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"The people were astonished and indignant at the way they were handed over to the enemy's mercy and occupation. But what could they do? When generals, and armed and drilled soldiers give up and retire, what can unarmed and undisciplined citizens do before a foe advancing by land and water?

"Throw brickbats at them,' said one. Indeed! that would be well enough, if the enemy would deal in the same missiles.

"The bones of Gen. Jackson, the defender of New Orleans, must have turned in his grave at the Hermitage, a few miles away, at such a surrender.

"A few months before, on urgent call, every man who had a rifle or double-barrel gun, had brought it forward and given it up for army service. Not fifty serviceable guns could our citizens have mustered. No, not even pikes, though they had just enrolled themselves and resolved to have them made, and if Gen. Johnston made a stand before the city, they were resolved to stand with him. Such of them as were not willing to be surrendered to the uncovenanted mercies of Lincolndom, with the prospect of having the oath tendered them or the bastile, followed the retiring


"After taking my family as far as Decatur, I returned to Nashville on Wednesday. The stores were closed and bolted; the streets deserted, save by a guard here and there, and a press-gang taking up every man they could find, and sending him to load government pork into barges, upon which it was being taken up the river, and put out of the enemy's way. Had a stand been made before the city, or even a feint of a stand, no doubt all the government stores could have been removed safely. As it is, vast amounts have been thrown away, wasted, given out, both from the quartermaster's and commissary's departments. At one time the doors were thrown open to whomsoever would, under the impression that they had better let the poor have these provisions than the enemy, who was expected instantly. A friend said he saw quantities of meat lying on the roadside, where persons, having overloaded their carts, had thrown it out. Barrels of flour, sacks of coffee, tierces of lard and meat, were rolled into private houses and back yards, with hundreds of boxes of candles, bolts of cloth, etc. Afterwards this order was countermanded, as the enemy was not exactly at the door, and a guard placed over the stores, and an effort made to get them off by railroad and boat. Private carriages, hacks and carts, were stopped in the street and pressed into service, and some of my friends had to get their baggage to the station in wheel-barrows. Advantage was taken of the confusion and dismay of the hour for private injustice and irresponsible oppression. The selfishness developed in such a crisis is humiliating.






"The opinion prevails there that Nashville will be burnt, first or last—if not when we leave it, then when we drive the enemy out of it. For Tennesseeans are resolved that the enemy shall not rest on their soil. Gen. Floyd and staff left Thursday morning, and it was understood that Capt. John H. Morgan, with his company, would retire slowly, as the enemy in force entered. The Louisiana cavalry, Col. Scott, were near Franklin, on their way to the vicinity of Nashville, where they will act as scouts and hold the enemy closely in bounds.



"As far out as Brentwood, Franklin and Columbia, some people are leaving their homes and sending off their slaves. Others, deeply committed Southerners, stand and risk the consequences. They look for inconveniences and heavy losses, staying or going.

"In reply to the question often asked, whether any Union element has been developed by these events: There was always some of this element in Nashville, but in very inconsiderable proportion to the population. Let Unionists show their hands and heads now; it is hoped they will. We have friends enough left to watch them; and when the tide of war rolls back, the country will finally be purged of them, for they will have to leave with the Lincoln army.

"The great mass of Tennesseeans, especially Middle and West, are sound to the core, and thoroughly aroused for the first time. They chafe under the humiliation and disgrace of the surrender of their capital. Those that can will move their families out of the reach of immediate harm, and return to face the foe on a hundred fields. The great battles of the war are to be fought in the West. This is but the beginning. The people realize now what is at stake, and they will measure out wealth and blood without stint."

From Nashville the division of Mitchell made its way through Tennessee into Alabama, while Gen. Buell was to co-operate with Gen. Grant in the terrible field of Shiloh.




HE demonstrations upon Fort Henry and Fort Donelson were really part of the siege of Columbus and Island No. 10, the rebel strongholds, which were relied upon to permanently close the Mississippi River. The Federal strategy pierced the enemy's center, isolated and turned his wings, by the brilliant movements on the Tennessee and Cumberland. Bowling Green and Nashville were the first fruits, and then Columbus and the Island. So much had been said and believed in reference to the strength of Columbus, that a long siege was anticipated, and therefore the country was surprised above measure when it was announced on the 3d of March, 1862, that it had fallen without a struggle!

