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Man's business is to work—to surmount difficulties,
to endure hardship, to solve problems, to overcome
the inertia of his own nature: to turn chaos into cos-
mos with the aid of system- this is to live!

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HE most important business in the world is agriculture. One-half the people in the world live by cultivating the soil. Food is the primal need.

Next in importance to agriculture is transportation, because a thing has to be at a certain place at a certain time in order for it to possess value. If a man is on the desert three days from the nearest water, his diamonds are absolutely valueless, his gold of no avail

Food separated by distance from human bodies does not command a price. Famine has been in the world's history a common thing, all for lack of transportation.

The third most important business is manufacturing, which is the combination of raw products in useful form

The fourth most useful thing in commerce is the business of the storekeeper, that is, the business of the distributer. The cities

Book of are all great warehouses where the products Business of the farm, the factory, the mine and the

sea are brought together and from said cities distributed to the consumer.

The fifth most important factor in business is advertising, and advertising is simply announcing to the world in an effective way where you are, who you are and what you have to offer in the way of human service or commodity

All live men are advertisers, and the only Iman who should not advertise is the man who has nothing to offer the world in the way of human service, and such a man is a dead one, whether he knows it or not. Advertising is a legitimate and ethical proposition. Life is too short for you to hide yourself away, mantled in your modesty, and let the world hunt you out. Even the dead are advertisers, for on visiting a beautiful cemetery I noticed that on nearly every marble slab was given a list of the virtues, talents and beautiful qualities which the dead man was supposed to have carried in stock. This is what you call non-productive advertising or advertising from an emotional standpoint

Personally, I do not indorse it. Advertise while you are alive, and send flowers to the man when he can appreciate them.

We need help to live, but we can die with- Book of out assistance. Business

Death is merely succumbing to inertia.

When the law of gravity gets the better of you, you are a dead one. What we need is levitation, which is the upward pull, not the downward 飯

Death is no problem, but life is a great and important one.

I plead for the religion of service; a religion which understands that the only way an individual can help himself is to work for the good of the hive. This proposition is now being accepted in every pulpit of every denomination. The world is being redeemed by the science of business⇓⇓

Business is founded on reciprocity and co-operation. Any other plan spells bankruptcy. The successful business has a heart and a soul.

Good businessmen do not defame their competitors-it is a foolish policy.

In business we realize that only honesty goes. We have tried everything else but Truth; now we are testing this, and Truth will be our last stand. Doctor Eliot, of Harvard, calls Truth the "New Virtue." Emerson said that to cheat another is really to cheat oneself. Each man is a part of the whole. And this brings us up to the

Book of philosophy of Ernst Haeckel: the philos-
Business ophy of Monism, or the religion of the One.
There is only one thing in the world, and
that is Divine Energy

Herbert Spencer defined dirt as
dirt as useful
matter in the wrong place, and so we may
say that the bad man is a good man who has
misdirected his energies. When we once
acknowledge that this is God's world, and
that we are His children, there is no high
or low in human service. We will pity, but
we will not blame.

Business is eminently a divine calling.
We do not differentiate it from any other
calling, no matter how noble, how beautiful,
how altruistic.


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