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Alerding v. Allison (Ind.) Judgment-Distinc-

tion Between Law of the Case and Res Ad-

judicata, R. D. 63.

Allen-West Commission Co. v. Grumbles (U. S.
C. C.. W. D. Ark.) Do the Married Wom-
en's Acts Permit a Personal Judgment to be
Rendered Against a Married Woman Gar-
nished for Her Husband's Debt? Ed. 215.
American Loan & Trust Co. v. Grand Rivers Co.
(U. S. C. C., W. D. Ky.) Is the Federal Gov-
ernment Capable of Taking Ownerless Prop-
erty by Escheat. Ed. 429.

Anderson v. Aupperle (Oreg.) Evidence-Ad-
missibility of Introducing in Evidence in
Proof of Seduction the Child Born of the
Meretricious Union, R. D. 394.

Barthell v. Chicago, M. & St. P. Ry. Co. (Iowa)

Lien for Attorneys' Fees-Enforcement-

Settlement by Client, R. D. 123.

Bashford v. Wells (Kan.) Adultery-Is Cohabita-
tion Between a Married Man and a Single
Woman Adultery? R. D. 376.

Batson v. Fidelity Mut. Life Ins. Co. (Ala.) In-
surance-Commencement of Risk-Payment
of Note, R. D. 122.

Baumgartner v. Hodgdon (Minn.) Assault and
Battery-Abusive Language of Prosecuting
Witness Tending to Mitigate Damages, R.
D. 254.

Bennett v. Ware (Ga.) Physicians and Surgeons
"Magic Healing" not the "Practice of Med-
icine," ann. case, 221.

Bovaird v. Bovaird (Kan.) Is a Cause of Ac-
tion for Divorce Affected by Repentance and
Promises of Reform on the Part of the
Wrong-doer? Ed. 335.

Bucklev v. Buckley (Wash.) Marriage-Right to
Alimony on Annulment of Marriage, R. D.

Burgraf v. Byrnes (Minn.) Trial and Procedure

-When Party Erroneously

Burden of Proof, R. D. 198.

City of Independence v. Knoepfker (Mo.)
Decision Holding that Time Being the Es-
sence of a Paving Contract, a Board of Al-
dermen Cannot Extend the Time for Per-
formance. Ed. 21.

Collins, Ex parte (Cal.) Criminal Law-Stay of
Execution, ann. case, 343.

Connell v. Iowa State Traveling Men's Associa-
tion (Iowa) Insurance-Suicide-Presump-
tions, R. D. 142.

Corea v. Higuera (Cal.) Easement-What is a
"Way of Necessity," R. D. 216.

Cunha v. Gallery (R. I.) Statute of Frauds-Suf-

ficiency of Writing-Contents of Memoran-

dum and Description of Land, R. D. 102.

Cunningham v. Castle (N. Y.) Is an Automobile
a "Dangerous Instrument" Within the Mean-
ing of the Rule Holding a Master Liable
for its Permitted Personal Use by his Ser-
vant, Ed. 467.

District of Columbia v. Robinson (Dist. of Col.)

Enforcement of Obsolete Laws, Ed. 141.

Dole v. New Orleans Railway & Light Company
(La.) Street Railroads Care Required to
Prevent Collision with Fire Department
Apparatus, R. D. 336.

Dunham v. Public Service Corporation of N. J.



J. Street Railroads-Liability

Crowded Condition of Cars, R. D. 180.

Fay v. Lambourne (N. Y.) Trade-marks-In-
junctions-No Equities between Rogues, R.
D. 65.

French v. Transportation Co. (Mass.) Carriers-

Validity of General Clause Exempting Rail-

roads from Liability for Destruction

Baggage, R. D. 274.

Gillespie v. First National Bank (Okla.) Bills
and Notes-Evidence, R. D. 123.

Hahn v. Conreid Metropolitan Opera Co. (N. Y.) ·

Master and Servant-What Constitutes a

Safe "Place" to Work, ann. case, 305.

Hawley, Ex parte (S. Dak.) Judicial Notice-

Nursery Regulations-Constitutional Law,

R. D. 64.

Henderson v. State of Florida (Fla.) Pardon-
Effect of Breach of Condition, ann. case 187.
Hill v. Mundy (Ky.) Cujus Est Instituere Ejus
Est Abrogare, Ed. 61.

Assumes the

Canon City v. Manning (Colo.) Injunction-Re-
straining Proceedings Under Penal Ordin-
ances. ann. case, 364.

Charge to Grand Jury. In re (U. S. D. C., S. D.

Ga.) The Workings of the Prohibition Law

in Georgia, Ed. 449.

Undue Influence from Professional Relation-
ship of Testator and Legatee, R. D. 377.

Johnson v. Tennessee Oil, etc., Co. (N. J.) Cor-

porations-Payment for Capital Stock in

Overvalued Property, R. D. 83.

Johnson v. Western Union Telegraph Co. (S.
Car.) Damages-Relationship and "Mental
Anguish," ann. case, 285.

Knickerbocker Ice Co. v. Gardiner Dairy Co.
(Md.) Evidence-Telephonic Communica-
tions. R. D. 198; ann. case, 201.

