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Claude Adelbert Burrett, Ph. B.; Arthur Lee Canfield; William Lefurgey Case; Mary Emma Coffin; Franklin Earl Cutler; Robert A. Gans; Earle Vincent Gray; Frederick Philander Goodwin; H. Hugh Hill; James Edward Hulett; Arthur Ward King; George R. McGee; Philip Lee Ring; Wm. F. Rohland; Jesse L. Saddler, A. B.; Braden C. Tiffany; Floyd Clayton Thompson; Henry Lycurgus Wells; Walton Henry Williams.


The faculty of the Cleveland Homeopathic Medical College held its regular re-organization meeting Wednesday, May 24th, 1905, in the faculty room of the College.

The Dean reported the election by the Board of Trustees of the governing faculty as constituted last year, with the addition of L. A. Noble, M. D., as Professor of Chemistry, and Lester E. Siemon, M. D., as Professor of Obstetrics.

The annual election of officers resulted as follows: Dean, Dr. G. J. Jones; Vice-Dean, Dr. George H. Quay; Registrar, Dr. Wm. T. Miller; Treasurer, Dr. B. B. Kimmel. These constitute the Executive Committee.

Delegates to the American Institute in Chicago, Drs. James C. Wood and G. J. Jones. Alternates, Drs. H. D. Bishop and W. H. Phillips. Committee appointed to confer with the Alumni, Drs. Spencer, Thurston and George Jones.

The Executive Committee have decided upon a Practitioner's Course to be given to graduates in medicine from June 5th to July 1st. Special attention will be paid to laboratory work, microscopical, physiological and chemical, and will include a course in special dissections in such branch or branches as the student may desire. The visiting practitioners will have abundant opportunity to see clinical work in the various branches, the Good Samaritan Dispensary, the City Hospital and Huron Street Hospital furnishing plenty of material. It was not decided until after the faculty re-organization to give this course, consequently the announcements were very late in being mailed, but we trust this will only be the forerunner of many such


The College has been undergoing a thorough cleaning and overhauling. Fresh paint and plenty of elbow grease have so changed the inner aspect that it is scarcely familiar to even those who have long been accustomed to enter it daily. But it smells good, and the change is a welcome one.



By J. H. Wilson, M. D., Bellefontaine, Ohio.

Members of the Homeopathic Medical Society of Ohio:

At this, my first opportunity, I wish to thank you for the honor you have conferred upon me by electing me to preside over this body. No one of us is so exalted that he could not deeply and lastingly ap preciate such an honor; the most unworthy cannot fail to dedicate all the powers he possesses, unreservedly, to the interests of this Society and to the advancement of its best influences.

The president of any organization is seriously handicapped if not completely helpless unless he can count upon the willing co-operation of its members and their reasonable indulgence. Especially does he appreciate the zeal and thoughtful activities of his fellow-workers and the chairmen of the various bureaus; to their promptness and efficient help will be due the success of this meeting. Therefore, the continuance of your aid and sympathy is earnestly solicited in the future as it has been thoroughly appreciated in the past.

Our present laws seem adequate for the government of this body; but should any changes or additions seem advisable to you they may be suggested through the proper channels. However, I would respectfully suggest that we, either as a whole or through a proper committee, consider the feasibility of dividing the work of this Society into two sections: One section, composed of delegates elected and sent from the different societies in the State, to act as the business body for the Society. They should have separate quarters for their work and probably certain hours would be necessary. The other section would be the general meeting composed of all the members of the Society, devoting its entire time and attention to the reading and discussion of papers. This would take away the annoyance caused by the frequent interruptions we necessarily must be subjected to as it is now conducted, and I believe would add greatly to the interest of our work, while the business would receive more careful attention in the hands of a representative few than it could from the Society as a whole.

At our 1904 meeting there was a committee appointed to take up the matter of increasing the membership of our State Society. Their report will testify for their good work, and knowing them so well, we feel certain they have done all that any committee could.

Dr. Carpenter, our worthy president of 1904, sounded the keynote when he said we needed organization and unity of effort, and we should have a Homeopathic society or club in every city, town, township, county or cross-roads where two, three or more physicians can be

assembled. In theory the doctor was right, but I feel it would not be practical to form so many small societies. If we could be certain of an attendance of three or more earnest workers at every meeting, such a society could be made very interesting and profitable., but considering a membership of only five or six scattered over a radius of twenty miles, and the greater number of them having to drive from ten to twenty miles to attend the meeting, I fear the interest would soon wane and the society would have to be abandoned. Although I agree with Dr. Carpenter that we need more and better organization, yet I feel we should become a more generally organized body.

We have about eleven hundred Homeopathic physicians in the State, and less than two hundred of these belong to our State society. As nearly as I can learn from statistics and by corresponding we have eleven local societies with names and memberships as follows:

The Cincinnati Homeopathic Lyceum.

