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CHAIRMAN. Meantime we can wear our own colors; it does not do away with our own colors.

Mrs. FRYE. I rise to a point of order; the division was called for, it should be put, and no talking allowed between.

Mrs. EDWARDS. Does the framer of that resolution desire that all the names of the States be on the ribbon?

Mrs. HAZEN. Of the several States, it was stated. CHAIRMAN. All in favor of the motion will please rise, the motion which has just been read. This is the vote division.

on the

Mrs. WEED, of Connecticut. I ask for information There seems to be some doubt in this corner whether this affects the credential badge or the State badge. I am under the impression that it is the State badge; those around me are under the impression that it is the credential badge, therefore they say they will vote against it.

CHAIRMAN. I will ask the Reader to read that again.

READER. "I move that this Congress adopt the National ribbon of the Daughters of the American Revolution as its. badge, bearing the name of the several States, each Chapter Regent to provide her delegates with the State badge at the expense of the Chapter."

CHAIRMAN. Will the house please come to order, and hear the mover of the motion?

Mrs. HAZEN. It is nothing very serious. We are not going to take away any of your ribbons, or anything of that sort. We had thought it would be rather nice to have something in the way of a ribbon with the name of our State upon it, upon whatever the badge was that the National Society chose to make, whether it is colonial colors or red, white and blue, or whatever it is. The idea was that we should have some State upon it. It was suggested by some of the ladies and happened to be brought up by one of our ladies who provided this ribbon and put the name of Vermont on it, and we thought it would be nice for you all to have a piece of this ribbon, just to make a uniformity of the badges of the several States, so that we might greet you in that way and have uniformity in the badges. Does that not make it clearer to the Congress?

Mrs. MCCARTNEY. May I state to the speaker that Pennsylvania has a State badge, with coat of arms and seal, and name of State?

Mrs. HAZEN. But all of us have not that, and it is just a motion put by Mrs. Estey, who asked me to read this motion which I have been glad to do. It has been seconded, and it is not a serious matter at all. It is merely to make us a little more united.

Mrs. GIST. If this is passed, will it compel the Chapters to vote money out of their treasury to provide each member this badge, or can they do without them if they do not desire to? I am very jealous of the money in my treasury.

CHAIRMAN. The mover of the motion will please answer that question.

Mrs. HAZEN. I know how you all feel, ladies, the ladies from Pennsylvania, of course, want their own badges. That is not the question. One State can have what they want on it; you can have the coat-of-arms or anything else. Perhaps by offering an amendment it would be well to put on anything you like, which is merely that we might recognize the name of your State; an amendment could be made to that so as not to confuse with the badges of the Society.

Mrs. TAPLIN. I wish to state that I do not think the question of expense should come in this, for our National ribbon is only fifty cents a yard, and it does not take more than that much (indicating a few inches) to make a badge; and surely the Chapters don't send more than two or three delegates.

Mrs. NASH. I rise for information. Would it be obligatory for us simply to put the name of our State? For instance, there are certain States that have distinguishing emblems; our emblem is the palmetto tree. I would infinitely prefer the palmetto tree added. Would that cover our putting the palmetto tree or whatever other thing you want to upon it?

CHAIRMAN. The ruling of the Chair would be that these are all unnecessary questions. This is a very simple matter. Each delegation would be privileged to have a piece of ribbon in the National colors, with the name of the State on it. That is the simplest possible form; and they could use any emblem, of course, they choose to put on.

Mrs. WALKER, of Illinois. Two words, uniformity and identification.

Mrs. KING. I think every State has heretofore exercised the privilege of having its own State badge, and I move that this resolution be tabled.


CHAIRMAN. It has been moved and seconded to table this motion. All in favor will please say "aye;" opposed, “no.” It is carried. We will proceed to the order of the day.

Mrs. FULLER. Massachusetts desires to present the following amendments. Will the Reader kindly read them?

