Page images

Americans, of Colonial stock, and of
foreign ancestry, i. 347, 348; desir-
ing to meet Royalty, ii. 111, 112;
marrying of, into titled Austrian
families, ii. 217, 218; of German
blood, ii. 398-401, 409, 410
Amidon, Judge Charles F., letter to,
ii. 380

Amos, James, ii. 475

Amsterdam, visit to, ii. 235

"Ancient Greek War," by G. O.
Trevelyan, ii. 154

"Ancient Irish Sagas, The," ii. 30,


André, Major, ii. 169, 172

Andrews, Avery D., i. 66; letter to,
i. 126

Anglo-Saxons, i. 347

Animals, delight in study of, ii. 74;
changes in faunal life in South
America, ii. 108; disappearance of
species of, ii. 109; game, shot by
King of Italy, ii. 202
Anthropology, interest in books on,
ii. 142

Anti-trust law, amendment of, ii. 83
Anthracite coal strike, settlement of,
i. 198 ff., 323; ii. 129; conference
with operators and mine workers, i.
202-209; appointment of investi-
gating commission, i. 209, 211-213,
216; terms of settlement, i. 219
Appeals, New York State Court of,
decision of, in Cigar-Makers'
Union Case, i. 30; decision of, on
recount bill, ii. 52
Appeals, United States Circuit Court

of, decision of, in regard to Inter-
state Commerce Act, ii. 52
Appointments of office-holders, policy
regarding Southern, i. 154-157;
based on merit and fitness alone, i.
155, 158, 190; of negroes, i. 168-
170; attitude taken with Senators
in regard to, i. 158, 235-237, 249;
standard of, unaffected by political
expediency, i. 247 ff.; friction with
Senators over, i. 442-445; ii. 14,
15; refusal to ask President Taft
for, ii. 128, 129; the system of
patronage in, ii. 149, 150; of judge
of District Court, i. 235-237; of
District Attorney Byrne, i. 241,
242; of Oregon land official, i. 248

Apponyi, Count, ii. 220-222
Arbitration, international, i. 75, 229;
ii. 227 ff.; effect of Senate's
amendment on treaties of, i. 430,
435-437; treaty of, between the
United States and Germany urged
in 1908, ii. 283

Archbold, Mr., ii. 96, 97

Arizona, hunting trip in, ii. 352;
strikes in copper mines of, ii. 462-

Arlington Cemetery, Memorial Day
address in, i. 192

Armaments, reduction of, ii. 21; at-
titude of England and Germany
toward limitation of, ii. 229
Army, promotions in, i. 156, 157, 444;
desertion from, i. 189; policy of
justice in administration of, ii. 8,
9; better pay for, ii. 83; improve-
ments in administration of, ii. 130;
increased efficiency in, ii. 131
Arnold, Benedict, i. 41, 42; ii. 168
Art, views on, i. 327

Arthur, President, Civil Service Com-
mission appointed by, i. 44
Asia, disappearance of Greek civiliza-
tion from, ii. 107; importance of lim-
itation of immigration from, ii. 110
Asiatic Squadron, Admiral Dewey in
command of, i. 92-98; ordered to
Manila, i. 95-98
Assassination of public men, ii. 175-
177, 341, 344

Committee, New York
City, investigations of, i. 26
Assembly, New York State, election
to, i. 8, 17, 24; Speakership con-
tests in, i. 9-11

Atlanta, battleship, i. 282, 286
Atlantic Monthly, ii. 385
Austin, O. P., ii. 37
Australia, invitation to fleet to visit,
ii. 269

Austria, in the Moroccan affair, i.
489; mediation proposal of, at Al-
geciras Conference disapproved by
the United States, i. 496-499;
Roosevelt requested to visit, ii. 209;
visit to, ii. 215-220; the Emperor
of, ii. 216; objection to Americans
marrying into titled families of,
ii. 217, 218; interview with Prime
Minister of, ii. 227-230

Authors, personal interest in, ii. 136;
correspondence with, ii. 137 ff.
Authors' League of America, ii. 401-
403; letter to, ii. 402

"Autobiography," Roosevelt's, i. 1,
2, 81, 108; quoted, i. 4, 7, 15, 31,
53, 62, 67, 92, 117, 376, 465
Aylesworth, A. B., i. 259

Bacon, Robert, i. 213-215; ii. 25; let-
ter to, i, 207

Bacons, the, a guest of, in Paris, ii.

Baer, George F., i. 201, 215

Bailey, Senator, i. 156

Bake shops, Supreme Court decision
concerning, ii. 301-303

Baker, Newton D., correspondence
with, ii. 426

Baker, Ray Stannard, letter to, ii.

Baldwin, Elbert Francis, letter to, ii.

