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alumina plate be used, as it is my opinion that feroxide hydrate would accomplish practically the same results as that of alumina hydrate, thus obviating the expense of metal. It would, therefore, seem that by this process satisfactory results could be obtained in the disposition of sewage, or at least that the dangerous elements contained therein could be eliminated.

An advantageous feature presents itself also in the fact that such a plant could be constructed at the point of the discharge from sewer and would not of necessity entail a large area of land.

The Caxton.


By B. B. Viets, M. D., O. et A, Chir., Professor of Ophthalmology and Otology,
Cleveland Homeopathic Medical College.

Twenty years ago in the post-graduate schools of New York City but few cases were seen and in fact but little was heard about adenoid growths in the pharyngeal vault of children. Unless the patient had a flattened bridge of the nose, held the mouth open, and had a semijoditic look adenoids were not thought of. As late as 1889 Dr. Bosworth, of New York, in his extensive private and hospital practice reported having seen but seventy-one cases. In 1890, however, a visitor to the nose and throat hospitals in London and Paris could not help being surprised to find how exceedingly common this neoplasm was in children visiting the hospital dispensaries. In Sir Lennox Brown's nose and throat hospital in London no less than half a dozen adenectomies could be seen daily. After several months' hospital experience in Europe, my first case was the following:

Case I.-Frank G. Eight years old. Had been treated by myself two years for deafness without improvement. He could be made to hear only by shouting directly into the ear. This condition had been coming on gradually for several years. He had never complained of ear-ache, was not a mouth-breather, and the facial development was normal-in fact, there was not a symptom of adenoids excepting the deafness. Under chloroform anæsthesia an examination was made and the vault of the pharynx found to be largely filled with this growth. This was thoroughly removed. In two weeks the hearing had entirely returned.

Case II.-Agnes H., twelve years old. could hear everything said to her, could say and the usual words of children of this age.

When one year old she "papa" and "mamma" Before she was two years

old the parents noticed she did not hear as well and was not inclined to talk much. At the age of three she would make no attempt to talk, and her hearing was so poor the parents gave up all efforts of trying to talk with her. Nothing was done for her until she was nine years old, then for two years she was treated by a specialist of her native. city, but without improvement. About one year ago the parents moved to Cleveland to have the child educated in the School for the Deaf. For a few weeks after coming here she received treatment at the dispensary of one of our hospitals, but as before no benefit was received. On January 23rd, 1905, under chloroform I removed an exceedingly large and very firm adenoid growth with no untoward symptoms, excepting profuse hemorrhage. The loss of hearing in this case was so profound and had existed so long-nine years-but little if any improvement was expected from the operation, but happily the hearing is slowly but surely returning.

Indiscriminate scraping of the throat of both old and young is to be most emphatically condemned, but the experience of twenty years has satisfied me that, if a child or young person has any one of the following symptoms clearly defined and constant, a careful examination under an anesthetic should be made for adenoids: Occasional pain in the ear; persistent purulent discharge from the ear; slightest impairment of hearing; mouth-breathing; discharge of mucus or mucopus from the nose; altered character of the voice, tones deadened; annoying cough; faulty assimilation; or constant headache.

The Arcade.


By W. A. Phillips, M. D., Cleveland, Ohio.

It is characteristic of the champions of any new school in any department of learning to show a high degree of enthusiasm, which is a decided element of strength. The longer this enthusiasm is maintained, the greater the likelihood that the number of disciples will increase, and the longer will the tenets of the cult be probed and practiced for a demonstration of the importance of the end to be attained. This enthusiasm growing by what it feeds upon may reach the point of fanaticism and then show an unwarranted disregard of all facts and arguments not favoring its own side of the fence. Still, the work of extremists is not without value, for it shows by results what it is capable of before it is hopelessly run into the ground; and hence the opportunity is presented for level-headed practitioners to grasp and make more substantial use of the facts and principles than even the

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enthusiasts themselves could do. The establishment and growth of the Homeopathic school is clearly a case in point.

For years Homeopathy was without adequate literature, without public clinics, and without colleges. The school grew for a while mainly through enthusiasm and the individual enterprise of the man with a book under his arm. He had a medicine case under the other arm, and the strength of his convictions under his hat. His enthusiasm, his firm conviction, his comparative success in the field of practice, won adherents to the school and laid in a practical way the foundation of the prestige Homeopathy enjoys at this time. But with the lapse of years and the increase of adherents and the wearing off of the novelty of the practice came a lapse of the pioneer spirit. The strenuous push gave way to the matter-of-fact and the watch-dog was too closely chained.

Errors of practice, if not also errors of doctrine crept in, compound tablets were used, attenuated remedies were sniffed at by a good-sized minority, for instance, and so one top rail after another was knocked off the fence until a gap deep and wide enough was made for the most radical to prance through and receive the balmy hand of welcome. What further? Cock your dexter eye and observe that some of our champions ignored our own colleges and proceeded to educate their sons in the ranks of the opposing forces. This is perhaps only a side issue, but it does seem to deserve a passing notice. Notice it.