CHAIRMAN. These amendments have been offered. Will the house please listen?

READER (reads amendments):

Amend Section 1, Article V, of the Constitution, by inserting after words "one State Regent," the words, " or in her absence one Vice-State Regent," so that the same shall read as follows:

"SECTION I. The Continental Congress of the National Society shall be composed of all the active officers of the National Society, one State Regent, or in her absence, one Vice-State Regent, from each State, and the Regents and Delegates of each organized Chapter in the United States."

Amend Section 1, Article VI, of the Constitution, by inserting after the words, "one State Regent," the words, "or in her absence, one Vice-State Regent," so that the same shall read as follows:

"SECTION 1. The National Board of Management shall be composed of the active officers of the National Society and a State Regent, or in her absence, one Vice-State Regent, from each State or Territory, to be chosen by the Delegates from each State and Territory to the Continental Congress at the annual meeting. The officers of the National Society shall be ex-officio officers of the Board of Management. The Board shall meet at least once every four months, and at such times as the exigencies of the Society may demand, on the call of the President. Seven members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business."

Amend Section 6, Article IV, of the By-Laws, by striking out the first three words, and inserting in place thereof, the words, "No State, Vice-State or," so that the same shall read as follows: "No State, Vice-State or Honorary State Regent shall be appointed or elected who is not a resident of the State she represents; and no one shall hold more than one active office at the same time in the Daughters of the American Revolution."

Presented by Mrs. George F. Fuller, State Regent of Massachusetts.

Dr. MCGEE. I wish to continue what was interrupted by the adjournment and offer these amendments to the By-Laws, which I will ask the Reader to read, to be acted on next year.

CHAIRMAN. The Chair would ask that as soon as the Reader is through with the amendments, you be ready to present any other amendments, so that we may expedite business. READER (reads amendments to By-Laws):



The Committee on By-Laws of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution has the honor to report that, in accordance with the order of the last meeting of the Continental Congress, it submits herewith to the next annual meeting the amendments which are necessary to shape the By-Laws in accordance with the Constitution and the usages of the Society. Certain points heretofore governed by unwritten law, or by the votes of the Continental Congress or the National Board of Management, but which properly belong in the By-Laws, have been inserted in the proposed amendments; while such existing portions as more properly belong among Rules of the National Board for its own guidance have been omitted. The provisions for amendments to the By-Laws are necessarily new, and have been given most careful thought by your Committee. Respectfully submitted,








Strike out contents of Article I, and substitute the following:


Election of National Officers.

SECTION 1. The President General shall appoint a Chief Teller on the first day of the Annual Meetings of the Continental Congress, and each State delegation may appoint two assistant tellers. Nominations shall be made from the floor, and elections shall follow immediately-(or "on the succeeding day"). A blanket ballot shall be used. The tellers shall hold a list of accredited voters, and each voter shall announce her name when depositing her ballot. The tellers shall make a separate report for each office, stating the total number of votes cast; from this total the number of blanks shall be deducted, and a majority of the remainder shall be the number necessary to elect. The report shall state the number of votes cast for each nominee.

SEC. 2. Honorary Officers of the National Society shall be elected for life, and in the same manner as National Officers.


Strike out Article II.


Strike out Article III, Section 1, and substitute:


President General.

SECTION 1. The President General shall oversee the affairs of the National Society

SEC. 2. She shall be the presiding officer of the Continental Congress, but, if present, she may call any member of the body to represent her in the Chair during the current session. She is ex officio Chairman of the National Board of Management and of the Executive Committee, and a member of every other committee.

SEC. 3. She shall appoint the members of the standing committees within one month after the annual meeting; she shall also appoint members of special committees when requested to do so by the Continental Congress or the National Board.


Strike out Article IV, Section 3, and substitute the following:

Vice-President General in Charge of Organization of Chapters. SECTION 1. The Vice-President General in Charge of Organization of Chapters shall, in connection with the respective State Re

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