General Halleck's dispatch of March 4th, modestly said:

"The cavalry from Paducah marched into Columbus, yesterday, at 6 P. M., driving before them the enemy's rear-guard. The flag of the Union is flying over the boasted Gibraltar of the West. Finding himself completely turned on both sides of the Mississippi, the enemy was obliged to evacuate or surrender. Large quantities of artillery and stores were captured."

The naval force under Admiral Foote consisted of six gunboats and four mortar-boats. There were four transports conveying Col. Buford's 27th Ill., a battalion of the 54th and 74th Ohio and 55th


217 Ill., six companies, of the 55th, commanded by Major Sanger, forming a brigade under Brigader-General Sherman. The expedition moved cautiously to Lucas Bend from which the bluffs of Columbus were visible in the morning light. The fleet was made ready for action, and then doubts arose if there was anything to attack. An examination showed the batteries in position, but where was the foe? On the right-hand side of the river a man was seen in a cornfield, retreating. A boat was sent to him, and he gave the information that Columbus was deserted by the rebels, who had carried with them arms and ammunition as far as possible, and had burnt most of the town. A flag was seen which puzzled the officers of the expedition, for it wore too many stripes for Secessia, and yet had not the appearance of the national bunting. On landing a party the facts were ascertained. On the previous afternoon a detachment of the 2d Illinois' Cavalry, numbering about 600 men, under charge of Lieutenant-Colonel Hogg, had arrived from Paducah and taken possession. The strange flag was one improvised from pieces of calico.

General Polk had with him not less than 20,000 men, and they were within fortifications of great strength, but he deemed it necessary to give up their stronghold and retire without a blow. A singular evil-fortune has attended every effort of the rebels to hold posts on the Mississippi from Paducah to New Orleans. Among the relics was Pillow's great chain, costing forty thousand dollars, designed to obstruct the river against Yankee gunboats. One end was anchored in the bluff, and the other stretching across the river, but alas! it was destined to serve no better purpose than the famous diteh excavated aforetime, within the breast-work by order of the venerable warrior-sage! The chain was broken!

General Pope, with a formidable land force was operating against the enemy. On the 28th of February he moved toward New Madrid, encamping the first night, twelve miles from Commerce. The second day there was a cavalry skirmish near Sykestown, the Union force being under Captain Webster, 7th Ill., resulting in the capture of three small rifled cannon and four rebel prisoners. Approaching New Madrid the command was formed in line of battle including the 7th Illinois Cavalry, and 26th Infantry. The rebel

gunboats from Columbus were before the town, and threw shot and shell in the vicinity of the Union forces though with trifling effect, and in the afternoon General Pope gave the order to fall back. He sent a request to Cairo for four siege guns, twenty-four-pounders, and placed General Plummer, 11th Mo., with a battery, three regiments of infantry and three companies of cavalry at Mount Pleasant, twelve miles below, thus blockading the river and cutting off supplies and reinforcements. The enemy brought reinforcements from Island No. 10 until he had concentrated some nine thousand infantry, besides artillery, and nine gunboats under Commodore Hollins. The rebel land forces were under Generals McCown, Stewart and Gantt. On the 12th the seige guns arrived from Cairo, at sunset, and that night were placed in a battery within eight hundred yards of the rebel main works, so as to command it and the river above it, and within thirty-six hours from their reception at Cairo, they were thundering against the defences of McCown.

General Pope says in his official report:

“One brigade, consisting of the 10th and 16th Illinois, under Colonel Morgan of the 10th, was detailed to cover the construction of the battery, and to work in the trenches. They were supported by Stanley's division, consisting of the 27th, 39th, 43d and 63d Ohio. Capt. Mower of the 1st U. S. Infantry, with companies A and H of his regiment, was placed in charge of the siege guns.

"The enemy's pickets and grand guards were driven in by Col. Morgan from the ground selected for the battery, without firing a shot, although the enemy fired several volleys of musketry. The work was prosecuted in silence, and with the utmost rapidity until at 3 o'clock, A. M., two small redoubts, connected by a curtain and mounting the four heavy guns which had been sent me, were completed, together with rifle-pits in front and on the flanks, for two regiments of infantry. Our batteries opened as soon as the day dawned and were replied to in front and on the flanks by the whole of the enemy's heavy artillery on land and water."

Through the day the furious cannonading continued. General Paine, supported by General Palmer's division, was ordered to make a demonstration against the rebel entrenchments on the left of our forces, and did so, driving the pickets, his skirmishers forcing their way close to the main ditch.

That night, in a blinding thunder-storm, the rebel forces evacuated in haste, "leaving their dead unburied, their suppers untouched,

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