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wine had been withheld in these cases, and a more rational treatment adopted, that a far more favorable result would have ensued. For years I have constantly been in the habit of hearing of innumerable cases of typhus terminating fatally after being treated with port-wine, and this marked fatality has suggested to my mind the idea of there being something radically wrong in this plan of treatment. This suspicion too is strengthened when I see the almost universal success which attends upon an opposite plan. I do not wish to attach any undue importance to these few cases. I relate them in the order in which they have occurred in my practice during the last five or six weeks; after a time I have no doubt that I shall be able to bring forward more cases in corroboration. I do not claim any originality in the advocacy of these views, since the subject has been well tested by my friend, Dr. Higginbottom, F.R.S., of Nottingham. My object is to promote the cause of true temperance, and if I can do this, or enable any of my teetotal friends suffering from fever to save their lives, I shall be more than repaid for any little trouble that I have taken.

I believe that the only true treatment of typhus fever consists in the use of the natural stimuli pure food, principally in a fluid state, as broths, beef-tea, milk, &c., in which it is easily assimilated, with fresh air and cleanliness, in conjunction with hydrochloric acid and quinine.

It must be evident to all who have studied this subject that the only source of power which a patient has to contend against his fever must come from the nourishment he takes, according to the law 'that whatever force is called out from the organism, is but the representative of something previously put into it.' We all know that no nourishment can be procured from alcoholics. Instead of sustaining force they simply call it forth, and prematurely exhaust it, and this when nature has reserved her little stock of force for slow expenditure. But it has been shown that small doses of alcohol arrest the development of nervous force, and lower the tone of muscles immediately, and they simultaneously carbonise the blood, and poison the source of all nutrition. Alcohol is only a narcotic, or more properly an anesthetic. The smallness of the dose only affects the degree of narcotism. It does not alter the quality of the drug. There is in almost all cases of typhus no need of narcotism.

E.T., a tolerably robust young woman, of 23 years, was seized on the -th with rigors, followed by head. ache, thirst, heat of skin, &c. Pulse was excited at first, but afterwards became exceedingly weak. Tongue became rapidly brown, sordes covered the teeth, there was occasional delirium. The chest and abdomen were covered with the true typhus rash, she had all the symptoms of the fever, attended by considerable prostration. I began the treatment by giving strong broths, beef-tea, &c. I ordered her to be sponged freely with vinegar and water, the window of the room to be opened, so as to allow of free ventilation. As medicine I gave diluted hydrochloric acid every four hours. On the twelfth day a crisis occurred, and she rapidly recovered. Not one drop of alcoholic fluid was allowed during the whole time, and I may mention here that her sister, a more handsome and robust woman of 33 years of age, mother of a family, had only died a few weeks before of typhus, after having been treated upon the port-wine plan.

M. A. T., sister of the above. The symptoms in this case were milder than the preceding. The same treatment was adopted, and was equally successful; a rapid recovery ensued.

M. R. was attacked with typhus fever in the middle of December, 1863. She was a somewhat

delicate young woman, of about 23 years of age, had severe symptoms. I pursued Dr. Higginbottom's plan of Ipecacuanha emetics, and followed with hydrochloric acid. She did remarkably well. Re. covery was most rapid. A young man, within a short distance of her house, who had typhus, and was treated upon the port-wine plan by another practitioner, died. Another man in the neighborhood, suffering from typhus, and treated by port-wine, made a very slow recovery, and was for a considerable period hobbling about upon crutches.

J. K., a middle-aged man, of tolerably good constitution, who had been a teetotaler one year, was seized with symptoms of severe typhus about the same time, when the disease was prevailing epidemi. cally. At first he was attended by another practi tioner, when the following laconic conversation ensued :

SURGEON. You had better get some port-wine.' J. K. Where am I to get it, Sir ?' SURGEON. At any of these spirit vaults.' J. K.There is no port-wine to be got there, Sir. What is it to do?'

SURGEON. To revive you. What, are you a teetotaler?'

J. K.-'Yes, and mean to keep so.'

The wine was in this case declined; for a con siderable time no treatment was pursued. Nature alone effected a speedy recovery. During convales. cence I gave him a little hydrochloric acid.

