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Cleveland Medical and Surgical Reporter.

A Journal Devoted to the Science of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery. Published Monthly by the Cleveland Homeopathic Medical College, 226 Huron Street, Cleveland, O.

HUDSON D. BISHOP, M. D., Managing Editor.
WILLIAM H. PHILLIPS, M, D., Associate Editor.

The Reporter solicits original articles, short clinical articles, society transactions and news items of interest to the profession. Reprints of original articles will be furnished authors at actual cost of paper and press-work, provided the order is received before the publication of the article. If authors will furnish us with rames before their article is published, copies of the journal containing it, will be mailed free of charge (except to addresses in Cleveland) to the number of 100.

The subscription price of the Reporter is $1.00 per annum in advance. Single copies 10 cents. The Reporter has no free list. but sample copies will be given on request.

The Reporter is mailed on the 1st of each month. All matter for publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the 15th of the preceding month.

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762-4 Rose Building, Cleveland, Ohio.


MAY 16 AND 17.

That's the DATE of the meeting of the Ohio State Homeopathic Medical Society. It should be remembered by all and a decided effort made to attend. The PLACE is Cleveland-that is another point-and it means that probably the most available point in the State has been selected. It means that there need be no attention paid to the conductors call, "Change cars," because "all roads lead to Cleveland." And no map is necessary. Tuesday and Wednesday are good days. Even the most remote can come through Monday night and all exercises are expected to be completed in time for the last car or train out, so that Thursday morning may be expected to see every visitor home ready to take up the daily grind. And our word for it, even if you do spend two nights on the cars and one night "with the boys"-the lack of sleep will be fully compensated for by "the other things." And leaving out of this list of "the other things" what you may or may not pick up either in the meetings or elsewhere, you will have the satisfac

tion of having been in attendance upon what is to be a big meeting. All indications point that way, and unlike those emanating from the weather bureau, these indications are good. So mark the dates, May 16-17, as well as the A. I. H. date, June 26.

There is a particular reason why You, dear Ohio reader, should be present. Perhaps you may remember what we had to say about the Institute meeting, or at least that part of it which referred to membership. At Niagara the rules were changed a bit. Now, membership in the Institute comes only to those who are members of their State societies. That means that the income in the way of new members of our State society should be great in order that we may contribute our full quota to the big list of new members which is sure to be a feature of the meeting at Chicago. Wonder if we could get just an even hundred new members at our meeting this year? It ought not to be hard to get them, ought it? There ought to be a hundred members present and each member should bring a recruit. What could be easier than that? Homeopathy "Expects every man to do his duty"-likewise every woman hers.

And there is going to be an unusual attraction this year. Probably more than half the members of the State society own the Cleveland Homeopathic Medical College for an Alma Mater and surely these will be happy to know that Commencement exercises this year occur on the same dates as the State society meeting. The Alumni meeting is to occur on the evening of the sixteenth and commencement on the seventeenth. So here's a fine opportunity to renew acquaintance with the Mater and to have a look through the halls, class-rooms and laboratories. They'll be open for inspection and you will get some information as to what has been going on here. What more need we say? Let us make this meeting and these Commencement exercises the greatest and the best in the history of Homeopathy in the Buckeye State.

Don't forget the day and date, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, MAY

16 AND 17.


The Cleveland Homeopathic Medical Society held its regular meeting Wednesday evening, March 15, in the College auditorium. About seventy-five members were present.

At the business session Drs. W. T. Miller and C. D. Ellis were added to the Committee on Entertainment of the State Society.

The Finance Committee reported that the work of collecting funds was progressing satisfactorily.

The Committee on Legislation reported several joint meetings with the Legislative Committee of the Academy of Medicine.

On February 28th, on the invitation of the Legislative Committee of the Academy of Medicine, Drs. Phillips, Staples and Siemon met with the committee on behalf of the Homeopathic Society, in joint session. Dr. T. C. Martin was elected chairman, and Dr. W. H. Phillips secretary of the joint legislative committee of the two societies.


At the first meeting it was decided to make a systematic effort to have the violators of the Medical Practice Act brought to justice through the filing of individual suits and by having the Attorney General designate a special prosecutor whose duty it should be to look after all such violations and violators. Also to include the counter prescribing druggist and the midwives in this effort. Steps were also taken to have the Coroner's office investigated in reference to much needed reforms.

A very exhaustive report on the ambulance evil, with suggestions for its improvement was presented by Dr. Metzenbaum. His paper was referred to a special sub-committee, with instructions to report at the next meeting of the general committee.

