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In order to make a business pay in this Book of day and generation it must be beautiful Business and it must be scientific.

Advertising demands a knowledge of psychology, and psychology is the science of the human heart. In preparing ads we deal with emotions, passions, tendencies, hopes, ambitions, desires

In one sense advertising and salesmanship are twin sisters. I do not know the girls apart. The one that is nearest I love best. I need not argue that advertising must be pleasing.

All advertising is literature, and all literature is advertising.

Literature advertises a time, a place, an event, a thing. Events do not live. All we have is the record

History is n't the thing that happened; it is the account of it. So all history is advertising. And history well written is literature. All written advertising should be literary in style and quality.

Good advertisements start with a platitude. That is, they begin with a bromide which every one will accept.

Then when you have the man walking down the street, you have the opportunity to tell him a few things

Never begin an advertisement with a

Book of startling statement which invites dispute. Business Advertisements, however, must be more

than platitude, more than truism. They must be sulphides as well as bromides.

I would say that every advertisement should contain one platitude, but one is enough g

So here is the formula: take one platitude, stir it up with a dash of wit, season with wisdom, flavor with love, mix.

Publicity eliminates pretense.

The faker can not work in a club.

Where many people are involved, nothing goes but truth.

The sunlight of publicity destroys the ptomains of fraud

The faker withers before the fact.

As the planets are held in place through opposition of forces, so are men held in the straight and narrow way of truth through public opinion.

The advertising clubs of America are a great and important factor in the regeneration of business. They stand for ethics in the highest sense, and also they stand for effectiveness and efficiency.

The advertising clubs form, in themselves, a university⇓⇓

The public meeting once a week for a midday lunch of an advertising club will,

in the course of a year, evolve every Book of member from a villager into a cosmopolite. Business No man can go into an advertising club

and wrap his ignorance about him, and tuck in his prejudices, feeling safe and secure. Smugosity dies a-borning. Foolishness is given the smile audible. Selfishness flies out through the window.

An advertising club is a pooling proposition. Everybody puts in all he knows, and takes out all he can carry away. And what he takes away is in reality what he puts in. We keep things by giving them away. Thus we get a practical monism, or a scientific pragmatism. And pragmatism is simply the science of a sensible selfishness-or, if you prefer, call it enlightened self-interest.

Professor James of Harvard coined the word pragmatism, and defined it as the law of self-preservation illumined by love of kind.

Righteousness is only a form of common


Business is the science of human service. Commerce is eminently a divine calling; and the word commercial should never be used as an epithet

Most sickness comes from a failure to make motion balance emotion. Impress and express; inhale and exhale ; work and play; study and laugh; love and labor; exercise and rest. Study your own case and decide to get the most out of life. The education of invalids is a terrific waste. Sickness, unhappiness, ignorance, all tend to inefficiency. And inefficiency is the only sin. Realize that you are a Divine Transformer. Make motion equal emotion, and you will eliminate fear, round out the century run, and be efficient to the last. And to live long and well is to accept life in every phase-even death itself-and find it good.


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