"E. S., a somewhat delicate girl, of 14 years of age, was seized in the beginning of February, 1864, with rigors, heat of skin, thirst, &c., followed by rapid prostration, delirium, dry brown tongue. She lay in bed in a semi-lethargic state, and only cared to speak when roused. The chest was covered with the typhus rash, sordes were collected on the teeth. She bled from the nose. This was a case of low type. I ordered her nutrient broths, beef-tea, milk, &c., and in the way of medicine I gave her hydrochloric acid. All narcotic alcoholic liquors were forbidden; she is now considerably better, and I think progressing rapidly towards recovery. This is a case in which wine and brandy would have been liberally supplied by the great bulk of the profession, with the delusive motive of keeping up her strength, and there is a very great probability that, with the prostrating influence of the alcoholics acting upon a weakened constitution, the patient would have succumbed. Of course the alcoholics would not have been blamed; all would have been attributed to the fever. I often think of the deep mystery contained in the newspaper reports of such and similar cases-Notwithstanding the liberal administration of stimulants, the patient died.' There is more meaning in such sentences than at first sight may appear. It is these artificial narcotic stimuli, put in the place of the natural ones, that do the mischief. Alcoholic narcotics are followed by exhaustion, the natural stimuli are not. There is no doubt but that the danger of administering alcoholic compounds increases with the degree of prostration of the patient. The greater the prostration the more likely will the alcoholic compound be to cause death."

Surely such testimony as the above extracts contain should lead Irish Physicians-who, with a few honorable exceptions, seem so far behind on the Alcohol in Fever question-to serious inquiry on the subject. They may affect to despise Temperance Literature, but do they read their own? If my read. ers will ask the medical men in their various localities, as I have done in several places, whether they have read the extracts from the Lancet, the Medical Times and Gazette, and other medical works, which I have given in this and former papers, they will probably be surprised, as I have been, to find how totally igno


rant most of the doctors are, regarding the important discoveries of the last few years in this department of medical science and practice. We can confidently challenge those who still believe in the alcoholic treatment of fever to furnish medical experience on their side equal to that which I have supplied. I am perfectly satisfied they can find no experience in favor of their view at all approaching that which I have given in favor of the entire abandonment of alcoholic stimulation. And this is the only test which can satisfy that large, growing, and intelligent class in the community, who claim and exercise the right of thinking, and of investigating such matters for themselves. If therefore, the doctors who mean to continue the use of the poisonous draughts in fever, wish to retain the confi. dence and respect of the temperance public, the sooner they give us some experience which will favorably compare with that which total abstinence physicians are happily giving us in such abundance, the better. As the deciding of the use of alcohol in fever, involves the settling of nearly all the undecided* questions about the value of alcohol in general, I purpose to pursue the subject in my next, giving the cautious but most conclusive researches lately made by Professor Gairdner, M.D., of Glasgow.


Concerning Men who go too far.

The first of a series of Papers on some of the present phases of the Temperance Reformation,


MEN who go too far! You know what class I mean. Those terrible gentlemen who go so far as to say that all intoxicating liquors are bad--who assert that it is no self-denial for a man to give them up, but rather beneficial; who are so audacious as to assert that less of the three D's (Doctors, Drugs, and Drink), would be followed by a marvellous change in the world's economy, and who go so very far as to say that the wine now used at the Lord's Table, as an emblem of our Saviour's blood, should give place to an article more creditable to Christianity and less dangerous in its results. These be dangerous men-men holding extreme views, and who do infinitely more evil than good.

So at least, argues the man, who, like a recent writer in the Daily Express, holds that the energy expended on Temperance and other similiar societies, is all lost; that there is no use in doing anything short of proclaiming the Gospel to that class, who, like Catherine Dwyer and Mr. Frizelle, commit suicide whilst under the influence of strong drink. "Teach them," says this well-posted critic, "not the inerpediency, but the sinfulness of drunkenness." This in the 19th century! Who talks of the "inexpediency" of drunkenness? Not the Temperance Reformers of Ireland. They brand it as no error, but as a positive sin. Yet this gentleman was allowed to have his say-to vent his willy-nilly, and two crushing replies were refused insertion.

Let us try what is the place of the Gospel here. Suppose, for example, that we had improper houses licensed in this country as in France. In these houses were girls who had spent a happy childhood, who, mayhap, had been "the rosy idol of some mother's solitude," but who had fallen beneath the wicked wizardry of the seducer's power. From thence there weekly emerges some half-dozen, lashed with the stingings of conscience and "wearied of the march of life," to throw themselves over the bridge into the river, and thus end a guilty life.

*I mean by those who have not fully investigated the subject.


Suppose all this to be the case, and it is by no means an improbable story, would this writer-the representative of a large class-think any effort made to save these girls "a mere waste of energy," and above all, would he think the preaching of the Gospel a sufficient means of repealing the law? He would pity the victims, denounce the traffic and the traffickers. What would he do with the Legislature that legalized the whole? Whether would he consider preaching the gospel or parliamentary agitation the better means of influencing the House of Commons ? Doubtless the grace of God in man's heart is the best preventive against evil; the question of its place as a cure requires nice discrimination indeed.

