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read on Monday evening, was it not? This report was read on Monday evening. What is the pleasure of the house in regard to it?

Mrs. NASH. I move that it be accepted.


CHAIRMAN. It is moved and seconded that this report be accepted

Mrs. DRAPER. I do not think that would be possible for us. Was the motion to accept or simply adopt the report? If we accept, it is accepted when it is read. If we adopt, it carries with it its recommendations, and it does not seem possible for us to adopt the report with the recommendations without rehearing them. From Monday evening to Saturday is a long time, and we have done a great deal of business. May we not hear the recommendations before we act upon this motion?

CHAIRMAN. Is it the wish of the house that this report should be re-read?

AUDIENCE. "The recommendations."

CHAIRMAN. Miss Forsyth, will you read those recommenda


Miss FORSYTH. Your committee recommended, first, that the members of the Eighth Continental Congress, with the alternates and visiting members of our Society present, be asked to state how many of them will take the Magazine for the ensuing year; second, that they be also asked what part of the Magazine they prefer, how many read with most interest the historic articles, how many the reports of Chapter work, how many the minutes of the Congress and National Board meetings; third, that club rates be given to a number of subscribers sending in subscriptions through any one Chapter; fourth, that each report of Chapter work shall be allowed a stated. amount of space in the Magazine, in order to give the same opportunity to all Chapters and avoid delay in publishing such reports; fifth, that the number of pages of each issue and all details be left to the discretion of the Editor, Business Manager and a Magazine Committee; sixth, that this Congress, in view of the importance of the effort to make our Magazine of greater interest and value, one that shall tell upon the future of our land, shall vote the sum of $5,000 for carrying it on during the coming year; this sum, as will be seen, is not greatly in ex

cess of the present net cost of publication, with the salaries of the Editor and Business Manager; what may remain after meeting such expenses should be used to advance the interests of the Magazine, at the discretion of a competent Magazine Committee. May I state, Madam Chairman, that possibly the Congress has forgotten what the figures were, but somewhat over four thousand dollars. Your committee believes, after careful consideration, that these methods would place the whole matter upon a broader and more business-like basis than heretofore and tend to success.

Mrs. THOMPSON. I rise to a question of information. As I remember the reading of that report, there was something said in it about some publishing company's having been consulted in regard to the publication of our Magazine. May I ask the chairman of that committee if she will state to us what information was asked from the different publishers, and who the publishers were, and what information was received on the subject?

Miss FORSYTH. I will answer to the best of my ability, and ask any other members of the Magazine Committee present to supplement what I may forget, because we have asked for so much information in so many places that I cannot recall it all in a moment. May I ask what points especially? I did not catch just exactly.

Mrs. THOMPSON. I asked what information has been asked of different publishing companies as to the publication of our Magazine, and of what publishers any information had been received.

Miss FORSYTH. We sent out to a great many printing companies and publishing houses, asking on what terms this Magazine could be published, and took the bid that was the very lowest. It would be impossible for me, but if the Business Manager were present she might recall them all. I also saw the business manager of the Cosmopolitan Magazine myself and asked him for full information as to this matter. I wrote to the president of the Loan and Trust Company, in New York, asking him what advertising agents could be seen, or what was the best way for us to secure advertisements for the Magazine. He put me in communication with several of the leading ad

vertising agents in New York City. One of the members of our committee, Mrs. Thomas Roberts, and myself, at the suggestion of a third member of the committee, went to see the principal advertising agent in Philadelphia, with the same end in view. I have been to the Editress of Harper's Bazaar and asked her advice as to our methods and what we were to do. I have written to Godey's Magazine and one or two others-I feel that on the spur of the moment I can hardly recall them all, and to several of the well-known publishing houses, trying to see whether we could do any better by getting our publication combined with something else. I do not mean formally combined with it, but whether there were not some way by which we could get our publication printed by some other; and I made that effort first of all in regard to the Cosmopolitan, and the Business Manager of that told me that they had too much of that already in hand for other associations, but he suggested several that I applied to. I think one of them was the Churchman, of New York. We covered that ground just as thoroughly as there seemed to be any possibility of doing, but at that time you will remember, in the spring, the war had just broken out and there seemed to be no disposition on the part of any of these persons to take up new methods to enlarge the scope of work. The same thing applied to advertising. In Chicago, when passing through there this summer, I deputed a special agent, whom I knew personally, to take up the work of securing advertisements for us, and we did a great many more things with this matter that I cannot now recall. Is there anything further?

