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Bigelow, John, Jr. American Policy: The Western Hemisphere in Its Relation to the Eastern. Scribner. 1914.

Bonilia, Policarpo. Wilson Doctrine: How the Speech of President Wilson at Mobile, Ala., Has Been Interpreted by the Latin-American Countries. 42p. pa. 1914.

Cleveland, Grover. Venezuelan Boundary Controversy. Princeton Univ. Press.


Coolidge, Archibald C. United States as a World Power. pp. 95-120. Macmillan. 1908.

Edgington, Thomas B. Monroe Doctrine. Little, Brown. 1905. Everett, Edward. Monroe Doctrine. No. 34. 17p. pa. Local Publication Society, 863 Broadway, Boston. 1863.

Extracts from Official Declarations of the United States Embodying the Monroe Doctrine, 1789-1901. In American History Leaflets, edited by Albert B. Hart and Edward Channing. No. 4. 32p.

Ford, Worthington C. Some Original Documents on the Genesis of the Monroe Doctrine. (In Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society. 2d Ser. Vol. XV. 1901-1902.) Foster, John W. Century of American Diplomacy. Chap. XII. pp. 438-78. Houghton, Mifflin. 1901.

Hamilton, Stanislaus M. Writings of James Monroe. 6th Vol. pp. 303-444. Putnam's. 1902.

Hart, Albert Bushnell. American Foreign Policy. Chap. VII. pp. 211-40. Macmillan. 1901.

Reprinted from the American Historical Review, October, 1901.

- Hershey, Amos S. Essentials of International Public Law. Macmillan. 1912.

See index.

Hill, Mabel. Liberty Documents. pp. 321-39. Liberties of Other American Peoples, 1823. Longmans. 1901.


Keasbey, Lindley M. Nicaragua Canal and the Monroe Doctrine. Putnam's. 1896.

Kohler, Charles. Monroe Doctrine. 48p. pa. Savannah, Ga.


Latané, John H. Diplomatic Relations of the United States and Spanish America. The Johns Hopkins Press. 1900.

McMaster, John B. Origin, Meaning and Application of the Monroe Doctrine. Altemus. 1896.

McMaster, John B. With the Fathers. pp. 1-54. Appleton. 1896. Michigan Political Science Association. Publications. Vol. II.

pp. 101-19. 1896-1897. Real Monroe Doctrine. B. A. Hinsdale. Monroe Doctrine. Old South Leaflets. No. 56, 20p. pa. Moore, John Bassett. American Diplomacy: Its Spirit and Achievements. pp. 131-67. Harper. 1905.

Oliveira, Lima, Manoel de. Relations of Brazil with the United States. No. 69. 14p. pa. Am. Ass'n for International Conciliation. 1913.

Oppenheim, L. International Law. Vol. I. pp. 66, 188. Longmans. 1906.

Phelps, Edward J. Orations and Essays. pp. 233-53. Harper. 1901.

Address delivered on the Monroe Doctrine in Brooklyn, March 30, 1896, before the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences. Same reprinted in America and Europe: A Study of International Relations (Questions of the Day Series). Putnam's. 1896.


President Wilson on the United States and Latin America: Address before the Southern Commercial Congress, Mobile, Ala., October 27, 1913. 4p. pa. World Peace Foundation, 40 Mt. Vernon St., Boston, Mass.

Reddaway, William F. Monroe Doctrine. University Press, Cambridge. 1898.

Ringwalt, Ralph C. Briefs on Public Questions. pp. 84-92. Longmans. 1913.

Romero, Matias. Mexico and the United States. p. 330-3. Putnam's. 1898.

Scruggs, William L. Colombian and Venezuelan Republics. pp. 242-67. Little, Brown. 1900.

Snow, Freeman. Treaties and Topics in American Diplomacy. Pp. 237-427. Boston Book Co. 1894.

Stockton, Alfred C. Monroe Doctrine and Other Addresses. pp. 1-75. J. & A. McMillan, St. John, N. B. 1898.

Turner Frederick J. Essays in American History. pp. 231-67. Beginnings of Spanish American Diplomacy. William S. Robertson. Holt. 1910.

Usher, Roland G. Pan-Americanism; A Forecast of the Inevitable Clash between the United States and Europe's Victor. pp. 390-406. Century. 1915.

Magazine Articles

*American Journal of International Law. 3: 269-353. Ap. '09. Latin America and International Law. Alejandro Alvarez. *American Journal of International Law. 6:937-9. O. '12. Magdalena Bay Resolution.

American Journal of International Law. 8: 515-9. Jl. '14. Pan American Origin of the Monroe Doctrine. Charles L. Chandler.

American Political Science Review. 6: 546-63. N. 12. Monroe Doctrine Abroad in 1823-'24. William S. Robertson. American Society of International Law. Proceedings. 1914: 22-32. Origin of the Monroe Doctrine. Charles Francis Adams. Reprinted by Houghton, Mifflin in 1914 as Monroe Doctrine and Mommsen's Law.

American Society of International Law. Proceedings. 1914: 34

59. Statements, Interpretations, and Applications of Monroe Doctrine and of More or Less Allied Doctrines, from 1823 to 1845. William R. Manning.

American Society of International Law. Proceedings. 1914: 59

105. Statements, Interpretations and Applications of the Monroe Doctrine from 1845 to 1870. James M. Callahan. American Society of International Law. Proceedings. 1914: 10513. Statements, Interpretations, and Applications of the Monroe Doctrine and of More or Less Allied Doctrines from 1870 to the Present Time. John H. Latané.