Balfour, Rt. Hon. A. J., ii. 256; "De-

cadence" by, ii. 104; letters to, ii.
104, 455

Balkan States, confederacy of, ii. 223
Baltimore Post Office, civil service
reform in, i. 47, 48
Banking and currency, Aldrich bill
concerning, ii. 83

Barnes, William, i. 50; ii. 328; libel

suit of, ii. 365-369, 381-383; the
German jurors at the trial, ii, 375-
377, 379; candidacy for Governor
offered Roosevelt by, ii. 453, 454
Battenberg, Prince Louis of, ii. 261;
a guest at the White House, ii. 264,

Bays, Mrs. Mary T., letter to, ii.

Beebe, William, ii. 475

Beef Trust, suit against, i. 186
Beirut, squadron sent to, i. 262
Belgians, deportation and enslave-
ment of, ii. 460

Belgium, visit to, ii. 209, 234, 235;
the King and Queen of, ii. 235; the
women of, ii. 235; German viola-
tion of neutrality of, ii. 372, 373
"Benton, Life of Thomas H.," i. 40,
41, 174
Berard, Victor, ii. 233

Berlin, Roosevelt requested to speak
at the University of, ii, 208, 209,
286; visit to, ii. 244 ff.; at the
American Embassy in, ii. 245; re-
ception in, ii. 245.

Bernstorff, Count, ii. 284, 286, 419
Beveridge, Senator, ii. 339; letter to,
i. 370

Bible, reading of, in public schools,
ii. 358, 359; supplied to soldiers,
message written in, ii. 430
Big business, combination of big
bosses and, i. 114, 115, 121; meth-
ods, not size, cause of evils in, i.
133; desire of, to get Roosevelt out
of New York State, i. 135-138; con-
trol of Republican party by, i. 152;
course pursued in regard to, i. 159.
See also Corporations

"Big Stick" policy in governmental
administration, i. 240; in relations
with Japan, ii. 130

Bigelow, John, letter to, i. 295
Bigelow, Dr. William Sturgis, letters
to, i. 102; ii. 344

Bird life, delight in the study of, ii.
74, 75, 113

Bishop, Joseph Bucklin, Roosevelt's
friendship with, i. 58, 62; inter-
view with Cleveland, i. 146; con-
versation with Roosevelt on his suc-
cession to Presidency, i. 150, 151;
appointed Secretary of Panama Ca-
nal Commission, i. 451; letters to,
i. 131, 137, 217, 314, 428, 431, 432,
460, 461; ii. 306, 312, 313, 315,
319, 351

Bismarck, ii. 228

"Black Horse Cavalry,” i. 14, 17
Blackmail, in the Police Department,

i. 60, 61, 64, 65; reply to Judge
Parker's charges of, in campaign
funds, i. 333, 334

Blaine, James G., nomination of, i.
33, 35-37

Blind, in Rumania, Carmen Sylva's
project of a city for, ii. 295; print-
ing machine used by, ii. 295
Bliss, Cornelius N., i. 72
Bolshevism in America, ii. 442, 463,
Bonaparte, Attorney-General Charles
J., ii. 265; letters to, ii. 54, 353
Books read during first two years of

Presidency, i. 265-268. See also

Bordeaux, "The Great Hero of the

Air" by, ii. 447-450; letters to, ii.

Bored, the capacity to be, ii. 104
Boris, Grand Duke, ii. 243
Bosnia, ii. 223

Bosses, political, rule of, in New
York State, i. 114, 115; control of
parties by, ii. 13; rule of, the nega-
tion of democracy, ii. 304
Boston, battleship, i. 282, 286
Boutros Pasha, assassination of, ii.
187, 190, 191
Boutroux, ii. 233

Bowers, John M., ii. 376

Bowers, Spotswood D., ii. 376
Boxing, i. 3, 4

Brazil, exploration of wilderness of,
ii. 353, 363

"Brazilian Wilderness, Through the,"
ii. 353; the writing of, ii. 361, 363
Brenner, Victor D., i. 454
Briand, ii. 232

Bridges, Robert, letters to, ii. 361-

Bright, John, ii. 374

British Atlantic Fleet, visit of Cruis-
er Squadron to American ports, ii.
261, 262, 264

British East Africa, ii. 186; anti-
English feeling in, ii. 187 ff.
Brooks, Sidney, letter to, ii. 129
Brownell, W. C., letter to, ii. 73
Brownfield, Texas, statue of Roose-
velt in, ii. 114

Brownsville, Texas, attack upon, by
negro troops, ii. 27-30
Brussels Exposition, address at, ii.
234, 235, 296

Bryan, William Jennings, i. 241; ii.
26, 124, 358, 374, 385, 390, 412;
Madison Square address of, ii. 31;
correspondence with, in Taft cam-
paign, ii. 98; estimate of, ii. 99;
electoral votes received by, in 1908,
ii. 103; resignation of, as Secre-
tary of State, ii. 383, 384, 386
Bryce, Rt. Hon. James, congratula-
tory letter from, i. 106; praise of
Roosevelt's services as President,
ii. 134, 135; letters to, i. 369; ii.