Kruger v. Kruger (I.) Divorce-Conditional
Divorce-Final Decree After One Year, R.
D. 104.

Lee v. Western Union Telegraph Company (Ky.)
Telegraphs and Telephones-Recovery of
Damages for Mental Suffering Dependent
Upon the Relationship between the Par-
ties, R. D. 451.

Lehr v. Murphy (Wis.) Corporations-Creditors'

Suit-When Maintainable-Foreign Corpora-

tion Defendant, ann. case. 152.

Lin Hop Fong v. United States (U. S. S. C.) Ap-
peal in Chinese Exclusion Cases-Hearing
de novo, R. D. 23.

Lunnun v. Morris (Cal.) Appeal and Error-Pre-
sumptions on Appeal in Support of the Judg-
ment, R. D. 234.

Martin v. Veana Food Co., Ltd. (Mich.) Corpora-

tions-Subscription to Stock-Misrepresen-

tations-Representations of Fact, ann. case,

Mayfield Water & Light Co. v. Webb's Admr.
(Ky.) Negligence-Places Attractive to Chil-
dren, ann. case, 419.

Mead v. Baum (N. J.) Husband and Wife-Right
of Husband to Sue for Injury to Wife Oc-
curring Before Marriage and During Their
Engagement, R. D. 275.

Motley, Green & Co. v. Detroit Steel & Spring
Co. (U. S. C. C.) S.. D. N. Y.) Liability of
"Fourth Parties" for Interference with Con-
tractual Relations. Ed. 253.

Nelson V Johnson (Minn.) Innkeepers-Who

Are? R. D. 162.

New York Life Insurance Company v. Hardison,
Ins. Comr. (Mass.) Life Insurance-Power of
State to Determine Form and Provisions of
Life Insurance Policies, R. D. 298.

Off & Co. v. Morehead (Ill.) Constitutional Law

-Bulk Sales Law of 1905 Held Void, ann.

case, 166.

Peese v. Gellerman (Tex.) Superior Right of

Parent to Custody of Minor Child, Ed. 197.

People v. Knickerbocker Trust Company (N.

Y.) Excessive Allowances to Receivers of

Defunct Banking Institutions a Reproach to

the Administration of Justice, Ed. 233.

People v. Ranney (Mich.) Criminal Law-Cor-
pus Delicti-Evidence of-Confession of Ac-
cused, R. D. 103.

Pere Marquette R. Co. v. Strange (Ind.) Carriers
-Commencement of Relation of Passenger
and Carrier-Degree of Care, R. D. 84.
Philips v. City of Mobile (U. s. S. C.), Com-
merce-Intoxicating_Liquors-Municipal Li-
cense-Wilson Act, Ed. 2.

Portland Company v. Hall & Grant Construction
Company (N. Y.) Foreign Corporations-
Pleading Capacity to Sue-Sufficiency of
Complaint, R. D. 3.

Rockmore, In re (N.. Y.) Is a Reflection on Trial

Court's Motives in Rendering Decision

Ground for Disbarment? Ed. 355.

Rumble v. Cummings (Oreg.) Agency-Burden
of Proof-Evidence, R. D. 84.

Rush v. Oregon Power Co. (Oreg.) Master and
Servant-Duty of Master to Furnish Safe
Appliance, ann. case, 50.

Salmen Brick & Lumber Co. v. Peterson (La.)
Contracts-Admissibility of Parol Evidence
to Vary, R. D. 122.

Sauers v. Smits (Wash.) Physicians and Sur-
geons-Action for Malpractice-Sufficiency
of Evidence, ann. case, 88.

Scott v. University of Michigan Athletic Assn.

(Mich.) Theaters and Shows-Liability of

Management for Injury to Spectator Under

Implied Contract as to Safety, R. D. 412.

Smedley v. Speckman (U. S. C. C. of App. Third
Circuit) Assignments-Mode and Sufficiency
-Equitable Assignment, R. D. 64.

Smith v. Blank (Kan.) Property Retained by
Attorneys on Ground of Illegal or Immoral
Design on Part of Parties Who Trusted
Them. Ed. 81.

Smith v. North Carolina R. Co. (N. C.) Carriers
of Passengers-Duty to Passengers at Des-
tination, R. D. 42.

Standard Supply Co. v. Carter (S. Car.) Damages

-Earning Capacity and Anticipatory Pro-

fits, ann. case, 457.

Starr v. Bankers' Union of the World (Neb.)
Mutual Benefit Insurance-Powers of AsSO-
ciation-Ultra Vires, R. D. 43.

State v. Campbell (Mo.) The Failure of Amer-
ican Criminal Law, Ed. 411.

State v. District Board of School Dist. No. 1
(Wis.) Schools and School Districts-Sus-
pension of Pupils, ann. case, 241.

State v. Fabrick (N. Dak.) Courts-Original Jur-

isdiction of Supreme Courts Limited to

Questions Publici Juris Affecting the Sov-

ereignty of the State or the General Wel-

fare, R. D. 468.

