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Mary H. White, '98, has returned to the city and opened an office at 687 Prospect Street. Dr. White has been out of practice some months caring for her brother, who recently died. This is the second. brother the Doctor has lost within a short time.

*** H. O. Whitaker, '01, S. Charleston, Ohio, reports the town of Selma in need of a Homeopathic physician. This town was the first location of Dr. M. P. Hunt, of Columbus, and is a good place open for immediate occupation. Write to Dr. Whitaker about it.

*** A multitude of friends mourn the death of Dr. F. W. Morley, '84, and the friendship they had for him should make them willing and anxious to lend a helping hand in the realization of something from the sale of his library. Mrs. Morley writes that she is anxious to dispose of the books and is willing to take up the matter with anyone who may be interested. Write her at Sandusky, Ohio.

*** H. D. Bishop, '90, and E. O. Adams, '93, are the Homeopathic members of the milk commission which is taking up a systematic inspection of the milk sold in this city. The commission is composed of seven members, the chairman representing the Cleveland Chamber of Commerce, four members representing the Academy of Medicine, and Drs. Bishop and Adams representing the Homeopathic profession of the city.

*** A. A. Anthony, '80, overworked and depressed, took his own life at his home in Syracuse Thursday morning, February 2nd. There seemed to be no reason for his act except the fact that he was tired out and had lost his desire to live. He had a large practice, was in the best of circumstances financially, and had a very happy home. During his College life here he made a good record for himself, both as a student and after he graduated as dispensary physician, where he served for one year. He was an exceptionally bright man, and it is a great pity that his life should be so terminated. We extend our sincere condolence to Mrs. Anthony, who is quite an invalid.

*** C. C. Olmstead, '60, recently died at his home in Kansas City, of Bright's disease, after an illness of nearly two years. Dr. Olmstead was 65 years old. Shortly after graduating from our College he was appointed on the faculty, lecturing for several years. He then removed to Milwaukee, but in 1887 located in Kansas City, where he built up a splendid practice. One of his sons was L. J. Olmstead, was a member of the class of 1883. He, however, died some years ago from typhoid fever. It is with sincere regret that we note his death, as he had made for himself a name which was known throughout all the section of the country where he practiced.

Joseph H. Wilson. '71, of Bellefontaine, who is president

of the State Society this year, read a very excellent paper on "Comparative Therapeutics" at the February meeting of the Homeopathic Society of Miami and Shelby Counties, held at Piqua. The meeting was a very good one, being attended by a large number of physicians, among whom were: Drs. W. B. Carpenter, of Columbus; Wolcott, of Dayton; R. A. Buchanan, of Lima; J. H. Wilson, of Bellefontaine ; H. B. Faulder, of Wapakoneta; E. M. Loy, of Tippecanoe City; A. S. Rosenberger, of Covington; J. A. Ferree, A. W. Reddish, H. E. Beebe, and B. S. Hunt, of Sidney; J. W. Means, of Troy; and C. E. Hetherington and C. R. Coffeen, of Piqua. The next meeting will be held in Sidney, March 10th.

*** F. E. Doane, M. D., has removed from Kansas City, Mo., to 322 Lakeside Ave., Seattle, Wash.


Dr. G. Wigg sends a neat little New Year's greeting, wish

ing his friends the compliments of the season.

*** The annual death rate of Cleveland for 1904, based on the estimated population of 430,000, is 15.06 per cent. This is a gain over last year of about 1.5 per cent.

*** Cards were received at the editorial office announcing the marriage of Mary Miller Jones to Dr. Augustus Korndoerfer, of Philadelphia, February 1st. Congratulations.

*** At the February meeting of the Chicago Homeopathic Medical Society T. E. Custane, M. D., discussed "Observations in Anæsthetics," and E. Stillman Bailey, M. D., "Clinical Results of Radium."

*** The treasurer of Albany Homeopathic Hospital reports that $35,000 is now on hand, $25,000 more being needed before the work of erecting the Hospital can be begun. The land has been purchased and paid for.


Our good Homeopathic friends in Davenport have not given up the fight for representation on the Mercy Hospital staff, having entered an amended petition following the action of the court in sustaining a demurrer on the first petition.

*** The Iowa City Homeopathic Hospital has a record that is hard to beat. During eight months ending January 15th, 1905, 253 cases were treated in the hospital, with just one death. The cases included all classes of diseases and many surgical operations.

*** Commencing March 1st and on succeeding Wednesday afternoons, Dr. Duncan Buckley, of New York City, will give a series of lectures at the New York Skin and Cancer Hospital, 2nd Ave. and

On Monday evening there will be an opening reception and ball and on Friday evening the formal banquet, at which the Illinois. Homeopathic Medical Association and Hahnemann Medical College, each celebrating their fiftieth anniversary, will act as hosts to the members of the Institute and their friends, and all will celebrate the 150th anniversary of the birth of Samuel Hahnemann.

