessary. We can have some other officer, or we can put it in the hands of some Vice-President General who can go to Cuba, but not to establish an office there which we have not the right to establish. (Calls of "Question.")

A MEMBER. I move we adjourn.

PRESIDENT GENERAL. The motion to adjourn is in order; it is a motion of higher rank.

Mrs. NASH. I risc to a point of order; can an assemblage adjourn during the taking of a vote?

PRESIDENT GENERAL. It can because the motion is of a higher order. All in favor of adjourning will please say "aye;" opposed, "no." The motion is lost.

(Cries of "Question.")

Mrs. MCLEAN. We have no right to vote on an unconstitutional question. The amendment to our Constitution must be offered according to our own laws at one Congress and acted upon at the next, with due notice thereof. We have no such notice of this amendment.

PRESIDENT GENERAL. Will you kindly raise the point of


Mrs. MCLEAN. I raise the point of order, at your request, that this motion is out of order.

PRESIDENT GENERAL. The Chair considers the point well taken; the motion is out of order.

Mrs. HATCHER. By request I present this check for $100 to the Continental Hall, from the Chapter at Clinton, Iowa, redeeming their pledge of last year, $100.

A MEMBER. I move we adjourn.


PRESIDENT GENERAL. All in favor of adjournment will please say "aye;" opposed, "no." Motion carried. (4.44 p. m.)

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PRESIDENT GENERAL. (10.18) Will the house be seated? We will unite in prayer with our Chaplain General.

CHAPLAIN GENERAL. Let us pray. Oh Thou Father of Light, from whom cometh every good and perfect gift, and with whom there is no changeableness nor shadow of turning, most humbly do we approach Thy throne to-day. We beg that Thou wilt bless us individually and as a people, remembering us in our political and national life, our social and domestic life, our educational and religious life. Grant, we beseech Thee that we may ever be mindful that Thou, God, seest us, and righteousness exalteth a nation, while sin is a reproach to any people. Meet with us and direct us in our deliberations to-day; and when Thou hast accomplished Thy whole purpose in us and through us, receive us unto Thyself. We humbly beg it all in the name of Him who. hath taught us to say, Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed by Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, forever, Amen.

Mr. FOSTER. In place of the concerted number this morning, Mrs. Bradbury, of Boston, has very kindly consented to sing the song which has been distributed, "The Old Thirteen," dedicated to this Congress by the delegates who wrote it; the words by Corrilla Copeland Lewis, and the music by Harriet Hayden Hayes. Mrs. Bradbury will sing it as a solo.


Flag of the free, we hail thee with pride,
Float thou in freedom o'er all the land wide;
Emblem of power where'er thou art seen,
Yet still we are true to the old thirteen.
Our fathers who fought a free country to make,
Who suffered and died for sweet liberty's sake,
What joy had been theirs had they only foreseen
How vast we should grow from the old thirteen.

Forty-five stars now shine in thy blue,
Forty-five States to thee will be true-
As heroes of old keep their memory green,
Who marched with the flag of the old thirteen.

We'll work for thy glory forever and aye,
We'll celebrate ever that dearly bought day;
Thy folds floating o'er us in triumph were seen,
So valiantly won by the old thirteen.
We'll rally around thee from near and from far,
Our standard forever in peace or in war;

All Nations salute thee, thy stars' mighty sheen,
Full splendor thou art of the old thirteen.
Then hail we our emblem, each daughter and son,
Honor the victory thy fair folds have won;
Though multiplied stars float in freedom serene,
Enshrined in our hearts is the old thirteen.

[Great applause.]

Mrs. FOWLER. May we have one verse of "The Star Spangled Banner," with Mrs. Bradbury as soloist?

PRESIDENT GENERAL. What is the pleasure of the house? All in favor say "aye." Mrs. Bradbury, won't you please sing one verse of "The Star Spangled Banner?"

(Mrs. Bradbury did so, the delegates joining in the chorus. Applause.)

PRESIDENT GENERAL. The Chair has the honor to present the name of Mrs. Elroy M. Avery as Chairman of the Tellers to-day. [Applause.] She requests that each State Regent will send up the name of two members of her State, who must be either alternates or ex-officers, to the stage, to the chairman, so that they may be the assistant tellers. The Chair requests that this be done as quickly as possible.