American Society of International Law. Proceedings. 1914: 143-54. Monroe Doctrine-a Gospel of Peace. Eugene Wambaugh.

American Society of International Law. Proceedings. 1914: 20217. European Attitude toward the Monroe Doctrine. Charlemagne Tower.

*American Society of International Law. Proceedings. 1914: 21729. Should the Monroe Doctrine Continue to Be a Policy of the United States? George H. Blakeslee.

Annals of the American Academy. 22: 1-19. Jl. '03. Position of the United States on the American Continent-Some Phases of the Monroe Doctrine. Francis B. Loomis.

Annals of the American Academy. 26: 27-31. Jl. '05. Responsibilities of International Leadership. Emory R. Johnson.

Annals of the American Academy. 37: 602-8. My. '11. Monroe Doctrine at the Fourth Pan-American Conference. Alejandro Alvarez.

Annals of the American Academy. 54: 57-62. Jl. '14. Latin View of the Monroe Doctrine. Leopold Grahame.

*Annals of the American Academy. 54:66-83. Jl. '14. Monroe Doctrine and Latin America. Joseph Wheless.

*Annals of the American Academy. 54: 84-91. Jl. '14. Effects of the Panama Canal on our Relations with Latin America.

John Holladay Latané.

Annals of the American Academy. 54: 92-8. Jl. '14. Monroe Doctrine and the Canning Myth. Charles H. Sherrill.

Same. Congressional Record: 51:6524-5 (unbound). Ap. 4, '14. Annals of the American Academy. 54:99-106. Jl. '14. Attitude of Europe toward the Monroe Doctrine. A. Maurice Low. *Annals of the American Academy. 54: 107-12. Jl. '14. What European Countries Think of the Monroe Doctrine. Herbert Kraus.

Annals of the American Academy. 54: 130-3. Jl. '14. Monroe Doctrine.

Atlantic Monthly. 89: 482-91. Ap. '02. Pan-American Diplomacy. John W. Foster.

Atlantic Monthly. 113: 305-15. Mr. '14. Monroe Doctrine and Latin America. F. Garcia Calderon.

Atlantic Monthly. 115: 99-110. Ja. '15. New Era of Good Feeling. L. Ames Brown.

Bench and Bar, n. s. 7:41-6. D. '13. Lord Haldane, Mexico and the Monroe Doctrine.

Century. 62: 283-97, 405-19. Je.-Jl. 'o1. Venezuelan Boundary Dispute. Grover Cleveland.

Century. 86: 750-64. S. '13. Monroe Doctrine in the Venezuela Dispute. Charles R. Miller.

*Chautauquan. 22: 549-56. F. '96. Monroe Doctrine and Some of Its Applications. James Albert Woodburn.

Chautauquan. 34:467-74. F. '02. Our Dog in the Manger Policy in South America. George B. Waldron.

Chautauquan. 34: 492-501. F. '02. Spanish America and the Monroe Doctrine. E. E. Sparks.

Contemporary Review. 105:21-9. Ja. '14. President Wilson's
Latin-American Policy. A. Maurice Low.
Same. Living Age. 280:451-7. F. 21, '14.

Current Opinion. 57:85. Ag. '14. Pan-American Diplomacy Superseding the Monroe Doctrine in Mexico.

Eclectic Magazine. 146: 195-204. Mr. '06. Latin America and the United States.

Edinburgh Review. 203: 236-62. Ja. '06. Growth of an American Foreign Policy.

Same. Living Age. 248:515-34. Mr. 3, '06.

Edinburgh Review. 219: 212-36. Ja. '14. New Monroism. Walter A. Phillips.

Same. Living Age. 280:643-58. Mr. 14, '14.

Everybody's. 25:756-65; 26: 77-85. D. '11-Ja. '12. Dollar Diplomacy; Uncle Sam, Wall Street and Co. Open a SpanishAmerican Branch. Henry M. Hyde.

Fortnightly Review. 78:837-51. N. '02.

J. Brougham Leech.

Same. Living Age. 236:129-40. Ja. 17, '03.

Monroe Doctrine.

Forum. 20:713-20. F. '96. Lord Salisbury and the Monroe Doctrine. Oscar S. Straus.

Gunton's. 24: 302-6. Ap. '03. Application of the Monroe Doctrine by Europe. R. S. Guernsey.

*Harper's Magazine. 100: 857-69. N. '04. Non-Intervention and the Monroe Doctrine. John Bassett Moore.

Harper's Weekly. 46: 1978. D. 20, '02. Correct English View of the Monroe Doctrine.

Harper's Weekly. 47: 187-8. Ja. 31, '03. German Emperor and the Monroe Doctrine.

Harper's Weekly. 47: 230. F. 7, '03. Europe and the Monroe Doctrine. Sydney Brooks.

Harper's Weekly. 49:9. Ja. 7, '05. Ex-Secretary Root on the Monroe Doctrine.

Harper's Weekly. 49: 276, 293. F. 25, '05. Europe and the New Monroe Doctrine. Sydney Brooks.

Harper's Weekly. 49: 528-9. Ap. 15, '05. Varying Views of the New Monroe Doctrine.

Harper's Weekly. 49: 1220. Ag. 26, '05. President Roosevelt on the Monroe Doctrine.

*Harper's Weekly. 50: 1738-9. D. 8, '06. Evolution of the Monroe Doctrine.

Harvard Graduates Magazine. 14:13-24. S. '05. European Concert and the Monroe Doctrine. James B. Angell.

Also published in his Selected Addresses. Longmans. 1912.

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