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13. All names of the Deity should begin with capitals. The pronouns which refer to Deity should begin with a capital if there is any possible danger of a misunderstanding of their reference, but not otherwise.

14. All personified words should begin with capitals.

15. The pronoun I and the interjection O should always be capitals, and Oh should always begin with one.

16. All abbreviations, used in place of words which require capitals, should also begin with capitals.

17. In all resolutions the word That, following the word Resolved, should begin with a capital.

18. Every broken line, as in the address and signature of letters, should begin with capitals, as should the chief words of such lines.

19. Every direct quotation should begin with a capital. 20. Every line of poetry should begin with a capital.


At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the National Educational Association, held in Washington, D. C., July 7, 1898, the following list of words with simplified spelling was approved, and their use ordered for all the pubiications of that association. These spellings are in accordance with the rules adopted by the American Philological Association in 1883.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

ā, long, as in...

ǎ, short, as in. â, as in..


ä, Italian, as in.....

ȧ, as in......

a, broad, as in


.āpe, hāte | ō, long, as in.

.băt, cătŎ, short, as in.

.shâre, beâr | ō, as in.

.ōver, ōde

.pot, Ŏdd

work, wōrm

.härm, pälm | ỏ, like short ŭ, as in...........òther, some .gråss, brancho, like long ō0, as in....prove, tomb draw, hạll | ọ, like short 00, as in.... wọlf, bọsom ....ôrb, hôrse

ạ, like short Ŏ, as in................what, wạs ô, like broad ạ, as in

[blocks in formation]

e, like long ā, as in....... .obey, grey | ŭ, short, as in.............

[blocks in formation]

.ŭp, bŭt, růb

.fērn, her ụ. preceded by r, as in.. rumor, erude .ēelu, like short oo, as in..... pull, fully

..mine, mire

û, as in..

.it, pity y, long, as in....

I, like long ē, as in..ravïne, machine y, short, as in..

[blocks in formation]

tûrn, ûrn, try

...icy, pitý

myrrh, myrtle

[blocks in formation]

.wisdom, eggs wh, like йw, as in......wheat, whip

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

a bil' ity, talent; power to perform. | lī brā ry, a collection of, or a place

[blocks in formation]

är' ehi těet, one whose occupation is to form plans and designs of buildings.

eăr'ol, a song of joy; to sing.

com' mis să ry, an officer who pro

vides food for troops.

eon fěs' sion, act of confessing; avowal.

[blocks in formation]

pōr' ti eo, a colonnade at the entrance of a building.

pū sil lăn' i mous, cowardly; mean;


răb' bet, groove in edge of a board. res' er voir (-vwor), a receptacle for liquid or gas.

dy'nȧ mīte, a highly explosive com- syl' văn, forest-like.

frol' ie, a prank; a merrymaking.
hon' or (Ŏn'-er), veneration; a nice
sense of right; mark of respect.
in dif' fer ent, having no interest.
in her' it, to receive as an heir.
in tĕr' ro gate, to put questions to.


tăç' it, implied; inferred.

thor' ōugh (thur' o), searching; perfect.

tre měn' doŭs, dreadful; awe-inspiring.

wom' an (woom'an), an adult female person (pl. women).

[ocr errors]



á' ere, 160 square rods of land.
ág' ri cŭl ture, the art of cultivating
the ground; farming.

ǎr' à ble, fit for plowing or tillage.

băr' råcks, a set of buildings for

lodging soldiers.

feign (fāne), to pretend.

fe lic' i ty, bliss; well-founded happiness.

hymn, a song of praise.

id' i Ŏt, a fool; a term of reproach. in çi děn' tal ly, casually.

bor' ōugh (bŭr'o), an incorporated in těl lĕe' tu al, mental; characterized

village or town.

eǎv' i ty, a hollow place.

dis coûr' te ous (-kûr-), impolite;

dis erě' tion, prudence; liberty to act.
dis sen' sion, angry disagreement.
ex çèp' tion, an objection; the act of

ex eūs' à ble, pardonable.

făm' ine, general dearth. Scal

by intelligence.

ly' ing, reclining; telling a falsehood.
maize, Indian corn.

re çite', to tell over; narrate.
sew (so), to stitch.

ve răn' då, an open portico adjoining
outer door.

věs' ti būle, an antechamber next the entrance of a building.

wig' wam, an Indian hut or cabin.



Remember that everywhere the business man is seeking for efficient and reliable workmen, and they are the ones who are quickly advanced in place and salary.

ǎe count' ant, one who is skilled in, | căp' ital, money or property emkeeps or adjusts, accounts. ployed in trade, manufactures, etc. 'ǎp prais' er, one who fixes the value çer tif' i eate, a written voucher atof goods or estates. ǎs'sets, entire property belonging or due to a person, corporation, or estate.

au' dit, to examine and adjust accounts; as, to audit the accounts of

a treasurer.

testing to some fact.
count' ing-house, office of a


chant, or business house, where accounts are kept.

erěd' it õr, one to whom a debt is due. děb' it, to charge with debt; an entry on the debtor side of an account.

děbt'or, one who owes a debt.
děf' i çit, a falling short; a lack.
în' ven tō ry, an itemized list of
goods or valuables.

re çēipt' (-seet'), acknowledgment of money paid.

re source', funds; available means of any kind.

in' voice, a written list of goods rev' e nue, return from an investshipped or received.

joûr' nal, an account book containing a condensation of daily entries, etc. lědġ' er, the final book of entry in business transactions.

ment; income.

set' tle ment, adjusting of accounts. sŏl' ven çy, ability to pay all debts. sum' ma ry, an abridged account; brief.

li à bil' i ties, debts; the sum of one's sûr' plus, excess; more than enough. pecuniary obligations. vouch' er, a document which vouches

mon' eys, the lawful currency of a nation.

to the truth of an account, etc.; one who vouches.



"The forming of the dictionary habit in a student is one of the most valuable things that a school can do for him."

är' chives, a depository for public | fune' tion, specific power; the per

records, documents, etc.

ǎt' ti tūde, posture; position.

bludgeon, a short, thick club.

forming of any duty, office or calling.

il lus' trāte, to make clear by means

of figures, examples, etc.

cȧ the' dral, the head church in a măl' içe, ill-will; active malevolence. diocese.

eol li' sion, coming together violently. de lír' i um, a wandering of the mind. diph' thong, a union of two vowels in one syllable.

niche (ních), a shell-like recess in a

wall for a statue, bust, etc. pär quet' (-kay'), the main floor of a


pho nog' rå phy, shorthand writing.

făl' low, uncultivated; plowed but pro trǎet', to lengthen; to prolong.

not sown.

for beâr' ançe, patient toleration of offences.

fôr' ti fy, to strengthen; to confirm.

rus' ti cāte, to live or dwell in the country.

sub merge', to flood; to put under


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