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EM Laird Val., the great “convicted,” Who to treason is addicted,

And who boasts that he has never given a vote for

man or dollar

To sustain the war for Union

'Gainst the hordes of foul disunionWaits and watches for disorder.

watches over the border."

Thus saith Maury, the declaimer,
Maury, freedom's base defamer-

"waits and

Pirate Maury, the Union pauper, renegade, ungrateful traitor,

Of his sympathizing brother,

Clem Vallandigham, no other,

Who now waits just over the border-"waits and watches over the border."

Yes, Vallandigham, the “banished,”

From Ohio quickly vanished,

Left, methinks, in double-quick order, to fulfil the President's order;

Being convicted of high treason,
This he deemed sufficient reason,

And he now awaits Jeff's order-"waits and watches over the border."

Pledged, so saith this rebel Southerner,
That, if he's elected Governor

Of this State, the third in order in the Union, he'll reward her

By a cowardly position,

By a base and mean submission

To his rebel master's order, for which he's watching over the border.

Pledged to array against the nation
Our State, so grand in its relation

To our Government and Union-and dissolve her proud communion

With her sister States now fighting 'Gainst secession-which is blighting Our fair land with woe and sadness-prompted by foul traitors' madness.

While his country's in such danger

And of which he's not a stranger

This base copperhead and traitor seeks to thwart her every action,

And her enemies doth cherish;

All unmoved, though country perish ;

And this vile calumniator heads a Northern rebel faction.

When our armies are triumphant,

Then they show their spite malignant ; And with rage are almost choking, while for peace they're ever croaking.

Democratic, a misnomer;

Hellocratic is more proper,

For, infernal and provoking, fiends of darkness they're invoking.

There, beneath the British lion
Sits this Democratic scion,

Sworn to make Secessia broader by his sections four in order;

But the people know the traitor—

Know this treason instigator

So let him be engrafted yonder, where he's watching over the border.

Yes, my Democratic neighbor,

'Tis a warfare 'gainst free labor;

Waged by capital unfeeling, which your liberty is stealing;

This foul treason and disunion,

Fruit of tyrants in communion,

To the sword is now appealing, and its hideous face revealing.

Then can peace restore the Union?

Peace e'er cure this foul disunion? No; through war alone can order be restored within your border;

War, till treason you shall vanquish ;
War, till slavery shall evanish;

Then with freedom stronger, broader, peace will

reign within your border.

Then let freemen ever battle,

And with tyrants bravely grapple, Till each throne on earth shall crumble, slavery cease, all tyrants perish!

Then, free governments arising,
With a majesty surprising,

All God's children, freedom blessing, justice, right, and truth they'll cherish.



NE night a worthless, stealing scamp
Broke through my bolted doors,

And laid his thievish wicked hands
Upon my precious stores.

He searched the house in all its parts,
He rummaged all the closets—
He stole my silver and my gold,
And all my choice deposits.

And when I waked from risky sleep,
He stood before my bed,

And held a pistol in his hand,
Directed toward my head.


sprang and seized him by the throat“ You murderous thief,” I cry,

"Your life-not mine-is forfeited

You are the one to die!"

I held him in my rightful grasp,
He struggled for release;

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