Mrs. THOMPSON. I asked what information was received from these different publishing companies, what they thought about the expense, and what their ideas were in regard to it.

Mrs. LockwOOD. The Business Manager is here now, and she sent communications out to all of these publishers and printers. Perhaps she could give you this information.

Miss FORSYTH. I suggested that if the Business Manager were present she could perhaps state some facts that I cannot recall.

Mrs. THOMPSON. I was asking the information officially from the chairman of the Magazine Committee.

Miss FORSYTH. Would you like fuller information?

Mrs. THOMPSON. What I wanted to know is what they said. Miss FORSYTH. I have asked McClure, I think, the Cosmopolitan, I know, the Churchman, and I have forgotten how many others, because I was in constant correspondence with these different publishing firms in the country. I asked them if they would be willing to publish for us, and I have found no one who was willing to do it at all. I may say that since this report has been handed in we have received one sole offer of that kind, but that came from a firm that asked more than it was costing us now, more than we were paying out at least. It was between six and seven thousand dollars, and was from a firm that proposed to have us combine with them and have the two names on the cover.

Mrs. THOMPSON. May I ask what it was?

Miss FORSYTH. It was the Spirit of '76. That publication, as it is well known I suppose, is in a crippled condition and probably wanted the support of the Daughters of the American Revolution. The information came to me after our committee had handed in the report, but I showed it to a majority of the committee, who felt that we had nothing to gain in that direction. That is the only place where any such suggestion has been favorably received; that came from this city.

Mrs. THOMPSON. Thank you, Miss Forsyth; that is exactly what I wanted to know.

Mrs. MCLEAN. I wish merely to state, in justice to the Spirit of '76-not that I am advocating it one way or another-I do not think the Spirit of '76 is in a crippled condition.

Mrs. FOWLER. I think it is very much alive and very much up to date.

Miss FORSYTH. May I answer a little more completely than I did? I would like to state that the figures that they gave did not include our minutes at all, and they only offered to publish a limited number of pages, with a combination of the two names, etc., which did not commend itself at all to the members of the committee, either financially or in any other way.

CHAIRMAN. Are there any further questions in regard to this report, and is it the wish of the house that the Magazine Business Manager should appear and answer these questions?

Mrs. CABANISS. I rise to a question of personal privilege. I want to know does that report say that the $5,000 that they call for is over and above the contributions that are paid in for the paper? I understood the lady to say the other day (Mrs. Lockwood), in speaking of how many times trivial things had to be printed and published, that we commanded to be published, she said this thing is published 4,500 times-I think I am correct. That to my mind meant that there were 4,500 subscribers to the Magazine, which means $4,500. Am I right? And then do I understand that the Magazine costs $5,000 over and above that?

CHAIRMAN. Will the chairman of the committee answer that question?

Miss FORSYTH. I think, Madam Chairman, that I will have to call upon the Business Manager for the absolute figures.

Miss LOCKWOOD. The Editor made a mistake in saying that it was repeated 4,500 times. The edition is 3,500, but your subscription list is now about 3,100. Of that there were at least 800 subscriptions overdue in this last year. That is the reason I made that appeal in my report to the ladies, asking them to please pay their subscriptions, and not as a dun, as I so expressed it, but to show you why the deficit was as large as it is this year. This year it was about $675, I think, greater than last year, but if the subscriptions had been paid promptly it would not have been so great as last year. The net cost was only about $125 greater than last year.

Miss FORSYTH. To the lady who just asked for some information I would like to state that your committee named this even sum of $5,000 because the expense of the Magazine this year was reported by the Treasurer, I think, as a little over $4,000. We have thought that one means of increasing interest and securing a wider circulation would be if occasional'y we could, for instance, pay a small sum for a very fine article, or some reasonable sum for an article from the acknowledged writers of the day, and if we could have just a little, it makes very little difference to us how much it is, if it is to be a hundred dollars or two or three hundred dollars, if we could have just a little bit over and above the actual expenses, so that the Magazine Committee could use that in such a way as

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