The meeting of the executive committee, as above noted, was attended also by the presidents of the affiliated societies and the chairmen of the bureaus, so that the consultation held was productive of the best results. Action was taken also which we hope practically insures the affiliation of the O. O. & L. Society during the coming meeting of the Institute. We sincerely hope that this may be one outcome of the meeting.


is very highly recommended for all cases of lung trouble, as a restorative in children as well as adults, after pneumonia and la grippe. In bronchitis in old people it is excellent. It is palatable, easily assimilated, and is a good tissue builder. Often where other preparations of cod liver oil have been taken without the least benefit, Hagee's will be found to do the work.-The Kansas City Medical Index-Lancet.


ANGIER'S PETROLEUM EMULSION has a most positive value in the treatment of cases associated with progressive loss of flesh, either as an accompaniment of organic or infectious disease, or existing without discoverable cause. Its value in these cases is due to its reinforcing influence upon the normal processes of digestion, assimilation, and nutrition, whereby the system is enabled to utilize to the full extent all forms of nutriment.


I am very much pleased with Sanmetto. It is a valuable preparation and should be in the hands of every specialist who treats the opium neurosis. In such conditions there is always considerable urethral inflammation besides other diseases of the genito-urinary organs; but opium users are obliged to take twice the quantity of Sanmetto usually prescribed, to produce good results.

Germantown, Phila., Pa.

F. H. Griffin, M. D.


"I would not prescribe for a patient who would not follow instructions as to diet," is a statement we often hear from laymen, and there is wisdom in it. "What may the invalid eat?" is ofen a hard question. We think Messrs. Farwell & Rhines, of Watertown, N. Y., answer it successfully in their "Gluten" and "Special Diabetic Food" for bread, biscuit, gems, griddle cakes, etc., and their "Gluten Grits" and Barley Crystals," breakfast foods. We believe these standard and reliable sanitary products to be invaluable for Dyspeptics, Diabetics, and sufferers from Bright's disease, and Obesity. If you want to know more about this, write Farwell & Rhines, and they will gladly send you booklets, diet lists, and samples, which should be of much. service to you.


In a recent notification by the Surgeon General of the U. S. Army, it is asserted that all the good results from poultices can be obtained in a more cleanly way by the use of wet hot compresses. Hence the order to the army surgeons to drop linseed and linseed meal from army medical requisitions.-Virginia Medical Semi-Monthly.

We highly approve of this order as far as discarding poultices made of putrescible and bacteria-breeding materials is concerned, for that is what has been done by all up-to-date physicians in private practice, but we can hardly recommend the substitute offered. We supposed that every one in this enlightened age was using Antiphlogistine in all such cases because of its advantages over everything else in permanency, efficiency and cleanliness. Compare Antiphlogistine, renewed but once a day, with hot compresses renewed every twenty minutes, and we cannot imagine any one using compresses when Antiphlogistine is available.


Homeopathic physicians do not need to have their attention called to the wonderful range of action of Calendula in the treatment of all wounds of the soft parts. Since the era of aseptic surgery, however, the use of Calendula has fallen into disrepute somewhat because of the fact that it could only be used in aseptic wounds in the form of an aseptic infusion. This objection is entirely overcome in the preparation called Lowry's Calenduline, a product represented in the REPORTER'S advertising pages. It is a strictly antiseptic preparation and

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of iron that we are giving. The evidence has been accumulating these many years, that Manganese, in itself an admirable remedy, combined with Iron emphasizes the potency of both.

Dr. Gude, the great German chemist, contributed very definitely to the good of the profession, when he presented the product of long years of experimentation, and clinical experience, the therapeutic product known as Pepto-Mangan (Gude).

Added to the many hundreds of clinical contributions, Dr. J. W. Frieser, of Vienna, Austria, recently reports most favorably, and very forcibly, observing as follows:

"Pepto-Mangan contains Iron and Manganese combined with Peptone in the proper proportions, and in a readily digestible and absorbable form, so that the preparation can be completely utilized by the organism. As is well known, the peptones represent artificial predigested products, which when taken into the organism make no special demands upon the digestive functions, which in anæmic and chlorotic persons are usually weakened and impaired in action. This fact is the more important, since in these cases, the digestive process and the secretion of gastric juice is usually reduced, in consequence of which the nutrition is quite impaired, while frequently there is a condition of hyperacidity of the gastric juice. It has been most gratifying to me to observe that during the use of Pepto-Mangan (Gude), which experience has taught me is particularly adapted in these maladies, it does not interfere with, or exert any disturbing effect. upon the digestion. On the contrary, under its administration, the appetite and the digestion are stimulated in a very satisfactory man


"As a rule, during treatment with Pepto-Mangan the improvement in the constitution of the blood, as shown by physical examination, was accompanied by a beneficial effect upon the general condition and strength. The appearance and appetite of the patients improved visibly; the digestion and nutrition progressed favorably, and the patient felt better, happier, and more vigorous. Disturbances of the gastro-intestinal tract, such as pressure or pain over the stomach. nausea, a disagreeable feeling of dullness, a diminution of appetite, constipation, congestions, etc., which are so frequent during the administration of other iron preparations, especially those of inorganic character, were scarcely ever observed during the use of Pepto-Mangan (Gude). On the contrary, in those cases in which there is a tendency to constipation, and a marked atony of the gastric functions my experience has led me to regard this remedy as especially useful and effective."

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