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chaff a week, then winnowed and weighed the clean wheat which resulted as follows:

Lot No. 1, produced 745 lbs. unthreshed wheat,302 lbs. wheat, 443 lbs. straw.

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For the sake of convenience in reference, I convert these products into rates per acre; which may be seen in the table annexed. Allowing sixty pounds of wheat per bushel.

Lot No. 1 produced at the rate of 27 1-15 bush. wheat per acre, 2412-lbs. straw

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It will be observed that the relative weight of straw is small,

but it was cradled very high, and full one third was left in the stubble.

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The acre of land upon which was commenced the experiment on the application of manure in 1861, being in grass this

year, was mown July 1st, and the hay from each lot was weighed July 3d, resulting as follows:

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The severe drought in June affected the crop very injuriously which accounts for the small product.

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The Committee on the Treadwell Farm report:

That early in the year Mr. Brown, the tenant, apprised them of his inability, from ill health and other causes, to continue on the farm under the lease, and the subject having been referred to the Trustees for consideration, the following action was taken by them at a meeting held March 24, 1863 :

Voted, That the Committee on the Treadwell Farm be and hereby are authorized to make all proper arrangements with N. W. Brown, the tenant, for closing the lease with him, and

for the substitution of some other person under the lease, he being desirous to retire from the same, provided no expense be incurred by the Society in making the substitution.

The Committee accordingly proceeded to accept John H. Caldwell, of Byfield, as lessee, Mr. Brown having assigned to him all his rights and privileges under the same. Before these arrangements were completed, the season had so far advanced that Mr. Caldwell entered upon the farm under serious drawbacks to effect much in its management the present year. In fact there was but little he could do, except to obtain a general knowledge of the farm, to gather the hay-crop and conduct the farm experiments that were already in progress. It is confidently believed that he will be prepared next year to put himself in earnest to the business before him,-to carry on the farm in such a manner as to be creditable and profitable to himself, having at the same time an eye to its progressive improvement, and to conduct the specific experiments which may be confided to him by the Committee and which are or should be intended to have a bearing on the main result. That resultthe great agricultural problem which this Society is at work to solve, is the renovation of exhausted lands by such means as are available to most New England farmers.

Indeed, the leading idea connected with the acceptance of the Treadwell Farm by the Society, should constantly be borne in mind not only by the Committee, but by every one who observes its management and passes a judgement upon it. It was utterly stript and worn out like too many of the farms in the county,-land exhausted, and buildings dilapidated,—but so situated that if it will pay to restore a farm any where, situated as this was and as many others are, it will prove a blessing and a boon to the whole county. If it will not pay, after a fair trial of twenty years, then a fact will be obtained, though a melancholy one, which ought to be known as a warning to others.

This farm labors under no difficulties beyond what is common to all other property of a similar kind. What we want to

arrive at is the truth, let it land us where it may.

We should do onrselves and the public a great wrong to abandon the experiment without a fair and thorough trial. Tenants may be discouraged and fail from want of skill, capital or other cause, in arriving at a profitable result, but one failure, or two, or many, does not settle the question. How many enterprises have proved in the end profitable, which have gone through difficulties, that seemed at times insurmountable? It is very easy to doubt and to throw distrust upon any undertaking, but is it right to defeat by anticipation an object of so much importance as the development of a great practical truth? We ought to indulge the hope of success, at the same time we should not fear to meet with failures. It is no failure whatever the event may be, if we give the experiment a fair trial, for this is the task, let it be repeated, this society has taken upon itself. It is not responsible for the result of it, this rests not with us but we are bound to the performance of the duty voluntarily assumed by us, and every member of the Society should aid the tenant by his experience and encourage him in the discharge of his difficult task, by his ounsels. Indeed most substantial aid has been rendered byone who has taken from the start an active and intelligent in terest in the farm, as will be seen by the following communication:


Lynnmere, Oct. 26th, 1863.

Dear Sir, I think that the Treadwell Farm ought to have a decided turn given to its management by the adoption of some one branch of agricultural industry, not to the exclusion of others, but to which others should be subservient. I have thought over the matter a good deal for the purpose of satisfying myself as to what the farm can accomplish under good management, as a stock, dairy, vegetable, grain-growing or fruit producing farm, connecting it with the idea of making one of these the primary object of culture. There is no doubt that the land is capable of growing good roots and good corn, and

that the pastures are better adapted to sheep than for any other kind of stock. It is well divided for the purpose and it commands the easy supervision of the farmer.

So well satisfied I am of its many advantages for profitable sheep-husbandry, that for the purpose of making a beginning in this direction, if it meet the approval of the Committee, I will give to the farm a flock of forty, 2 and 3 years old ewes (long wooled mutton sheep) now in fine breeding condition, together with the use of a ram of my own selection and at my own cost. The profit or loss of the flock will accrue to the tenant, but the flock is intended to be given and to go with the farm, and to revert to me again, if sheep-husbandry should be abandoned. The reasons for this stipulation are obvicus enough, but it is well to have them distinctly stated. My motive in giving the sheep is to secure a systematic course of sheep-husbandry, in which the tenant is to reap every advantage, but not to be converted to his own use by a sale of the flock, or the ownership to be affected by his death or by a change of tenancy.

I have likewise another object in view. I wish to have ascertained what the profit and loss of sheep-husbandry is in Essex County, under the conditions of soil and climate which the Treadwell Farm presents. This flock will, if accepted, come on to the farm at the right moment to enable the tenant to keep an accurate account in weight of all the food given to them. The sheep can be weighed and the percentage of food to live weight can be ascertained exactly; the same process of weighing can be gone through with before shearing in the spring, adding the increase by lambs. The fleeces also can be weighed; in fact nothing in relation to the management, food and product of the flock need be left to conjecture. The time required to do this amounts to nothing, if systematically conducted. It is only requiring him to do what every flock master should do.

I should consider the increase of the flock above the original number to belong to the tenant, as well as all the wool; and

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