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Stratton's," and began his career as a Book of bookkeeper. Mr. Gage recently said: "Busi- Business ness colleges approximate actual life much more closely than the universities, training the youth so he can step directly from the school into a paying position. Their growing recognition is one of the most hopeful signs of the times."

The problem of civilization is to eliminate the parasite-and in the process of elimination the business college today is one of the chief factors. The classical education may help you to earn a living and it may not, but business education always does.

And do you know what a business education means? I'll tell you. It means economic freedom.

The man or woman dependent upon another for bread and clothes is a slave, a slave to incompetence, and that is the bitterest kind of serfdom

Graduates of good business colleges, absolutely without exception, have paying positions awaiting them-they do not have to advertise for a place, borrow, beg, steal or stand in the bread-line.

Doctor Nicholas M. Butler says, "It is absurd to suppose you can send your boy to college where there are idle and extravagant youths without their catching from

Book of the idle ones some of the bad traits which Business the idle and extravagant possess."

Just so!

So, look you, lads; don't shed any of the briny if Fate decrees that you shall not spend four years of your young manhood in a university. Take a correspondence course; go to a normal school; get busy in a business college, where everybody is busy, where time is precious and opportunity is prized⇓⇓

Improve your opportunities, that's the thing!

Decide on what you want to do, and what you want to be, and go after it! You'll win, and when you are forty these fellows who chase the pee-wee, manipulate the pasteboards, inhale cigarette-smoke and cram for exams. will be coming to you for advice, to borrow money, to have you operate on them for appendicitis, and for passes to the poorhouse

Get eight hours' sleep every night-work, smile, study, and health, happiness and success await you.



The success of every great man hinges on one thing-to pick your men to do the work. The efforts of any one man count for so very little! It all depends on the selection and management of men to carry out your plans. In every successful concern, whether it be bank, school, factory, steamship company or railroad, the spirit of one man runs through and animates the entire institution. The success or failure of the enterprise turns on the mental, moral and spiritual qualities of this one man. And the leader who can imbue an army of workers with a spirit of earnest fidelity to duty, an unswerving desire to do the thing that should be done, and always with animation, kindness and good-cheer, should be ranked with the great of the earth.

Success is voltage under control-keeping one hand
on the transformer of your cosmic kilowatts L L

UST about now the world
is being made over.

Old ideas are passing away and new ones are being born

And in this time of transi

tion there is a special

demand for strong men who can change with the changing times, keep sweet, and create, out of the elements of the old, better things than we have ever before seen.

There are plenty of people who can work under instruction, when properly guided, but men and women of initiative are exceptional.

Especially do we need men of courage, who know right from wrong, meum from tuum, and who can concentrate and consecrate their lives to whatever work their hands find to do

To realize that you thrive only as the institution thrives with which you are connected is a great mental achievement. But to get the spiritual technique and live the part, instead of playing it, is better.

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