Buchanan, President, ii. 384, 390
Budapest, reception at, ii. 222, 224
Buenz, Dr., i. 224, 225

Bull Moose, i. 139; ii. 338

Bunau-Varilla, Philippe, i. 289-291,
295, 296, 310; article by, in Le
Matin, i. 296; ratification of treaty
negotiated by, i. 305

Bunyan's "Pilgrim's Progress," ii.

Bureau of Corporations, creation of,
i. 242, 330; ii. 131
Burgoyne, General, ii. 168

Burroughs, John, visit of, to Pine
Knot, ii. 113; letters to, ii. 74-76
Burton, Senator, i. 254; ii. 18
Business, big. See Big business
Business men, justice toward, ii. 41
Butler, Benjamin F., i. 439
Butler, Dr. Nicholas Murray, i. 317;
letter to, i. 265

Byrne, William M., appointment of,
as District Attorney, i. 241, 242;
letter to, i. 241

Cabinet members, cordial relations
between President and, i. 262-265
Cahun's "Turks and Mongols," i.
445, 446

Cairo, Egypt, anti-English feeling in,
ii. 188 ff.; the Nationalist move-
ment in, ii. 188; British officials
in, ii. 190; address at University
of, ii. 190-192

California, Japanese situation in, ii.
64, 65

Callisen, A. W., i. 224, 225; letter of,
i. 224

Cameron, Don, i. 317

Campaign contributions, regarded as
purchasing favors, i. 312, 313; at-
titude toward, i. 328-331
Campaign, Presidential, of 1904,
course followed concerning contri-
butions to, i. 328-331; attitude re-
garding the outcome of, i. 332,
333; humorous aspects of, i. 331;
Judge Parker's charges concerning
Republican fund in, i. 333, 334;
campaign of 1912, ii. 336, 340, 346,

Canada, dispute with, over Alaskan
boundary, i. 258-262

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Canals, action in regard to New York, Chanler, William Astor, letter to, i.
i. 115, 116


Cannon, Speaker Joe, i. 237, 263; ii. Chaplains, selection of army and


Capital and Labor, views on, i. 257,
323; legislation concerning, urged,
ii. 80; new relations between, ii.
Capitalists, course followed in regard

to dishonest, ii. 42 ff.; attitude to-
ward attacks of, ii. 50; unfitness
of, for governing, ii. .70; inability
to sympathize with plain people, ii.

Carlisle, John G., Secretary of the
Treasury, i. 53

Carlyle's "Frederick the Great," ii.

Carmen Sylva, ii. 206; letter from,
ii. 293

Carnegie, Andrew, ii. 83, 111, 227,
228, 230, 252, 273-279; letter to, ii.


Carnegie Hall, New York City,
speeches in, ii. 320, 321, 419, 432,

Carow, Charles, i. 5
Carr, Comyns, i. 56
283, 285
Carter, James C., i. 119; letters to, i.
120, 132

Colombian gunboat, i.

Cartoons, on Roosevelt's city reform
bills, i. 29, 30; enjoyment of, i.

Cassini, Russian Ambassador, i. 377-
392, 395, 417, 481
Castro, President, Venezuelan Dicta-
tor, i. 222

Catholic Protectory, appropriation of
public funds for, i. 21
Catholics, friendly attitude toward,
ii. 195, 199

"Cawnpore," by G. O. Trevelyan, ii.

Century Magazine, ii. 30, 411
Cervera's fleet, i. 145

Chamber of Commerce, New York

City, address before, i. 230, 231
Chamberlain, Rt. Hon. Joseph, i. 259,

Champlin, "The Coal Mines and the
People" by, i. 205, 206

Chandler, i. 134

navy, i. 190

Chaplin, Stewart, ii. 411

Chapman, F. M., books on birds by,

ii. 75, 113; letter to, ii. 113

"Charter of Democracy, A," ad-
dress on, ii. 318

Cheming, sinking of the, ii. 460
Cheyenne, Wyoming, Frontier Cele-
bration at, ii. 300

Chicago, labor strike in, i. 438-441;
investigation of stock yards in, ii.
16, 17

Child labor law, ii. 84, 131
"Children of the Crucible,” ii. 435
China, attitude of, toward Russo-Jap-
anese peace, i. 377; plan to indem-
nify France and England with por-
tions of, opposed, i. 401, 402; Kai-
ser's belief concerning partition of,
i. 470; integrity of, and the open
door, ii. 83, 281, 282

Chipmunk, on tennis court during
game, ii. 76

Choate, Hon. Joseph H., tribute to,
on resignation from Ambassador-
ship, i. 354, 355; asked to represent
America at Algeciras Convention, i.
448, 503; position of Minister to
Japan offered to, i. 448; delegate
to Hague Conference, ii. 267
Christiania, the Royal Family at, ii.