Mrs. THOMPSON. Is a resolution in order.

READER. Before reading the minutes, I am instructed by the Chair to read a few telegraphic greetings. The first is as follows: "From the Mohawk Chapter, of New York State. Mrs. Daniel Manning, Arlington Hotel: The Mohawk Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, assembled in patriotic celebration, send greeting to the Eighth Continental Congress and love to the Mohawk President General." Mrs.

Manning is a member of that Chapter. "The Nebraska Society of the American Revolution, in annual convention assembled, extends greetings and wishes success to every patriotic endeavor. Fred W. Vaughn, President." This is from Omaha, Nebraska. "Meriden, Connecticut. The Connecticut Society of the Sons of the American Revolution assembled at dinner at Meriden, send fraternal greetings to the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution.—Jonathan Trumbull, President."

PRESIDENT GENERAL. The Chair appoints Mrs. John N. Jewett, of Illinois, to occupy the Chair. [Applause.]

Mrs. MCLEAN. Before you retire, Madam President, may I move that this Continental Congress assembled return, reciprocate, the fraternal greetings of the Sons of the American Revolution which have been extended to us as just read? Seconded.

PRESIDENT GENERAL. You have heard the motion. All in favor will please say "aye;" opposed, "no." The motion is carried.

PRESIDENT GENERAL. I leave the Congress this morning by order of the Congress; they ordered me yesterday to be present at St. Matthew's Church this morning. [Applause.] CHAIRMAN (Mrs. Jewett). The minutes are now in order. (Reader reads minutes.)

CHAIRMAN. You have heard the minutes. If there are no objections and no corrections they will stand approved.

Miss JONES. One slight mistake. The monument to Miss Walworth is not to be erected by the Saratoga Chapter, but by all the Daughters of the American Revolution.

Miss BENNING, of Georgia. I made a motion that Sister Agnes', who died in the hospital at Columbus, Georgia, name should go on the same roll of honor, and was ruled out of order. I should like to have it on the minutes that Sister Agnes' name was brought up for the roll of honor.

CHAIRMAN. Are there any other corrections?

Mrs. NESMITH. Dorothy Finney, instead of Dorothy Quincy.

Miss HARVEY. I wish to make one correction. The name of the lady from Pennsylvania is Miss Harvey, not Mrs. She

has not yet attained the dignity of matronhood.


Mrs. THOMAS. I wish to offer a correction of the minutes. Those engravings were presented to the National Society, Daughters of the American Revolution, and not to the Revolutionary Relics Committee-the engravings presented by Mrs. Thomas. I also wish to correct a point, that the gifts through Mrs. Hatcher were presented to the Revolutionary Relics Committee. I think it is all misleading-we present these gifts to the National Society.

CHAIRMAN. The Secretary will please make that correction. Miss DUTCHER. I wish to make a correction-not Greater American Exposition, but Greater America Exposition.

CHAIRMAN. If there are no objections, and I hear none, they will stand approved. The minutes are approved; the next business

Mrs. RAOUL, of Georgia. I rise to a question of privilege. I ask the convention to take a vote on a resolution that I hold, before we go to the order of the day. Shall I read the resolution?

MEMBERS. Order of the day!

CHAIRMAN. Order of the day is called for. Shall the order of the day be now taken up? All in favor will say "aye;" opposed, "no." The motion is carried. The next business upon the program is the announcement of elections of State Regents. Is the Chairman of the State Regents' list present?

Mrs. BALLINGER. May I ask the privilege, after this announcement, may we have the amendment to the Constitution read that governs this election after the announcement of the State Regents? Will the Official Reader read that amend


CHAIRMAN. The Chair will rule that that will be done.
Mrs. BALLINGER. Thank you, Madam Chairman.

CHAIRMAN. IS Mrs. Hatch prepared with this list of States? READER. I am instructed by the Chair to request that in sending up these slips of paper you please head them with their respective names. For example, some are sending up the names of tellers from their States, others are sending up the State Regents, and just names on the papers mean nothing

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