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Resolved, That the Monroe Doctrine should be continued as part of the permanent foreign policy of the United States.


I. The Monroe Doctrine has been the subject of considerable discussion in the past few years.

A. In conferences which have convened for the special study of our international relations.

B. In the press, on the platform, and by the people, not only in the United States, but also in Europe and in Central and South America.

C. It has been condemned by some and vigorously reasserted by others as part of our foreign policy. II. The Monroe Doctrine, as formulated in President Monroe's message of 1823, was the result of two circumstances. A. The claim of Russia to occupy territory in the Northwest.

B. The threatened intervention of the Holy Alliance to restore to Spain her former South American colonies.

III. President Monroe's declaration was

A. That the American continents were thereafter not to be considered open to colonization by European Powers.

B. That any intervention in South American affairs would be regarded as unfriendly toward the United States. IV. It is generally admitted that the Doctrine has been extended to include

A. That the United States has a paramount interest in

American affairs.

B. That it will resist, forcibly if necessary, all European

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3. The extension of existing boundaries.


The transfer of sovereignty or territory, if against the interests of the United States.


I. Both reason and authority support the Monroe Doctrine as part of our foreign policy.

A. It is based on the right of self-defense which is supported by international law. N

B. It is also based on the duty of preserving the peace and safety and the desirability of maintaining the republican governments of our weaker neighbors. C. It has been declared and followed by the United States ever since it was first stated.


It has been declared and acted upon again and again by the executive branch of our Government.

2. Although it has never been enacted into law by Congress, every resolution relating to it has been in its support.

D. It has been supported by other nations.

1. European Powers have acquiesced in its mainte


2. Every Latin-American republic has at some time

or other affirmed it.

E. The argument that it has been extended, and without justification, beyond the limits set by Monroe is unsound.

I The underlying principle is the same.

2. The extensions have been in harmony with the development of the interests of the United States. F. It is not true that the Monroe Doctrine prevents European Powers from enforcing their just claims against Latin-American republics.

1. European Powers have every right to intervene in behalf of their own interests or that of their subjects so long as they do not contemplate permanent occupation of Latin-American territory.

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