The secretary of a City Mission addressed me lately -"Sir, if a man is in a fit state to hear the principles of temperance advocated, is he not capable of hearing about Christ." Plausible enough this, surely! But underneath lurks the fallacy that blinds the eye. What is drunkenness? It is a physical disease quite as much as a moral evil, and how do you propose to deal with this malady? Penetrate into the secret recesses of that drivelling idiot's nature, and you will find a cry, "Give, give, give," that nothing but beastly excess can satisfy. What cure is proposed? Do you preach moderation? Do you tell him to drink like a CHRISTIAN (?) You might as well "bay the moon." You might as well expect the tide to cease its shoreward march, as that "a little" will satisfy that diseased appetite. Now, unless you are going to make the only cure, that is, entire abstinence, part and parcel of the Gospel of Christ, in what way can this man be reclaimed? The remedy of abstinence applied by Temperance Reformers meets both the physical and the moral malady. If the preaching of the Gospel will embrace and do this work we can make room for a good many more preachers than exist at present. If it be unable to cope with and master a physical disease, there can be no use in wounding the Gospel in the house of its friends- -no use of putting it into a false position. Well now, supposing, says some good easy-going person, that we grant entire abstinence to be the best cure for the drunkard (they wont admit it to be Scriptural, although it is the best in such a case), why do you seek to enforce your remedy upon a man who is not afflicted. We grant where the disease is, yours is the cure; ergo, where the disease is not, the cure can have no footing? This is plausibly and accurately put again; but more than learning is dangerous in small quantities. By this insidious tippling or moderate drinking, you nurse the pinion that impels the steel," you imbibe that which in every case creates the disease - and you imbibe it in precisely the way under which the malady is nursed. Ask that drunkard if when he commenced life he had the deliberate intention of becoming a drunkard. See that career opening so brightly, marred and extinguished. See that blossom distilling so rich a fragrance turned into the most disgusting odour. Ask him if all this is the result of deliberate intention on his part! He will answer, "Is thy servant a dog?" No. No; it is the damning, crushing fault of this drink, that it has washed so many bright pearls into the sea of oblivion. We ask you

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Our point with you, my friend, is this. to abstain first as a means of personal safety. Ah, don't stare and start, you may fall. Hundreds have for ten who have risen. Your mind is not a fortress so impregnable that it cannot be stormed, and as you do hold parley with the foe, the bugle of assault may be sounded at any time. Secondly, we ask you to abstain because it will do you good in every way. Impossible, you reply. It would be downright selfdenial for me to abstain.

Well now a good many nice little errors are made



here by many friends of the temperance cause. There are thousands of good men who are abstainers solely on the ground of expediency. Commendably, and in a Christian spirit they have looked upon the evils resulting from the use of these drinks, and they say-"Well, we shall give them up, all things may be lawful, but all things are not expedient." It seems incompatible with Christianity for us to pay any homage to such a foe. Good this, so far as it goes. But how far is that? Now we out-and-out men hold it to be no self-denial on our part to abstain. We say our health is better-we back that by strong statistics. We say our purses are heavier, and it requires no power to demonstrate that two and two are four, and we affirm that our homes are happier, and our enjoy. ments as pure as those of any drinker! It is a mighty piece of self-denial to accept the author of all this good! The plea of self-denial is only valid where a man gives up that which is good, or that which he uses as a luxury. A good man says “I am a total abstainer, but I never could go so far as to say that a man was wrong in taking these drinks in mode. ration. There he and I differed on the question of expediency. We both thought they ought to be used, but under the circumstances I deemed it expedient to give them up." Now, "the circumstances" referred to were the sad results arising from these drinks-from the perversion, says one, of God's good gifts. I deny that, point blank. I assert that yon raving lunatic of a father, yon degraded mother, yon ruined son, and hopeless daughter, are not the results of the perversion, but they are the consummation of its legitimate tendencies which are all evil. We do not judge things now a days by their perversions. We admit and deplore these excrescences, and demand to know what are the tendencies. What are the tendencies of strong drink? Are they such as to raise us morally, socially, physically, in a rational or a spiritual sense. No, they are calculated to ruin and degrade, to bring down the high and lay low the mighty, to blast the intellect, ruin the soul, and pollute the body.

Two thousand medical men-and among them some of the greatest ornaments of the profession have affirmed that perfect health can be enjoyed without these drinks, nay, that the national health would be greatly benefited by abstinence. Hundreds of thousands practically attest the truth of such a statement. More assert that the converse of all this is too true, and in the face of such facts it becomes men to strike the line between Right and Wrong. We want the line struck between DUTY and Expediency. We want to know what measure of admiration this selfdenial calls for.

