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The less you require looking after, the more able you are to stand alone and complete your tasks, the greater your reward. Then, if you can not only do your work, but direct intelligently and effectively the efforts of others, your reward is in exact ratio; and the more people you direct, and the higher the intelligence you can rightly lend, the more valuable is your life.

The pathway to success is in serving humanity. By
no other means is it possible, and this truth is so plain
and patent that even very simple folks recognize it.

NE of the greatest books
ever written is Buckle's
"History of Civilization."
Buckle never got beyond
the introduction, which
forms a volume in itself,

and is immortal on account

of its wealth of logic and clearness of insight. The whole volume is a protest against the way in which history has been written a protest against the assumption that military history, a history of marches and countermarches, of skirmishes and fights, of sieges and slaughters, is history at all

Certainly it is not the history of the political life of a country. That which makes or unmakes a nation is the quiet, peaceful, productive life of the people. Nations are great through their architects, engineers, artists, teachers, businessmen and workers, and not through their lawyers, preachers and policemen

It is commerce-that is, production and


Book of distribution-that has given America her Business proud place among the nations

This country has recently passed through a cyclone of defamation, vituperation and exposure-much of it indecent.

The commercial jolt that we experienced has shown us that when the railroads are prosperous-buying rails, extending their lines, building bridges, warehouses, collecting a better equipment-we are all prosperous. When the railroads cease pushing for better facilities there is a lull, the bread-line forms, the tramp of the unemployed and the hoarse and ominous roar of the mob are heard in the land. In such times an extra police force is needed and menace becomes imminent

Individuals at work are safe-and a nation is only safe when its people are employed.

Now, suppose you raise a cry of "Stop thief!" and turn the powerful resources of the Government to harassing enterprise, with the endeavor to confiscate its property, take away its character, destroy its goodwill, does it not stand to reason that we thus kill ambition, destroy initiative, smother aspiration and get a condition where expansion ceases, orders are canceled, men laid off and the whole land suffers?

We have been in a state of panic through Book of the policy of burning our barns to kill the Business mice. The national conditions have been

pathologic L

Happily, however, we are now getting our nerves back to normal, and sanity is taking the place of hysteria.

We do business now according to Marquis of Queensbery rules, where formerly London rules governed the contest. Our fight is with six-ounce gloves. Horseshoes and railroad-spikes are barred. There was a time when we fought with bared knuckles. But business is not yet a ladies' lunch-a suave and innocuous, harmless, tabby Four o'clock. It is a struggle for supremacy. And it is a fight to a finish. And it is just as full of romance as were the knightly jousts of old

Money is the measure of power, but money for its own sake is not worth the struggle. Modern millionaires do not hoard-they invest. And they invest that they may use.

The successful man now always has the builder's itch-he is always and forever widening, extending, building, improving, and it is all in the line of human service, of human betterment. To exploit society is to fail, and all wise, successful men know it. To plunder is to die.

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