But with the disappearance of enthusiasm and the fading of the sense of martyrdom, which was rather enjoyed a few years ago-came a weakness in our midst that must be replaced by elements of strength unless the school is willing the lion and the lamb should lie harmoniously down together, the lion sporting a full stomach. So long as there are two schools, the old and the new, the battle will be on concerning a dynamic law of cure, and it ought to be. If our theory and our practice are worth the having they are worth defending and the same is to be said concerning the old school. It is for us as for them to determine as nearly as possible what is right and then fight for it. It may be plausible in the long run to have so accurate a knowledge of all physiological and morbid processes that it can be conclusively demonstrated to the medical profession at large which law of cure is the right one. But until that time comes we must strenuously decide to hold our ground and do our part in building this demonstration to the point of determining what law of cure is most worthy to cominand general adoption. The question at present rests mainly in the study of the formulas, similia and contraria.

Will either one of these formulas eventually bring practical scien

tific medicine to a climax with universal agreement perched on its banner? A momentous question this, but one of scarcely less import at the present sitting than whether the loss of enthusiasm and a want of unity in actual practice in our ranks are not so retarding progress that the real merit of our formula is being lost sight of in the raffle; whether or not the effort of the old school to absorb the new is not working a disturbing influence against the purity and stability of Homeopathic practice; whether or not our want of enthusiasm for the maintenance of our principles and a strict adherence to these prineiples in the field of practice are yet sufficiently strong to inspire full confidence in our growth and stability as a school. If not, what next? The thing of importance theoretically, and the most potent practically is-Organization.

Individually and collectively the school is beginning to see this and steps are already taken to secure a unity of purpose that shall bring strength and progress. The significance of the danger signal cannot be too deeply apprehended; namely, that the more the new school seeks to affiliate with the old, the greater the danger that the old, in view of its greater numbers, will absorb and practically obliterate what to us is the brightest gun in the belt of Esculapius. The fact that so many young men of this city and elsewhere have drifted into the other school should make us pause. The practitioners of our sort must inquire more and more closely whether or not this is due to the superior merits of the allopathic school, or whether it is not due to mercenary influences and a show of vanity which inclines them to want to be on the big side whether it is the right side or not. Perfect organization throughout the States and a more thorough teaching of our system of practice will bring about a firm and permanent foundation so established that nothing short of pure scientific progress adverse to our teachings can dislodge it. If the old-time enthusiasm can be revived to supplement all else in this direction, we may then be doubly assured of a permanent standing. If, on the other hand, it can be scientifically demonstrated to the head and conscience of the rank and file that the formula of contraria is the law to the exclusion of all others, then the new school cannot consistently do otherwise than to acknowledge the dictum of science and fall into the arms of our allopathic mother from whom we had hoped to be forever safely delivered. But to date, Homeopathy is a lusty prodigal, and there should be no hint of a disposition to return to the fold so long as our own formula has a lustiness corresponding to our own success, as exhibited in every department of practical medicine.

It must, however, be recollected that the law of cure which con

stitutes the essential difference of the schools does not altogether now, nor can it at any time, determine the dominance of a school, unless that law can from the theoretical and practical side be irresistibly demonstrated as the true one. Until that time comes intelligent organization and patronage will hold perhaps even greater sway, than will the law by which it is supposed the faithful will ever swear by— leaving the other fellow to swear at it. Witness for example the influence exerted for more than a thousand years by the absurd doctrine put forth by Galen. Organization is well-nigh an omnipotent power. It is recognized in all departments of trade and learning and now, if ever, does the new school need its salutary influence for growth and perpetuity. This thought cannot be too impressively taught by our colleges and illustrated by our societies. The urgent admonition that in union there is strength was never more apparent to the profession than it is at this time and never in the history of Homeopathy was the need greater for its practical application. Let organization and adherence to similia be our slogan. The Schofield Building.


By J. T. Carter, M. D., Cleveland, Ohio.

In the latter part of June, 1902, I was consulted by a patient about her condition. I found the condition as follows: Appearance somewhat anæmic, had not menstruated for four months; complained of excessive languor and tiredness, severe backache, headache, loss of appetite, also insomnia. In short, a general run down condition. Her home surroundings were good; while she cared for her own home, she did not do the heavier household work.

I advised a rest from all home duties. This she attempted to accomplish by a trip to a quiet place in Canada.

The place chosen was usually a pleasant, healthful one, but at this time, it rained there almost continuous for a week; fog and dampness prevailed and mosquitoes were so much inevidence, that she was compelled to remain indoors most of the time while there.

After having been there for ten days she was suddenly seized. with an acute attack of Nephritis, her fever rose to 103 degrees, with severe vomiting, chill, and heavy, dull aching pains in region of kidney, which could be felt through the abdominal wall and was quite enlarged. There was a constant desire to urinate. This she did every

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