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Mama writes to me, that you are both much delighted at the idea of a book being written expressly for you; and that you weary her with so many questions, as to what it can be about, that she quite longs to have your curiosity satisfied by the appearance of the little book itself.

I expect, therefore, that it will make you very happy to open a packet, and see Ellen's Visit to the Shepherd,' in a form in which



you can read for yourselves all that it contains; and if, indeed, it prove a means in the Lord's hand, by which your young hearts are led on in the knowledge of Jesus, the Good Shepherd, I shall be more than happy in having written it for you.

You spent the whole of the last summer in the country among the birds and fields. You loved very much to go into the meadows among the sheep, and look at the little lambs sporting playfully about. This Ellen did also; and it is because I wish you to learn all that she learned from the sheep and


their shepherd, that I send you this little book.

That Good Shepherd who laid down his life for the sheep, loves you, my dear children, would have you for his own lambs; would bear you in his arms, and carry you in his bosom. Seek then to know him, and remember what I have often told you; if you would get a blessing, pray before you read. It is God alone who can bless, and God can only be sought by prayer.




'My bonnet and cloak are on, Mama, and I am quite ready. I hope it will not tire you to go out with me, dearest Mama; the wind is so still, and the sky so clear, and the sun shines so warmly and brightly, that I do not think it can possibly give you cold, and there will be no need for your wearing clogs to-day; for even the lane that leads to Oare was almost dry this morning: so that there can be no damp on the Castle Hill, where a

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