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Manual of Patriotism


For Use in the Public Schools
of the State of New York

Edition of 1904


Charles R. Skinner

State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Albany, New York, 1900,



JK170J 1566




Gen 24/4/28

With its Red for love, and its White for law, And its Blue for the hope that our fathers saw Of a larger liberty.



Patriotism is more than a sentiment; it is a conviction based upon a comprehension of the duties of a citizen and a determination loyally to perform such duties. Patriotism is love of country, born of familiarity with its history, reverence for its institutions and faith in its possibilities, and is evidenced by obedience to its laws and respect for its flag.

American citizenship, safeguarded by the public schools, stands for the best that our institutions can offer to a free and happy people. Believing that our schools should be nurseries of patriotism, it has for many years been my constant purpose to encourage the study of history among the youth of our commonwealth as the strongest inspiration to patriotic citizenship and all that it implies. This book represents the fulfilment of such purpose, and is offered to the teachers of the State in the confident hope that the object sought to be accomplished may find ready and enthusiastic supporters among all educators who are striving for the best results of educational effort.

I have been inspired by the belief that to preserve our free institutions in all their old-time vigor and prestige, our system of public education must more and more lay stress on those civic virtues which develop and ennoble true and patriotic citizenship. This belief has steadily grown under the encouraging sympathy of thoughtful citizens, experienced educators, and patriotic organizations. The legislature of the State has acknowledged the growth of patriotic spirit by providing for the publication of a patriotic manual for use in the public schools of our State, and for its free distribution among them.

The task imposed upon the State Superintendent of Public Instruction by this enactment has not been easy. The limitations to the broad scope of material that could legitimately be made part of such a work were by no means easy to determine. The plan finally adopted and followed in the compilation of this volume was to present

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