Thirdly, we ask you to abstain for your brother's sake. If you will maintain that these drinks are luxuries, good and valuable in themselves, let us have an instalment of that self-denying spirit so much boasted. Let us see what you will voluntarily do for the sake of suffering humanity. Let us find out if your sympathy will manifest itself in any practical manner. I know thousands are total abstainers on these principles, but after all there is not so much of a sacrifice, and men generally unite in declaring that they are much better without than with these stimulants. Then these out-and-out-these extreme men attack this precious medicine, and occasionally, too, they interfere with what is none of their business, viz. the medical use of strong drinks. I wonder how all this has come about. Years ago they were not wont to do so. No. The fact is we have been forced to look with keen eyes upon this branch of our question. Dyspepsia is so common now-a-days, and there are so many appetites requiring to be quickened that suspicions are aroused. We do assert, and when we do so it is not on our own data, but on that of scien


tific men, that this stimulation theory is in a transition state. It has been renounced and denounced by hundreds all we ask is that every "sick man" be "fully persuaded in his own mind."

So far as the stomach and the digestive organs are concerned a little common sense apart from any scientific theories might settle the question. This has been clearly and very concisely put by Dr. Carpenter:-"If the natural appetite be already good enough to give a relish to the food which the body really needs, can the artificial production of an increased appetite be necessary or desirable; and if the stomach be already capable of digesting and pre. paring as much nutriment as may be required to keep up the solids of the blood to their proper amount, can any but prejudicial consequences result from forcing it to execute these operations at a more rapid rate."

Ah! but says one, my stomach is weak and unfit for duty. I take this as an aid. My friend, try and get it strengthened, not aided. So long as you aid it, so long you are bolstering up your credit by ac commodation bills, and carrying forward in the ledger of life a balance that will make you bankrupt at last. See in the first place if this weakness cannot be cured, before you complacently begin to endure it. Remem. ber it is only that which cannot be cured, that must be endured. Yes, well, but again you assault the Lord's Table. This is a question that sooner or later will be forced upon the Churches. I should regret now were it made a sine qua non in the temperance reform; but I should regret still more if the frowns of ministers or people sufficed to put down a legiti mate argument.

We must press this question home yet. You use a certain article now-we offer another. We assert that ours is the pure "blood of the grape"-the legitimate "fruit of the vine." We assert that yours is com pounded, that with grape juice are mingled brandy, grain whisky, logwood, and things which "even to name would be unlawful." We challenge you to the analysis. We offer the pure that can offend no one. You offer the impure which does offend many, which keeps a number back. You offer that compound as an emblem of the blood of Christ. We say that is unfair. Why do you refuse the real wine, the genuine fruit of the vine, is it because it contains no alcohol? Let us admit this is unpopular. Who cares about popularity? Who dares to be in the wrong because it is popular?

Ho! ye, who in a noble work,

Win scorn, as flames draw air,
And in the way where lions lurk,
God's image bravely bear;
Though trouble-tried and torture-torn,
The kingliest kings are crowned with thorn.

Life's glory, like the bow in heaven,
Still springeth from the cloud;
Soul ne'er out-soared the starry seven,

But pain's fore-chariot rode.

The've battled best who've boldest borne, The kingliest kings are crowned with thorn. Let us not be dismayed then by hard names. They break no bones. We want desperate principles now. a-days. He is not the dangerous man who "tells the truth and shames the devil," who plainly flings down the gauntlet, pronounces the traffic immoral in its tendencies, and criminal in its results-who boldly proclaims war against our drinking customs. No. But he is the dangerous man who, half-hearted in the work, fears to meet the danger, fears to denounce drink, traffic, and traffickers.

We fight! but bear no bloody brand,
We fight to free our Fatherland;
We fight that smiles of love may glow
On lips, where curses quiver now!
Hurrah! hurrah! true knights are we,
In Labor's lordless chivalry.

Yes, and we mean "to fight it out on that line."


Continental Temperance Congress.

