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The one theme of Ecclesiastes is moderation. Buddha wrote it down that the greatest word in any language is equanimity." William Morris said that the finest blessing of life was systematic, useful work. Saint Paul declared that the greatest thing in life was love. Moderation, equanimity, work and love-you need no other physician.

He has achieved success who has lived well, laughed
often, and loved much & & & &

HE secret of success is
this There is no secret of

Carry your chin in and the crown of your head high. We are gods in the chrysalis

Success is a result of mental attitude, and the right mental attitude will bring success in everything you undertake.

In fact, there is no such thing as failure, except to those who accept and believe in failure. Failure! There is no such word in all the bright lexicon of speech, unless you yourself have written it there.

A great success is made up of an aggregation of little ones. These finally form a whole. The man who fills a position of honor and trust has first filled many smaller positions of trust

The man who has the superintendence of ten thousand men has had the charge of many small squads.

And before he had charge of a small squad he had charge of himself.


Book of The man who does his work so well that he Business needs no supervision has already succeeded.

And the acknowledgment of his success is sure to follow in the form of a promotion.

The world wants its work done, and civilization is simply a search for men who can do things.

Success is the most natural thing in the world 您

The man who does not succeed has placed himself in opposition to the laws of the universe.

The world needs you-it wants what you produce-you can serve it, and if you will, it will reward you richly.

By doing your work you are moving in the line of least resistance-it is a form of selfprotection. You need what others have to give-they need you. To reciprocate is wisdom. To rebel is folly.

To consume and not produce is a grave
mistake, and upon such a one Nature will
visit her displeasure

The common idea is that success means
great sacrifice, and that you must buy it
with a price. In one sense this is true.
To succeed you must choose. If you want
this you can not have that. Success demands
concentration-oneness of aim and desire.
Choose this day whom you will serve.

Paradoxically, it is true that you must Book of "sacrifice" some things to gain others. Business

If you are a young man and wish to succeed in business, you will have to sacrifice the cigarettes, the late hours, the dice, the cards, and all the round of genteel folly which saps your strength and tends to unfit you for your work tomorrow

That awkward and uncouth country boy who went to work yesterday is concentrating on his tasks-he is doing the thing, high or low, mental or what-not-yes! He is not so very clever, his trousers bag at the knee, and his sleeves are too short, but his heart has but one desire-to do his work. Soon you will be taking your orders from him

And let me say right here that the habit of continually looking out for Number One is absolutely fatal to success. Nature is on her guard against such, and if by accident they get into a position of power their lease on the place is short. A great success demands a certain abnegation—a certain disinterestedness.

The man who can lose himself in his work is the man who will succeed best.

Courtesy, kindness and concentrationthis trinity forms the sesame that will unlock all doors

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