State v. Gerbing (Fla.) Right of a State to Con-

vey Title to Tide Lands or Exclusive Priv-

ilege to Plant Oysters, or to Conduct any

Other Private Enterprise Thereon, Ed. 179.

State v Kenner (Okla.) Courts-Supreme Court

-Jurisdiction-Injunction, ann. case, 324.

State v. King (Wash.) Criminal Trial-Com-

ments of Judge on Giving Instructions, R.

D. 316.

State v. Lipp (Mo.) Weapons-Right to Use Gun

in Threatening Manner to Resist a Trespass,

R. D. 376.

Supreme Lodge Knights of Honor v. Hahn (Ind.)
Insurance Fraternal Insurance-Relation
of Supreme Lodge to Members, ann. case, 69.
Swift V. Independent Telephone Company
(Wash.) Right of Telephone Company to
Limit Use of Telephone to Subscriber, Ed.
Tarnow v. Carmichael (Neb.) Vendor and Pur-
chaser-Consideration, ann. case, 126.

Tomlinson v. Armour & Co. (N. J.) Negligence-
Liability of Manufacturers of Food Products
for Injuries to Third Persons, ann. case, 380.
Ulster Square Dealer v. Fowler (N. Y.) Right
of Equity to Restrain Criminal Proceedings
Instituted Vexatiously or to Affect the Ex-
ercise of Civil Rights, Ed. 297.

United States v. Atchison. Topeka & Santa Fe

Railway Co. (U. S. C. C. of App., Eighth Cir-

cuit) Extent of Railroad's Liability for Fail-

ure to Comply with Provisions of the Fed-

eral Safety Appliance Act, ann. case, 476.

United States v. Standard Oil Company of In-

diana (U. S. C. C. of App.. Seventh

cuit) The Standard Oil Rebate Case, Ed. 101.
Van Syckel v. Johnson (N. J.) Charities-Par-
tial Invalidity, ann. case, 261.

Ward v. City Trust Co. of New York (N. Y.)

Bills and Notes-Notice to Transferree-

Corporate Paper-Transfer by Officer, ann.

case, 28.

Williams v. Goldberg (N. Y.) Landlord and Ten-

ant-Personal Injuries due to Defective

Premises Where Condition of Premises is

Misrepresented to Tenant, R. D. 62.

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Central Law Journal.

ST. LOUIS, MO., JULY 3, 1903.


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The relationship of a bail and his principal arises out of the relationship the parties have established between them selves, and not by a court process, so that, a bail making the arrest of his principal anywhere he finds him, in the United States, is justifiable. An interesting case of this sort is that of In re Von der Ahe, 85 Fed. Rep. 959. Chris Von der Ahe is a picturesque character in St. Louis; gained great notoriety as the president of the victorious "Brown Sox" base ball team, captained by Charles Comiskey, now president of the "White Sox" team of Chicago. It seems that Chris got into trouble in Philadelphia whereby an action of trespass for malicious prosecution was brought against him under the laws of Pennsylvania, in Allegheny County. Chris was arrested by virtue of a capias and taken into custody. To procure his release, he secured one, Nimick, to "go his bail." The condition of the bond was that he (Von der Ahe) "shall satisfy the condemnation money and costs, or render himself into the custody of the sheriff of Allegheny County, or in default thereof, that said W. A. Nimick, the above named bail, will do so for him." Chris was released, but the case went against him, and was finally affirmed in the supreme court. Under the Pennsylvania practice, it is notable that the bail may discharge themselves by a surrender of the principal at any time prior to fourteen. days after the service of the scire facias, or summons, issued after the termination of the action, and upon the execution of




the bond, "it shall be lawful for the bail therein, to have, from the officer by whom it is taken, a bail price," etc. Chris, having failed to pay the judgment or surrender himself to the sheriff, Nimick, the bail, on February 3rd, 1898, took out a bail piece, duly and properly certified. By indorsement thereon, Nimick authorized Bendell, the respondent, to execute same, and in his "behalf, to take, seize and surrender to the sheriff of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, said Chris Von der Ahe." In pursuance of such authority, Bendell subsequently came to St. Louis, having secured assistance, seized Von der Ahe on the street, and by main force, put him into a hack and, despite Chris' cries for help, he was carried to the depot and placed on the cars. Several attempts were made on the way to Pennsylvania to take Chris from the bail, but were futile, and he was, by main force, delivered to sheriff of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. Thereupon Chris sued out a writ of habeas corpus, alleging that he was a citizen of the state of Missouri, "that no legal proceedings, if any such, could have been had, were begun to warrant any such arrest in the state of Missouri, and that contrary to article 5 of the amendments to the constitution of the United States, he was deprived of his liberty without due process of law. The court said: "Of late years we have grown so accustomed to the proceedings by requisition that we have come to regard it as the only means by which a person can be removed from one state to another. An examination of the authorities, state and federal, shows, however, that, under certain circumstances, bail have the right to arrest their principals, wherever they find them, and remove them from the forum from which they have been released, and to which they have obligated themselves to surrender. these authorities it would seem settled that when one is arrested, and bail is given, such principal is regarded as delivered to the custody of the bail; that the bail has a right to arrest or take the principal into


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