The Cleveland Homeopathic Medical Society..

The Central Ohio Homeopathic Physicians' Round Table.
The Dayton Homeopathic Medical Society....





The Homeopathic Medical Society of Eastern Ohio.
The Miami Valley Homeopathic Medical Society..



The Northwestern Ohio Homeopathic Medical Society.
The Ohio Valley Homeopathic Medical Society..
The Summit County Clinical Society.
The Union Clinical Society...
The Toledo Homeopathic Club..






These societies give a total membership of over seven hundred and are reported to be good, live, working societies, full of interest and well attended; those in the cities meeting monthly, while those comprising a large amount of territory hold their sessions twice a year. If we could organize enough of these district societies to make it practical for all our physicians to attend two or more meetings a year I believe there would be better attendance and more interest taken in the work than would be possible in so many weak local societies. County societies would be ideal, provided we could have them, but unfortu-nately this is not practical in many of our counties, owing to the small number of physicians scattered over so much territory. If we could in some way have the district societies carry a membership in our State organization they would probably feel more interest in our work. At present they are not giving us the support that they should. Many of their members feel more at home and think they derive more benefit from these local meetings than they could from this one. There are reasons for this. They attend these local meetings, and, being well

acquainted with each other, feel free to take part in the discussions, while on the other hand, since they do not attend the State society they are therefore unacquainted with its members and naturally have not the interest in its work. Please do not understand that I wish to discourage these local societies, but on the contrary it is my desire to see every one of them strengthened and other similar ones formed in the State wherever enough members can be secured; but I would also like to see them come in closer touch with our State organization. I would respectfully suggest that this Society continue the committee who has had charge of the matter of increasing the membership in the State society with full power to formulate and carry out whatever plan they would find the most feasible for organizing our local societies and bringing them closer to our State organization.

We are hearing a great deal to-day about unity of schools. The old school has in a manner thrown open its doors to us and has said in the by-laws of its State organization: "Each County Society shall judge of the qualifications of its own members, but as such societies are the only portals to the State and American Medical Association, every reputable and legally registered physician who is practicing of will agree to practice non-sectarian medicine shall be entitled to membership."

Some of our school have accepted their invitation and left us to become members of their society. This is a privilege every one has, and if they feel they can do more good by so doing, "God speed them." After studying over this matter thoroughly I feel it is not altogether one to be decided individually. Nothing would give me more satisfaction and pleasure than to see our schools unite in one great and grand body for the advancement of scientific and educational purposes. But we have a law of cure under which we have been working for a century. We believe it is necessary to prove drugs upon the healthy in order to get a proper understanding of their action, and when we obtain this, to make the application of these proven drugs according to this law.

I believe it to be a fact that we are not as firmly imbued with the belief that everything can be cured with medicine as many of the earlier Homeopaths were. We know that many headaches are cured by glasses where medicine failed. Surgery will frequently cure where medicines fail. Electricity has its great field of usefulness and suggestion is a subtle power, claiming many of the cures formerly attributed to medicine. Serum therapy is being extensively used and but few of us would like to be deprived of its benefits. Asepsis, both in medicine and surgery, has its earnest advocates, and besides, there are

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numerous other claims that have been advanced, all capable probably of making cures when properly administered. These have all been taken up and given a fair trial by the old school, and I believe, by most of our school.

If Hahnemann announced Similia as the only method of healing he erred; but it is one of the best methods and will always remain such. Has the old school ever recognized this law of "similia similibus curantur?" or of the proving of drugs upon the healthy? True, not a few of the old school writers have endeavored to foist our use of remedies upon their fellows, but failure has generally been the result and will continue to be as long as they neglect the principle of selection.

I do not understand what they mean by non-sectarian. If it is to drop our name and we acquiesce to this, will they recognize our law of cure as they have asepsis, suggestion, serum therapy, electricity, and I may say, everything else that has come forward in the past twenty years? Would they recognize our colleges and journals which are so ably teaching the principles of our schools?

These are questions upon which we should be well informed before. there is a union, and if the union does come it should be with a clear understanding on our part as to what concessions it would involve. I feel that so long as we believe in the principles we have been upholding for more than a century the union should be general and not individual.

Doctors, I thank you.

To the Members of the Homeopathic Medical Society of Ohio:

The committee to whom the President's address was referred beg leave to report as follows:

We endorse the delegate idea proposed by the President, as we think it would conduce to a more business-like organization.

The duty of the new officers should include a supervision of the appointment of delegates to the State Society; and acquainting them with their contemplated duty.

We endorse the continuance of the membership committee.

We should encourage the organization of societies no matter how small; and the effort should be continuously made to instil the idea of co-operation with the State Society. The president of each local society to be delegate ex-officio to the State Society, and furthermore we suggest that the presidents of the local societies constitute a committee of the whole to arrange the program for the annual meeting of the State Society.

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