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Nature will visit her displeasure. The common idea is that success means great sacrifice, and that you must buy it with a price. In one sense this is true. To succeed you must choose. If you want this, you can not have that. Success demands concentration-oneness of aim and desire.

Choose this day whom you will serve. Paradoxically, it is true that you must "Sacrifice" some things to gain others. If you are a young man and wish to succeed in business you will have to sacrifice the cigarettes, the late hours, the dice, the cards, and all the round of genteel folly which saps your strength and tends to unfit you for your work tomorrow.

That awkward and uncouth country boy who went to work yesterday is concentrating on his tasks-he is doing the thing, high or low, mental or what not-yes! He is not so very clever, his trousers bag at the knee, and his sleeves are too short, but his heart has but one desire to do his work. Soon you will be taking your orders from him. And let me say right here that the habit of

continually looking out for Number One

is absolutely fatal to success. Nature is on her guard against such, and if by accident they get into a position of power their lease on the place is short. A great success demands a certain abnegation-a certain disinterestedness.

The man who can lose himself in his work is the man who will succeed best.

Courtesy, kindness and concentration—this trinity forms the sesame that will unlock all doors. Good cheer is twin sister to good health

Isn't it a part of wisdom not to put an enemy into your mouth to steal away your brains? Is n't it wise to so fill your working hours that the night comes as a blessing and a benediction-a time for sweet rest and sleep? These things mean a preparation for good work. And good work means a preparation for higher work. Success is easy. We do not ascend the mountain by standing in the valley and jumping over it. Success is only difficult to the man who is trying to lift himself by tugging at his boot-straps.


The Master Man

NDUSTRY is intelligent action, motion, movement. And now science tells us

that thought also is a physical action, a movement, a vibration of the cells of the brain. Wandering, dreamy thought is merely bad habit, or, more properly, lack of a good habit, for it leads nowhere. To carry bricks back and forth from one side of the street to the other is not industry, because it lacks intelligent purpose. To think and make no headway is simply to carry bricks back and forth

To play the devil's tattoo on a chair; monkey with the forks and spoons at table; adjust your necktie forty times a minute; stroke your mustache or hitch your trousers -these things are not industry. Gents do these things, but gentlemen never. And the difference between the gent and the gentleman is the difference between the Man and the Master Man. The Master Man is simply

a man who is master of one person-himself. When you have mastered yourself, you are then fit to take charge of other people. The Master Man is a person who has developed Intelligent Industry, Concentration, SelfConfidence, until these things become the habit of his life.

Industry, in its highest sense means conscious, useful and intelligent effort. Carried to a certain point, Industry is healthful stimulation-it means active circulation, good digestion, sound sleep. The sensible man will ascertain his limitations and not carry his industry to the point of exhaustion. Before he is tired out, he will turn his attention to something else. The ability to concentrate requires the ability to relax. In order to work you must know how to play. Men who carry great burdens and responsibilities are always those who are able at times to lay down the burden and be a child with the children. They can laugh. And there is no medicine equal to a merry laugh. ¶ It is the intermittent current that makes the telephone possible; the man of power is

the man who changes his work—he does one thing at a time, but he does not do the thing all the time. To cultivate concentration, practise relaxation. Lie down on the floor for three minutes on your back, breathe deeply, lie still, and turn your mind inthinking of nothing. To concentrate on your work you must enjoy your work. And to enjoy your work you must drop it at certain hours. He lasts longest, and soars highest, who cultivates the habit of just being a boy for an hour a day. Take a vacation every day if you want to do good work.


Are in the treadmill? Well, the only way you can get out is by evolving mastership. We are controlled by our habits. At first we manage them, but later they manage us. Habits young are like lion's cubs so fluffy and funny! Have a care what kind of habits you are evolving soon you will be in their power, and they may eat you up. It makes us subject to the will of others. And it is habit that gives mastership of yourself and others

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Industry is a habit. Men who go to bed any

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