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The Publisher is happy to announce that the size of the Historical Magazine will
in future be increased, and far more interesting matter given, together with
occasional illustrations. To sustain him he appeals to the various Historical
Societies, and all interested in history, to do what lies in their power to increase
the list of subscribers, and make the work known.

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NOTES AND QUERIES-Notes.-Phillis Wheatley, the Ne-
gro Slave Poet, 82; Curious Letter of Cornplanter,
from the Irvine Papers, 4; Indenture of John
Peter Zenger, 35; The Last Survivor of Washing-
ton's Life Guard, 36; Americanisms in German
English Dictionaries, 87; The Jurisdiction of the
Bishop of London in America, 87; Revised Sta-
tutes, 37; Resolved Waldron, 88; Clockville, Madi-
son Co., N. Y., 38; "During Men," 88; An Antient
Landmark, 38; Throg's Neck, 88; Earl Bellomont-
Joe Daveiss, 88; Dying in the Last Ditch, 88; A
Bibliographical Anecdote, 88; Description of a
Fashionable Lady 107 Years Ago...


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The advertiser has duplicates of AUTOGRAPHS, BALLADS, PLACARDS, HAND-BILLS, &c., &c.,

sinoe the commencement of the Rebellion, which he will exchange with other Collectors.

Address, Box 1862, P. O., Philadelphia.


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General Department.

JANUARY, 1864.


IN presenting to our readers a copy of an early caricature of what unfortunately has been a precedent too often followed, we are happy to give the following account of the scene from the pen of one of our kind contributors.

[No. 1.

Connecticut, May 21, 1762; graduated at Yale College in 1780, and studied law. From 1795 to 1805 he was a Representative in Congress from Connecticut. In 1801 he declined the appointment of Secretary of War, offered. him by President. Adams, a few days before the accession of President Jefferson. In 1807 he was chosen a Judge of the Supreme Court of the State; was Lieutenant-Governor from 1809 to 1811, and then elected Governor; while holding that office he refused to place four "The disgraceful scene which the accom- companies under General Dearborn at the panying engraving presents occurred in the requisition of the President, for garrison United States House of Representatives, purposes, deeming the requisition unconthen sitting in Philadelphia, on the 15th of stitutional, as they were not wanted to February, 1798. The building in which "repel invasion," etc. He died in 1812.' Congress then met is that at the S. E. cor- "MATTHEW LYON. He was born in ner of Sixth and Chestnut streets. The Wicklow County, Ireland, in 1746, and Senate sat in the back room, second story, having emigrated to this country when now occupied by a branch of the District thirteen years of age, participated to some Court for the City and County of Phila- extent in the revolutionary struggle, havdelphia. In the room below, near the ing, in 1777, been appointed temporary Court of Quarter Sessions, sat the House Paymaster of the Northern army, and in of Representatives. 1778 Deputy Secretary of the Governor of "The combatant with the uplifted cane Vermont, and at the same time Clerk of is the Hon. Roger Griswold of Connecti- the Court of Confiscation. He settled in cut; he with the brandished tongs is the Vermont after the war, and was elected a Hon. Matthew Lyon of Vermont. The member of the State Legislature in 1789 Speaker, the Hon. Jonathan Dayton, of and the three following years. In 1783 he New Jersey, is in his chair; beneath him founded the town of Fair Haven, where he sits the Clerk of the House, Jonathan W. built saw-mills, grist-mills, established a Condy, Esq., of Pennsylvania. In the left forge or iron-foundry, manufactured paper hand corner, leaning his elbow on his knee, from bass-wood and established a newsis the Rev. Ashbel Green, an eminent Cler- paper called The Farmers' Library. He an in the Presbyterian church, who served that town in the legislature ten only a few years ago. years. In 1786 he was Assistant Judge of Of the two prominent actors in the Rutland County. He was a Representative scene we have the following account in Mr. in Congress from Vermont, from 1799 to Charles Lanman's 'Dictionary of the Uni- 1801, and it was during his first term that ted States Congress.' (Philadelphia, 1859.) he had a personal difficulty on the floor of "ROGER GRISWOLD, born in Lyme, Congress with Roger Griswold of Connec

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