TO THE EDITOR OF THE IRISH TEMPERANCE LEAGUE JOURNAL. DEAR SIR,-As the present year is the time, when, according to the resolutions of the Continental Temperance Congress of 1863, another Congress was agreed to be held, your readers will regret to learn that the necessary preparations are postponed in consequence of the late alarming illness of the President, Pastor Bötcher, the Generalissimo of the Temperance movement in Northern Germany. During the past Summer, this energetic philanthropist was suddenly seized with a fit of Apoplexy, and was placed under medical treatment at a celebrated Hydropathic establishment in Bohemia. His medical adviser attributes the attack to severe mental exertion, considerably increased by business details arising out of the resolutions of the recent Congress. Miss Bötcher, in a letter to Mrs. Twelvetrees, says "In your country many people help in such matters, but here papa stands alone if anything is required to be done, for although many are interested, they say they have no time to help, and they always make papa General.' He has very much Pastoral work in his five villages, which is often physically exhausting; but besides that he has to carry on the Temperance movement, write his monthly Temperance Magazine, and prepare new editions of his pamphlets; and has been frequently in his study fourteen hours every day. During the last Congress he had only sleep three hours in the night, and after the Congress the labor of carrying out the business was greater than before."

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Having been requested by Pastor Bötcher to inform the friends of the Temperance movement in England of the cause of the delay in the announcements respecting the next Continental Congress, I trust you will kindly do me the favor to insert this communication in your next Journal. I am happy to add that Pastor Bötcher, though still weak and requiring care, is gradually recovering his health, Yours very faithfully,


BROMLEY, MIDDLESEX, May, 22nd, 1865.

The Temperance Movement.


THE United Kingdom Alliance is pushing the Permissive Bill movement throughout England in view of the coming clection with great vigor and much success. The Annual Meeting of the National Temperance League, held in Exeter Hall on Tuesday, 16th May, Mr. Samuel Gurney, M.P. presiding, was large, influential, and enthusiastic. The Annual Conference of the United Kingdom Band of Hope Union was held in Exeter Hall on 17th May, and was a great success.


The Annual Meetings of the Scottish Temperance League were held in the City Hall, Glasgow, on the 8th and 9th of May. The meetings were most successful and encouraging. Several eminent speakers addressed the meetings, Ireland being represented by the Rev. John Hall, of Dublin. On Sabbath, 7th May, about 160 sermons on Temperance were preached throughout Scotland. The Annual Breakfast of the United Presbyterian Church Temperance Society was held in Upper Queen Street Hall, Edinburgh, on Wednesday, 17th May, and that of the Free Church Temperance Society in the same place, on Wednesday, 24th May. On each occasion the attendance was numerous, and appropriate and stirring addresses were delivered.


BELFAST.-Weekly Meetings of the Total Abstinence Association were held during the past month in the Kent Street Hall, and were suitably addressed by Messrs. A. Riddell, W. Howelth, W. Church, J. Riddell, C. Pelling, J. Reid, A. Duff, T. M'Clelland, R. Riddell, and Rev. J. Young. Wednesday evening, 26th April, a meeting convened by the Ladies' Temperance Union was held in Argyle Street Schoolhouse. The Rev. L. Hutchinson presided and an excellent address was delivered by the Rev. J. Martin. May 28th, a meeting of the Welsh Street Temperance Association and


Band of Hope was held in Welsh Street School-house. Mr. T. H. Brown, T.C., occupied the chair and the Rev. W. Johnston lectured on House-Keeping." Wednesday evening, 3rd May, a very large meeting of the Revival Temperance Association was held in Academy Street Presbyterian Church. Mr. W. M'Ewen presided and an impressive lecture was delivered by Mr. Pyper of the League, after which thirteen persons enrolled their names as total abstainers Friday evening, 5th May, Mr. H. J. Wright hospitably entertained the Executive of the League at tea, at his residence, 5, Lonsdale Street. A very pleasant evening was spent and some important business was transacted. Thursday evening, 18th May, a crowded meeting under the auspices of the League assembled in the Victoria Hall, to hear a lecture on Temperance, from the Rev. Robt. Maguire, A.M., Incumbent of Clerkenwell, London, Editor of the Church of England Temperance Magazine. Amongst those present were Mr. J. P. Corry, President of the League, in the chair; Rev. Dr. Morgan, who opened the proceedings with devotional exercises; Rev. S. J. Fausset, Rev. J. Mecredy, Rev. J. Donnelly, Rev. J. A. Chancellor, Rev. J. Marshall, Rev. A. Crawford, Rev. W. Cotter, Rev. J. W. M'Cay, Rev. W. Cather, Rev. D. Round; Dr. Young, Dr. John Aickin; Messrs. J. R. Neill, L. A. Brown, T. Gaffikin, John Corry, T. H. Brown, T,C., J. Greenhill, W. Greenhill, P. Johnston, C. Pelling, T. S. Mayne, W. P. Holmes, W. Watt, H. Pyper, J. Bodei, W. Boden, W. Johnston, H. C. Knight, A. Riddell, J. Reid, J. M'Kenzie, E. Allworthy, W. Hamilton, J. Holden, H. J. Wright, J. Pyper, W. M'Ewen, D. W. Thompson, R. Carsewell, G. M'Afee, F. J. Hopkirk, J. H. Neill, &c., &c. The rev. lecturer said intoxicating drink was generally called strong drink, not from any strengthening or nourishing quality it possessed, but because it was stronger than man. Its strength over man was the great cause and justification of their protest against it. Strong drink was different in this from other things, and it was, therefore, necessary to deal with it by specific means that would not apply in other cases. It was often said when a person took a certain quantity of drink he was not to be blamed for going on and becoming intoxicated, because he could not help himself. It was true that as a man drank more and more he became less and less capable of judging for himself. The first glass was the beginning of the end, and it was with the first glass as with the first beginning of any temptation. After ably speaking of the subject in other points of view, and illustrating his arguments by examples and references to sacred and other authorities, he concluded by impressing on the meeting, that as no man was ever cured from sin by allowing himself the slightest indulgence in it, and that as avoiding all temptations, was the means by which sin was overcome, so drunkenness was to be cured and prevented only by total abstinence. At the conclusion of the lecture, which was warmly applauded throughout, Dr. Young moved the thanks of the meeting to Mr. Maguire. The motion having been seconded by the Rev. J A. Chancellor, passed with acclamation, and being suitably acknowledged, the proceedings terminated.

