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only with their aid and through their trained attendants can thorough disinfection of dwellings be carried out. All portable articles that will withstand the action of moist steam are wrapped in cloths moistened with three per cent. carbolic acid or mercuric chlorid, 1 : 1000, and sent to the disinfecting station, where they are placed in a steam-apparatus. The walls and ceilings are thoroughly rubbed down with bread-crumbs, and these are eventually burned in the stove. Walls painted with oil-colors are washed with five per cent. carbolic acid or painted with milk of lime. Whitewashed walls are given a new coat. The furniture is rubbed off with three per cent. carbolic acid and then rubbed dry. Polished articles can be rubbed off with bread. Upholstered furniture, when possible, is sterilized in the steamapparatus; otherwise rubbed down with carbolic acid and brushed. Articles of leather, metal, glass, and the like can be vigorously rubbed with carbolic acid. Mantels, the upper surfaces of stoves, etc., are first freed of dust by means of moist cloths, then soaped and rubbed with three per cent. carbolic acid. Finally, the floor is disinfected by scouring with warm water and soap and then with carbolic acid. Of late formaldehyd, which has already been mentioned as a disinfectant for clothing, has also been employed for the disinfection of dwellings. The following mode of procedure is pursued: A forty per cent. aqueous solution of formaldehyd (also known as formalin or formol) is mixed with chlorinated lime and water-to each liter of formalin 200 grams of chlorinated lime in 400 cu. cm. of water; the mixture is designated formochloral-and the mixture is evaporated in a Trillat autoclave, with four atmospheres of pressure. One liter of formochloral is sufficient for 200 cubic meters of air-space. The disinfection is, however, essentially only superficial, the bacteria in thick articles, such as beds, mattresses, clothing, etc., not being destroyed thereby. After disinfection has been completed the vapor of formaldehyd is removed by means of a spray of ammonia and exposure to air. Greater advantages than the Trillat apparatus, whose manipulation is always difficult, are possessed by the formalin-lamp placed upon the market by Schering, with the aid of which the disinfecting vapor is generated in a most simple manner by the burning of

* Numerous forms of serviceable apparatus can now be obtained.

formalin-pastils. Two pastils, each of one gram, are employed for every cubic meter of space. According to our experience, trustworthy superficial disinfection can be effected by this means for all bacteria without spores.


Entire ships, cars, etc., are disinfected in a manner similar to that employed in disinfection of the sick-room. The burning of sulphur, which was formerly much practised (20 grams of sulphur to each cubic meter of space, moistened with alcohol before ignition), has been shown by Koch's investigations to be relatively useless, and injures many articles rather seriously.

[blocks in formation]

complicating typhoid fever, 127
local, 123

of liver, 155, 370
pyemic, 155

tropical, 155

Abscesses, cold, 127
Absolute immunity, 56

Achorion, cultural properties of, 342

Schönleinii, 341

Acquired immunity, 50
Actinomyces, aerobic, 360

botanic position of, 361

pure culture of, 357
Actinomyces-druses, 356
Actinomyces-granules, 356
Actinomycosis, 354

bacteriologic diagnosis of, 362
course of, 357

experimental development of, 360

in human beings, 355

of animals, 354

treatment of, 362

Active immunization, 55, 68

Aerial germs, sources of, 394
Aerobic bacteria, 26

Agar streak-plates, 94

Agar-agar, plates of, 94
preparation of, 81

Agar-plates, 95
Agglutination, 62

Agglutination-phenomenon in typhoid
fever, 176

Air, bacteria in, 393, 401

bacteriologic examination of, 389,

exclusion of, anaerobic pure culture
with, 101

germs in, sources of, 394

Hesse's procedure for examination

of, 392

Air, hot, disinfection by, 411
method of examination of, 392
Petri's procedure for examination
of, 392
Air-infection, 394

Albuminoids, culture-media free from,

Alexins, 60

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

cultivation of, 98

arthrosporous, 23
biology of, 17

chemic activities of, 28

combinations due to, 26
classification of, 17

determination of pathogenicity (or

specificity) of, by animal experi-
mentation, 110

diagnostic significance of metabolic

products of, 28

endosporous, 23

facultative anaerobic, 26
ground-substance of, 19
identification of, 28

in soil, air, and water, 401
influence of oxygen on, 26
light in relation to, 26

metabolic products due to, 29
microscopic examination of, 102
morphology of, 17

multiplication of, 20

nonpathogenic, 33

pathogenic, 33

permanent forms of, 22, 23

pigment formed by, 26

pleomorphic, 24

rod-shaped, 17

spheric, 17

spiral, 17

staining of, 102

sustenance of, 25

thermophilic, 22
ubiquity of, 25
Bacteriaceæ, 17

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