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Cod Liver Oil


and of absolute purity

Is prepared from the livers of cod-fish only that are perfectly fresh and free from indication of disease.

Is scientifically prepared under the most approved method, insuring cleanliness in every detail of manufacture.

Always produces satisfactory results, because of its perfect digestibility and the fact that it may be taken continuously without causing gastric disturbances.

Is bottled where manufactured, thus passing direct to the consumer without the possibility of adulteration.

Is never sold in bulk.

Sold only in flat, oval bottles, with name of
Schieffelin & Co., New York

Sole Agents


Peter Moller's

Cod Liver Oil


THE ANTIKAMNIA CHEMICAL COMPANY No physician can afford to be indifferent regarding the accurate filling of his prescription

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Drs. M. H. Ellis and W. H. Davis were elected respectively President and Vice-President of the Albany Commercial Club on December 15th.

Dr. M. A. Flinn, of Portland, is engaged in preparing a book on Oregon plants and ferns, to be published at an early date. A full description of the book will be found under Book Reviews in this number.

New Honors for Oregon Physicians.-It is becoming quite the proper thing to elect physicians to municipal honors, the latest being Dr. Calvin Stuart White as Mayor of Gervais, and Dr. Ernest A. Sommer as Mayor of Oregon City.

Clatsop County Medical Society.-At the last meeting of this progressive little Society, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President, Dr. Alfred Kinney; Vice-President, Dr. J. A. Fulton; Treasurer, Dr. O. B. Bates; Secretary, Dr. H. L. Henderson.

Portland City and County Medical Society.-At the meeting of this Society held on December 7th, at Elks' Hall, Dr. Andrew C. Smith read an interesting paper on "When the Stomach Should Be Surgically Treated," which will be found in full in another column of this issue.

Marion County Medical Society.-This Society held a meeting at Salem early in December, and elected Dr. E. A. Pierce as President, and Dr. W. Carlton Smith as Secretary for the ensuing year. A good program was laid out for the coming year and a reception arranged for the members of the medical profession in the houses of the Legislature unanimously agreed upon Jan. 17th, and placed in the hands of the Committee of Arrangements.

Death of Dr. E. G. Pugsley, of Walla Walla, Washington.-We were sorry to hear of the death of Dr. E. G. Pugsley, of Walla Walla, in Tacoma, on December 4th. The doctor had led a useful and happy life, reaching his eighty-fourth year. He was born in New York in 1820, and came to this country in 1890, living a retired life with his children, Mrs. C. N. McLean and Mrs. Stanley Dean, of Walla Walla. He was a surgeon in the Mexican and Civil wars.

S. P. Emergency Hospital. Dr. Rupert Blue, surgeon in the United States Public Health and Marine Hospital Service, and Dr. F. K. Ainsworth, Chief Surgeon of the Southern Pacific Company, has just made a tour over the lines of this railroad company, spending three days in Portland. On the trip Dr. Ainsworth selected a site for the new emergency hospital at Ashland, which will be a new and important measure and needed addition to railroad service in that part of the State.

Dr. E. B. Pickel, in addition to his mayoralty laurels, has again been honored by being elected President of the Rogue River Valley Stockbreeders' Association, a new organization formed in Medford, Oregon, on December 15th. The object of the Society is to purchase the fine black Percheron stallion "Farceur," now owned by a firm of Kansas City, Mo. The horse is two years old, and was a prize winner at the St. Louis Exposition. The new association will bring him to Portland to be exhibited at the Lewis and Clark Fair.

Portland Special.-Physicians in the East are planning a delightful itinerary in connection with the trip to Portland next year. It will include stops at Niagara Falls, Lake Minnetonka, Yellowstone Park, and Butte, Mont. The return trip will include stops in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Sacramento, Salt Lake City, Glenwood Springs, The Garden of the Gods, Denver and Omaha. The expense is estimated at $325 for each person. This will include all expenses except hotel bills at Portland and San Francisco. Information concerning this trip can be obtained by writing Dr. F. H. Wiggin, 55 West Thirty-sixth street, New York City.

Kocher and the Portland Meeting of the A. M. A.-An interesting illustration of the extent to which the fame of the coming Portland A. M. A. meeting nas spread is afforded by a personal letter from Professor Kocher, of Bern, Germany, the world renowned surgeon, to Dr. David H. Rand, of this city, in which he speaks of the Portland meeting, and states that only his presidency of the International Surgical Congress in the same months prevents his attending our meeting. This is only one of a number of

straws which indicate how widespread an interest is taken in the Portland meeting, and how energetically the members of the profession are extending their most cordial personal invitations and hospitality all over the world.

A Reception for the Medical Members of the Legislature.-The Marion County Medical Society, under the leadership of its new President, Dr. E. A. Pierce, is arranging to hold a sort of fraternal reception for the medical members of the Legislature, to which will be invited representatives from all the other medical societies in the State. The idea seems a most admirable one, and it is proposed at that session to bring up in general conference and consideration any items of legislation affecting the profession which may be under consideration, notably the proposed establishment of a State Sanitarium for the treatment of tuberculosis, and the extension of the powers of the State Board of Health.

The physicians of Salem have a reputation all over the State for the cordiality and lavishness of their hospitality, and a most enjoyable session is certain, which it is hoped as many representatives of the different local societies as posible will arrange to attend.

An Interesting Souvenir in Connection With the Coming Lewis and Clark Fair. A beautiful spoon made of native copper, donated by Dr. h. W. Coe and designed by Mrs. Coe, has just made its appearance in the windows of the Portland jewelry establishments. The spoon is arrangea so as to present the pictures of the two famous explorers, Lewis and Clark, under which is gracefully placed the Lewis monument and a representation of Multnomah Falls.

In the bowl of the spoon is represented a beautifully carved picture of Sacajawea, the Indian woman who led the men over their journey. The representation is also an exact copy of the copper statue which is to be erected in Oregon in honor of this Indian woman, by the public-spirited citizens of Oregon, and unveiled at the coming Exposition. The seal of Oregon occupies the topmost part of the back of the spoon, with Mt. St. Helens and Spirit Lake, the home of the copper, and two great fir trees. Under these the famous Columbia River salmon finds a convenient display. The spoon is a beautiful piece of ingenious and artistic work, and should find a ready demand. The entire proceeds from the sale is to be presented to the monument fund.

Death of Dr. A. W. Patterson, of Eugene.-We regret to announce the death of Dr. A. W. Patterson, a prominent early-day physician and educator, who died at his home in Eugene City on December 20th, at the age of 90. Dr. Patterson was born near Freeport, Pa., in 1814. He was educated at the Western University, Pittsburg, and graduated from the Pennsylvania

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