ATHLONE-May 3rd, a public meeting of the Athlone Temperance Society was held in the Primitive Methodist Chapel. The chair was occupied by the President, Rev. Edward Berry, Rector of Athlone, and on the platform were several of the local clergymen. The Chairman introduced Mr. Russell who delivered a most impressive lecture. The society afterwards resolved to affiliate with the League.

BALLINA.-May 5th, A public meeting was held in the Baptist Chapel. The Rev Thomas Armstrong in the chair. The place was well filled, and a telling lecture was delivered by Mr. T. W. Russell, of Dublin. Two things are much wanted here-1st. A temperance organization; 2nd. A temperance coffee shop. Who will move?

BALLINGLEN, (Co. Mayo)-May 8th, a crowded meeting was held in the School-room adjoining the Presbyterian Church, now undergoing repairs. The Rev. W. A. Russell, of Strabane, occupied the chair, and introduced Mr. Russell, who delivered an able lecture on "The Liquor Traffic" The Rev. J. Wilson moved a vote of thanks, after which a great number of names were received.

CARGYCROY.-Monday evening, 8th May, the closing lecture of a series was delivered in Cargycroy School-room, near Baillie's Mills, by Mr. John Reid, Agent to the Belfast Total Abstinence Association. Subject-" The Permissive Bill." Mr. William Martin occupied the chair. The speaker powerfully argued the necessity of putting the power to grant or withhold spirit licenses into the hands of the ratepayers. The audience very highly appreciated the lecture throughout. A vote of thanks having been conveyed to Mr. Reid by the chairman, the meeting separated.-Cor. of NewsLetter.

CORCREANEY.-Thursday evening, 11th May, a crowded audience listened attentively to a lecture delivered by Mr. Pyper, illustrated by aid of a magic lantern, in the Corcreaney School-house, near Lurgan-Mr. M. Wells in the chair.

DUBLIN. The past month has been one of unusual activity and success in the history of the movement. Several most important meetings have been held in Dublin, one of which the great Permissive Bill demonstration at which the Lord Mayor presided, was justly considered the most successful meeting ever held in Ireland on the subject. The League