Churchman, The, letter to editor of,
ii. 28

Cicero, philosophy of, ii. 156
Cigar-Makers' Union, decision of
Court of Appeals regarding tene-
ment-house bill of, i. 30, 31
Cities, Committee on, i. 25
City Hall, New York, speech at, ii.

City reform bills, i. 25-31
City of Memphis, sinking of the, ii.

Civil Service, bill establishing merit
system in, i. 22, 27, 44, 50, 53, 62;
the spoils system in, i. 43, 48-51;
law of 1899, i. 124

Civil Service Advisory Board, ap-
pointed by President Grant, i. 43
Civil Service Commission, i. 43 ff.;

appointment of, i. 44; inefficiency
of, during first six years, i. 44-46;
salary of members of, i. 45; ideas
and purposes of, i. 47; investiga-
tion of, by Congress, i. 48-51;
Roosevelt's defense of, i. 49; Roose-
velt's resignation from, i. 53,
53, 54
Civil Service Law of 1899, i. 124
Civil Service reform, i. 43, 114, 118;
obstructed by politicians, i. 44-46;
number of places included in clas-
sified service, i. 44, 53; in New
York Custom House, i. 46, 47; in
Baltimore Post Office, i. 47, 48;
value of Roosevelt's work for, i.

Civil Service Reform League, Na-
tional, i. 43

Civil War, the, South's position con-
cerning secession, i. 293, 294; pen-
sions to veterans of, i. 318-320;
South wholly wrong in, i. 349; he-
roes of, ii. 170

Civilization, analogies between mod-
ern and ancient, ii. 106
Clark, D. H., letter to, ii. 468
Clark, E. E., i. 213, 217

Clark, George Roberts, ii. 168

Clarke, John Proctor, letters to, i.
138, 147

Classes, value to a democracy of dif-
ferent, ii. 24

Clayton, Senator Powell, i. 33
Clayton-Bulwer treaty, i. 270, 271
Clemenceau, Georges, appeal of, to
Wilson to permit Roosevelt to take
volunteer division to France, ii.
427, 428; letter to, ii. 455
Cleveland, Grover, i. 150; veto of ele-

vated railway fare bill by, i. 17, 20;
civil service reform of, i. 44;
Roosevelt retained by, as Civil Ser-
vice Commissioner, i. 51-53; letter
of, on Venezuelan affair, i. 69;
free silver letter of, i. 145, 146;
tributes to, i. 145, 146; ii. 116,
117; Alabama judge recommended
by, i. 155; published letter of, con-
cerning Cuban reciprocity, i. 188;
letter from, regarding coal strike,
i. 204; requested to serve on coal
strike investigating committee, i.
209-211; refusal of operators to
accept as member of investigating

committee, i. 212-214; considera-
tion of, as third term candidate, i.
241; Mexican War service pension
established by, i. 319; creation of
forest reserves by, ii. 115, 116; re-
action of public to, ii. 117; simplic-
ity and dignity of home-life as ex-
President, ii. 117; letters to, i. 145,
155, 205, 208, 209, 214

Cleveland, Mrs. Grover, letter to, ii.

Cleveland National Forest, ii. 115
Clinton, General, ii. 168

Clover field, cutting a, ii. 74, 75
Club-houses, built for Panama Canal
workers, i. 456-458

Clubs, district, in New York City, i.

Coal miners' strike. See Anthracite
coal strike

Coinage, new designs for, by Saint-
Gaudens, i. 359-361;
359-361; use of "In
God We Trust" on, ii. 71-73
Coles, Russell J., ii. 422; letter to,
ii. 469

Colleges, teaching history in, ii. 140,


Collier, William M., letter to, i. 118
Colombia, treaty with, for acquisition
of Panama Canal territory, i. 189,
273, 274; amendments suggested
by, i. 275; rejection of Hay-Herran
treaty by, i. 276-280, 294, 302, 310;
effect of Secretary Hay's message
in regard to proposed amendments,
i. 280; secession of Panama from,
i. 280-282, 285; recommendation
that United States build canal
without further parley with, i. 276,
278, 289; the politicians of, i. 278,
279; transportation of troops of,
to Panama, i. 283-285; offer of, to
ratify treaty, i. 287, 288, 292; re-
quest to land troops at Colon and
Panama denied, i. 287; misrule of
Panama by, i. 294, 304; despotism
of, i. 295; the Constitution of
1886, i. 301-304; United States aid
to, in suppression of rebellions, i.
302; Maroquin dictator in, i. 303,
304; not rightful owner of canal
route, i. 304; letter to General
Reyes concerning, i. 309; purchase
of islands from, deemed inadvis

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