Two committee reports were finally adopted and referred back to the respective medical societies. They are as follows:

Your sub-committee, to whom was referred the question of improvements in the present fireworks ordinance beg leave to submit the following:

According to our best information the forms of fireworks offering the greatest menace to personal and public safety are the blank cartridge, the giant or cannon cracker, the Roman candle and the skyrocket. Each and all of them should be properly included in the ordinance of prohibition.

With reference to other and perhaps dangerous forms of fireworks, and the manner of their use, we would recommend that an attempt be made through the proper authority, to regulate them in the usual proclamation issued relative to the Fourth of July and other public celebrations.


Your sub-committee to whom was referred the matter of violations of the Medical Practice Act, beg leave to submit the following: 1st. A general letter should be sent to every member of the profession in the vicinity reciting among other things those parts of the act relating to violations both on the part of practicians, mid-wives and druggists, requesting such members of the profession to inform the committee of known or suspected violations and violators of the law in order that suitable investigations may be made and if facts warrant, have the matter brought to the attention of the authorities. Adopted.

2d. That where sufficient evidence of violations is at hand, no time be lost in commencing suits in the Justice Courts, through the local resident member or in such other way as the local medical societies may provide. Adopted as amended.

3d. That a determined effort be made to induce the Attorney General to designate special counsel in Cleveland and elsewhere whose duty it shall be to promote and look after suits for violations. Adopted.


Dr. L. K. Maxwell, who was present by special invitation of the Society, then presented a paper on "Splenic Surgery," which we expect to print in full in a later edition of the journal. The paper was ably discussed by Drs. Wood, Miller and Roper.

Dr. C. A. Hall presented a paper on The Non-Surgical Treatment of Endometritis.". This was discussed by Dr. C. B. Thomas. Dr. Pauline Barton spoke on "Some Gynecological Remedies." Dr. D. H .Patterson, of Collinwood, gave an exceedingly interesting paper on "Electricity in Gynecology," discussed by Dr. Horner. Dr. Thomas H. George had with him one of the new Lennox Nitrous Oxide Oxygen and Chloroform Machines. After a brief paper on anæsthesia in general, he explained in an interesting manner the workings of the instrument and nitrous oxide anæsthesia especially. The paper was ably discussed by Drs. Castle and Wood.

Altogether it was one of the most interesting and instructive meetings the Homeopathic school has had in Cleveland in many years.

The papers were peculiarly valuable and the journal hopes to devote the entire issue in April to their publication. The present management have long believed that the solution of the problem of a successful Homeopathic Medical Society in this city lay in the enlisting in its service of the younger men and women, who have inherited none of the bitter jealousies which have for the past ten years proven so detrimental to our school in this vicinity. We believe that we do not have to look to the past for the talent and ability to inaugurate new things and new ideas.

There lies in the 250 or 300 Homeopathic physicians of this generation in this city and vicinity who during the past chaotic decade have minded their own business, a talent and an energy and a power which if once aroused will consign the petty jealousies of the past to the everlasting oblivion they deserve. This is the power the present management is reaching for, and this is the power they are going to get; in fact, have gotten.

HOMEOPATHIC MEDICAL SOCIETY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. The fifty-third annual meeting was held in the ballroom of the Hotel Ten Eyck, Albany, on Tuesday and Wednesday, February 1415, 1905. The president, Dr. Bukk G. Carleton, presided, and in calling the meeting to order on Tuesday morning, introduced the Rev. Lorenzo D. Case, who opened the proceedings with prayer. The sessions were well attended by physicians from all parts of the State, not to mention visitors and contributors to the proceedings from other sections of the country.

The report of the treasurer, Dr. Chas. T. Haines, showed a comfortable balance in the treasury.

The necrologist, Dr. H. Worthington Paige, presented an obituary sketch of the late Dr. William L. Fiske, of Brooklyn, one of the State medical examiners, and an esteemed member of the Society.

The following physicians were elected to membership: Drs. Wm. Perrin, G. Hoffman Peters, F. N. Whitehorne, J. Wilford Allen, Jos. H. Beattie, Otis M. Wiley, F. W. Cornwell, Edward G. H. Beck, Thos. A. Wasson, Hills Cole and Guy B. Stearns.

The following papers were reported under the various bureaux. They were unusually practical and interesting in character and elicited good discussion: "Infant Feeding," by Q. D. Kingsley, M. D.; "The Physician's Unpaid Debt to Youth," by George Parker Holden, M. D.; "A Talk on Materia Medica," by George S. Royal, M. D., of

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