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operations, however, have not been confined to the metropolis, and it will be seen that Mr. Russell has been unfurling the banner in the West. Work is crowding in on all hands, and Mr. R. leaves for a tour through the South early in June. We subjoin a list of meetings held. April 26th, the Annual Meeting of the Ladies' Temperance Union was held in the Metropolitan Hall. There was a large attendance, the chair being occupied by Alderman Atkinson, J.P. The report, a cautious yet cheering document was read by the Rev. F. C. Hayes, after which telling addresses were delivered by the Revs. J. G. Rainsford, Dundalk; W. G. Dalton, M.A., of Wolverhampton; M. C. Collis, D.D., of Queenstown; W. R. Slacke, Newcastle; and J. S. Mills, Dublin. The meeting was very successful, and an announcement that the Working Man's Coffee Palace would shortly be opened was hailed with oud cheers. The speaking was remarkably good. Mr. Dalton was evidently determined to make a "hit.' He came on the platform wearing the badge of an English Society and was warmly received. Mr. Rainsford was full of facts, and told them well. The palm must be awarded, however, to Dr. Collis. It is quite impossible to describe this gentleman's quaint humor, heightened by a rich southern brogue and a rollicking appearance. He is the very incarnation of a temperance orator, and it must be regretted that like angel's visits his appearances are "few and far between" 28th April, this was the evening of the great Permissive Bill demonstration, and at an early hour the Pillar Room, Rotundo, was densely crowded. On the appearance of the Lord Mayor, the whole audience rose and greeted him with loud cheers, and it may be questioned if a more enthusiastic reception has been awarded him during his year of office. The appearance of the High Sheriff was the signal for another ovation. James Haughton, Esq, J.P., and Dr. Urwick, the two oldest temperance reformers in Dublin, were also very warmly received. Letters of apology for non-attendance were read by Mr. T. W. Russell, from Dr. Leahy, R-C. Archbishop of Cashel; Rev John Hall, Rev. M. Nelligan, Alderman Durdin, John Norwood, Esq., T.C., &c., &c., after which the Lord Mayor explained how he came to occupy the chair. The speakers were Rev. G. A. Chadwick, James Haughton, Esq, J.P.; Dr. Lees, of Leeds; Dr. Urwick, Mr. T. W. Russell, Rev. R. G. Jones, Mr. J. R. Wigham, and Rev. F. C. Hayes. The speech of the evening was that of Dr. Lees. Distinguished by that accuracy in logic which in his special characteristic, it told powerfully, and not a home thrust seemed to be lost. Mr. Chadwick was as usual, eloquent in the highest sense of the word, and his address whether viewed as a specimen of composition, or of close reasoning, was all that could be desired. Mr. Haughton was earnest and strong-Dr. Urwick brief, but very characteristic of the "old man eloquent." Mr. Russell moved the third resolution and was very warmly received. This meeting, the most successful ever held in Dublin has given a mighty impetus to the work in the metropolis, and must have sufficed to clear away some of the obstacles occasioned by defective information. Saturday, 29th April, the Committee of the League entertained Dr. Lees at breakfast in Hunt's Temperance Hotel. Among those present were Messrs. J. Haughton, J.P.; H. Wigham, J. K. Tener, J.P; T. W. Russell, J. A. Mowatt, W. F Lawlor, G. Checketts, &c. An interesting conversation was held and several practical resolutions arrived at, the company breaking up at twelve o'clock. The usual weekly meetings have been held in Marlborough Street, Plunkett Street, and Cuffe Lane during the month. The interest continues unaltered, each place being crowded. Mr. Russell has lectured twice in Marlborough Street during the month, and the other meetings have been addressed by various speakers.

DONOUGHMORE.-On Wednesday evening, 26th April, Mr. John Pyper, agent for the Irish Temperance League, lectured on Temperance in Donoughmore Presbyterian Church-Rev. Robert Smyth in the chair. At the close of the lecture, which was listened to with the deepest attention by a large and respectable audience, additional names were placed to the long list of those in this neighborhood who had already become members of the Temperance Society.-Derry Standard.

HOLLYMOUNT SCHOOL BAND OF HOPE AND TOTAL ABSTINENCE SOCIETY.-The first annual meeting of this society was held in Hollymount School, on Friday, 28th April. There was a very good attendance. Mr. Robert Whiteside having been called to the chair, the meeting was opened with singing and prayer by the Rev. William White. The Chairman then called upon Mr. Abraham J. Browne to read the Report, which was very satisfactory. The society was formed on the 18th April, 1864, and since that time has administered seventy-six pledges and held eleven public meetings; its funds too are in a healthy state. The Rev. William White in an able speech moved the adoption of the report. The rev. speaker referred most pointedly to the evil results of the drinking custom. He next showed the difficulty of reclaiming the drunkard; and appealed to those present to foster and encourage Eands of Hope. He proved that the giant evil with which we have to contend is drinking, and that drinking Alcoholics causes lunacy, crime, pauperism, and bodily disease, and concluded an eloquent address (which was frequently applauded), by moving the resolution. Mr. Robert Stephen in a suitable speech seconded the motion which was put from the chair and passed unanimously.

Mr. Browne moved that the thanks of the meeting be given to the subscribers and collectors. This was seconded by Mr. Francis Thompson and passed nem. con. The Chairman next addressed the meeting. He showed that drink was the cause of most accidents, and many sudden deaths, stating during the course of his most suitable and telling observations the reasons why he became an abstainer, and showing that abstainers have no right to compromise their principles, by sitting in public houses with those who are drinking, and that the only cure for drunkenness is Total Abstinence, and concluded by calling upon the Rev. Wm. White to close the meeting. The meeting was most successful. This society is connected with the Irish Temperance League. KILLALA.-May 10th, a crowded meeting was held in the Court House, to hear a lecture from Mr. Russell SubjectObjections Met" Dr. Wilson occupied the chair. LURGAN.-Wednesday evening, 10th May, a good meeting of the Lurgan Temperance Society was held in the Hall, Castle Lane. The Rev. L. E. Berkeley occupied the chair, Mr. Pyper lectured, and the Rev. J. G. Clarke moved a vote of thanks to the lecturer.

LISBURN.--Friday evening, 19th May, Mr. Pyper lectured to a crowded audience in the Assembly Room, Lisburn. The Rev. D. J. Clarke presided, and a vote of thanks to the lec turer was moved in complimentary terms by the Rev. Mr. Nicholson, seconded by the Rev. W. E. Breakey, and carried unanimously. Several names were enrolled, and a meeting of the members was announced to be held on the next Thursday evening to appoint office bearers and adopt plans for the more vigorous prosecution of the good work.

MOATE May 2nd, a lecture was delivered in the Primitive Methodist Chapel in connection with the Band of Hope by Mr. T. W. Russell, of Dublin. The Rev. J. Healy, Rector of Moate, presided, and expressed his sympathy with the


MOIRA.-Monday evening, 8th May, a large meeting in connection with the Moira Temperance Society was held in the Parish School-house. The Rev. S. Graham presided, and Mr. Pyper lectured.

MARALIN.-Tuesday evening, 9th May, a meeting under the auspices of the Maralin Temperance Society was held in the Parish School-house, which was crowded to incon venience. Mr. R. Waddell, J.P., presided, Mr. Pyper lectured, and the Rev. Mr. Brooke, closed the meeting with prayer.

MULLYFARRY, (Co. Mayo)-May 9th, a public meeting of the Mullyfarry and Killala Temperance Society was held in the Presbyterian Church, to hear a lecture from Mr. T. W. Russell. The chair was occupied by the Rev. J. C. Fowler, Rector.

ROSCOMMON-May 4th, the closing lecture of the series in connection with the Young Men's Christian Association was delivered in the Crown Court by Mr. T. W. Russell, of the Irish Temperance League. Subject-"Lessons from the Life of Havelock. There was a good attendance, and the chair was occupied by the Rev F. Thompson, Rector of Roscom. mon. A temperance society has been formed in connection with the association, and hence Mr. Russell's visit

SION MILLS-Tuesday, 25th April, the annual soiree of the Sion Mills and Urney Temperance Association was held in the Sion Mills School-house. There was a very numerous attendance. Mr. W. Hicklin occupied the chair, and suitable addresses, which were listened to with much interest and attention, were delivered by Rev. W. A Russell, Mr. J. Pyper, Rev. Mr. Thompson, and Mr. R. Entrican- Some new members were enrolled.

STRABANE.-A public meeting in connection with the Strabane Temperance Association was held on Friday evening, 28th April, in the Town Hall, Strabane. The Rev. W. A. Russell, president, occupied the chair. An able lecture was delivered by Mr. John Pyper, agent of the Irish Tempe rance League. Subject-"Are the Drinking Custom and the Liquor Traffic erroneous and sinful?" The thanks of the meeting having been given to the lecturer by acclamation, the chairman pronounced the benediction, and the meeting separated-Banner of Ulster.

SAINTFIELD-On Thursday evening, 11th May, the first lecture under the auspices of the Saintfield Total Abstinence Association was delivered in the Market House, Saintfield. The meeting was one of the largest and most influential which has been held in the locality for many years The lecturer on the occasion was the Rev. J. A. Chancellor, of the Reformed Presbyterian Church, College Street South, Belfast, and his subject was "The Life and Times of Saint Columbkill." On the motion of Mr. A. Wilson, seconded by Mr. T. Shaw, the chair was taken by the Rev. S. Hamilton After a suitable introduction, Mr. Chancellor described the condition of Society in the days in which Columbia lived, then sketched his life and labors, and concluded with a few practical remarks on the earnest call to action which is made upon all in these enlightened times F. Ward, Esq, moved, and Mr. J Priestly seconded, a vote of thanks to Mr. Hamilton for his proper conduct in the chair, after which Mr Shanks closed the meeting with prayer -Cor· of Banner of UlsterWARINGSTOWN. - Friday evening, 12th May, Mr. Pyper delivered a lecture in Waringstown Presbyterian Church "The Bible and Total Abstinence." The Rev. M. M'Murray presided, and the Rev. G. H. Johnston cordially moved a vote of thanks to the lecturer.


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